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(*)Procedurally, this author quotes NewKingJames-Version of the Holy Bible (unless otherwise specified), possibly at times combining overlap highlights from the ReferenceKingJames-Version particularly at places certain “Or,” “Hebrew,” or “Greek” rework as English translation is entered to access within that very published application, that may be looked into as C. T.’s “revision version” but only by excerpts individually, as usually bracketed. Reading/s by "Eck's O Codes" visitors (tourists!?) helps make a connection bond between scripture and the reader, if one spy the 'scrips' shared on.
(*)Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited, including both previous and concurrent version(s). The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal such as the owner takes copyright law seriously, that then any of you as observers might not take of another’s work or else take this for granted. Yes, even the side scroll "pattern" is this author's own copyright, creation, and artwork, made originally as a school-days-art-project, for your information. This author’s new right is that you may print selection to work from as of only the “directory” or either a scripture verse(s) utilized by this author as this is public domain in God’s own ancient text/s word-for-word in-order accounting, and settled in heaven, supernaturally preserved with prophesy's report, commendation per citation.
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Thank-you kindly for your interest and / or investment in advance.
-*race grace*-
Here-for-you ::; now, (please see other three (3) Blog/s pages, directed above.)
Based on main Poetry-Haven site ::
Author C. T. Eck holds a Professional / Technical Writing English BA university degree,
and has more recently made useages of these webspaces to use his visionary sight to make you all a conglomerate site, in more than one place!!
= =
THE very latest Update mid-'23 is...'AppleBust Blog' content (click quick above right, right!?), therein there Entry #11 / 10 (whoa yeah!!). O happy day!
RE : 'Recipe' Equation, a Possible Mission
The 'Ministry Belief Statement' online for
(Word + faith)grace = payed saved
OR, in-another-sentence,
(GodheadLORD in the man Jesus + whosoever wills)gospel = payed saved
Word – The Book, God’s Holy Bible (truth), the scriptures matching our lives' aspects
+ faith – each has been given a (little) from the Highest (Father of spirits) to 'mix', any angle
x grace – faith accesses God’s grace for one-day-at-a-time (this gospel Church age)
= payed [&] – bloodbought accord with historical witnesses evidenced because of the Lord Jesus, raised from burial after finishing at the cross
[&] saved – out of a judged world while within it by the cross of Christ (staying a disciple once converted)
> accounts are in Acts [Bible-Book] by apostles' / teaching (including instruction, since word-for-word origins - preached to save), for our own histories' making (terms in "pray/ing" or "prayer" are mentioned more times in Acts, hence "acts" though conversions are not works even though discipling comes from the term "discipline," an obvious allusion should you accept the gospel - Christ's life and gospel) - in an age with all kinds of teachers, false or true (not a quiz); find the *Passover*-cross for us, beginning with a *Pentecost*-Christian Church (basics & built up belief) <
1 / 2 “Language Apiece” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.
Praise reaches Heaven arriving seven ways the similar same in any language as God-inhabited ‘Hallelujah’
Sound is the one thing everyone Spirit-born has established as the language the Christian nation saved believes
Preaching of the cross is a somehow foolish language that keeps saving those who are the saved
Evangelism is an outstanding language that brings those far off so near, and again if need be
Tongue-talking activates as an unknown language mysteriously spoken to God
Poetry is an altogether different kind of language read to teachable hearts
Sin is a language we have learned by default where the words of which we cannot escape alone
Grace is spoken out to all in which we gain access in faith by an enabled ministry preaching to save
Love comes in languages all its own in understanding to give, a carrying caring by those who accept
Peace is a speech we have not known but can realize when we agree aright
* * *
2 / 2 “Roses Are Read” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.
Roses are read poems where the rest just back petal
Violets are blew violence by the time they’re spelled
Daisies come yell-low and centered so to speak
Marigolds really divers dies seam crumpled all alive
Lilies oft called in valleys mount up to the sun’s circuit
Yes there are theirs of orchids, tulips, sunflowers, carnations, and daffodils
And but do we all of us have the time for the rhymes and eternal chances?
Many flowers are mighty things or what do they all each quite mean?
Here for a few fragile but not frail flowers for you that ye may hear!
Those bouquets and arrangements have a way what a heart meant.
We can all tell by the stars in your narrow or wide eyes bespy
A lot of what is not without question that either no or so yes is this test passed best
If you blink as you wink know you like the dearest most dear both written but living
A longer time is that there smile wears over but not out, an inner strength and stronger
Met an anointing sensed by scent tolled by another oversense on the essence of ascent
Where is whose whats watts of between mean and you?!
Grow a bell, plant a bulb, or try a cry only when if the stay-still is not unto upon a thrill frill bill
Roses are red, violets are blue,
Poetic justice ripe or poet conceit bred,
This poem is real if this poem is true.
So they say the sun dries grapes not raisins.
So what if there’s a needle in the haystack!
So when does the Kingdom of God happens?
So if this poem keeps going will my emotional heart attack?
I would not laugh, but God does, God that is, is that it?
Say I penguins are the monkeys of birdy day-of-Creation five?
How is it bread clicks down in a toaster and toast pops up out not yet toast when bread goes first (likened some like that descending within the gospel then ascension intercedes sessions as we service)?
Wow, cows drink water while it is the calves that drink milk so is this why when I milk out the bones in my shins and calves bulk bold?
If I turn on the TV and sit to watch but look out the window really a shield to what I see is this like when my dream and my nightmare structure each other plaid?
Why are carrot tops grabbable because bushy?
What makes a tomatoe veggie or fruit but not root or green?
When we’re going weird to o-range your apple colory,
Where do squashed squished watermelons if what would flatter splatter
And smashed bashed pumpkins but who could in laughter falter
Sound taught like a trumpet or fine fit like a flute?
Do the ayes have it only when there are no nays?
Or do you only know it when it shines on you like sun rays ))) ?
If chickens and eggs raise questions then my eyebrow raised itself degrees 45 but not temp. . .
The Words you spoke obtain dreams the judgment wheel “spokes” combine to uphold and just justice a save
Oh my milk and honey from the grass and flowers, I have Heaven’s when I by starting begin to wrestle the higher powers
So well greater than then the only two things that go are when the Saints "go marching in" a song. . .
Also where if "As for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity:"
- but peace shall be upon the Israel of God - over a Psalm [125] verse begun
These good newses proves out to stay in once John Baptist made the crooked places straight and the rough ways smooth over,
From the Heaven heights in the Earth depth of Isaiah unto the twice told in history even to come: the Sent Redeemer Lord
Jesus still saves the lost He crossed for.
All about the side-scroll geometric patterns, for this site:
The colors orange & blue are respectively the second (2) and fifth (5) colors of the seven-fold regular rainbow; both the vowels in JESUS of "e" and then "u" are respectively the second (2) and fifth (5) vowels as in a-e-i-o-u, or as they go: so, these numbers correspond and that is the "why" of "how" I picked out those very colors. Otherwise the red & green elsewhere are for Christmastime colorscape, as I suppose, traditionally green & red, and but of course. Though for the yellow & violet (purple), I am not too sure how those would fit it anywhere "along the lines," and but perhaps these could all double as famous sports teams' uniform colors, just maybe, or may well be not. . .
And now. . .some new new/s, not some fake news, or just something to ponder for the ages:
From the directly above quick-look, we see how or why I chose to pick the side-scroll colors, variously on this Site. So, why, if I oft and often write writ on "born again" themes, did I not go with baby (born) colors, like as if baby blue with bright pink? Formidably, these baby blue and bright pink are "born" colors that everyone accepts as representing new baby boys (baby blue for) and new baby girls (bright pink for) and I certainly do not ascertain to drive against all that. Howsoever, for "born again" colors, and because of for the strong reason I do make primary mention of the start-off of becoming & being born again, I actually choose to pick the colors I have already, that is the orange & blue along with the red & green. Why all that, though? You might say. For new Testament apparati, there is certainly a "change in the law" (and I direct my thought/s toward those who read, there in their Holy Bibles, the new Testament of) and therefore I make a change in the traditional baby colors because it be not a natural birth, but the hence of a "new birth" certainly and predominantly. Then there shall be two sets of two colors each, in the stead of baby blue and bright pink, for the at least two types of positions to get "saved" by, that is, 1 - saving knowledge, and 2 - serendipity experience. Those are bigger words and we all need saving knowledge at the first or once we get saved (to be "born again" is -to be- "saved") and otherwise for the either longwinded of us out here or else the shortsighted there is the concept of serendipity, or what is the process of discovering for oneself what one was not predictably presumably already looking for or towards. Thus it is with salvation, saving ourselves from out of this present evil world of which the whole world lies in wickedness and we must be saved by the specific name of 'Lord Jesus' called over us as we can call on Him too at baptism timing (yes, water baptism affirms Spirit baptism before, at, or after, and identifies the death ("A" repenting), burial (immersion in enough substance of water liquid to qualify burying), and resurrection (coming -up out of- the water grave, albeit temporary at that there), of the same Lord, Jesus, prophetically & historically witnessed). What makes this parallel a possibility is belief, which is why faith (believing in constant) is stressed accordingly. So, we have here basic orange & bold blue next along side to standard red & rich green, again over against baby blue & bright pink. Also, the other yellow & violet (purple) is merely for as some of us like to think of it: anointed yellow & royal purple (violet), and tends to be specifically unrelated (and but could be, more generally, supposedly) to this theme of born again stuffings already said by, and for the big reason that I have so many as of all of three (3) total Blogs up and going. Now you know! This has been your friendly neighborhood new new/s. . .
Poet Porter Posting as Mr. C. T. Eck
And you wager there's less place, to come to sure your peace,
Now anchor ships of life at this Port: let rest for your soul increase.
This Internet place is only for Mr. Eck's Blogs;
for his poetry-haven site,, go there also, and but please.
All up: ‘scroll dive’ the side pattern/s for differences but the same means
Blog 1//In Faith
Blog 2//VideoGaming Report
Blog 3//Knowledge College
Reading/s are worth doing just that - reading well, for "the ear tries words, as the palate tastes food" and one might like a speaker for more than what he or she is blaring speaking on.
Searching sometimes falls short, but once you find something worthy either by happenstance or by going through the search, it does bode very well, especially to profit what is being learned new every day by day.
here :
Notice - this webspace reads better from a desk computer venue rather than mobile. . .
[some Blogging pics displacing/s and writ -overlap- therefore not other than on 'mobile version' meant well and but again better on say a laptop]
. . . & it says "! Not secure" though well-thought-of by this Site Administrator is that there are absolutely No (None, zero) fill-in forms, store-front, nor modern transactions / donations aside from old-school mail-in (still, therefore for this strong reason, just very extremely Safe for all, each).
Heyyo Islet ‘Internet-Campers’:
Arrrre you ready for a steady, stand-tall, structured Free offering of not just one Blog but now totaling three Blogs on this webspace from new Poet, C. T. Eck?! This has been and is above excellence of reporting in accuracy of information, never leaving you guessing or wishing for less than a little more better. “Blog EINS” (for “1”) is described on its own page this sight of a site, and readies every reader for faithing as faithful as can be as you become into what you ever needed, under God. “Blog DEUX” (for “2”) is also described on its own page this sight of a site, and is all of comprehensive, thorough, and exhaustive on video gaming cross-compared as with authentic prayer with even more in store, on way sooner, to-be-included with three (3) brand new guest bloggers hand-picked by Blogger Eck, involving as well an in-blog Brochure on the Blog as a wholeness. Finally, and the only one of these three Blogs that is completed for us Islet (Island or Isle. . .) ‘Internet-Campers,’ is “Apple Bust Blog” (evenly described on its own page this sight of a site, too) that comes in just 10 stark and surprising entries much like there are merely 10 Commandments by God Almighty.
What the main site on sharing poetry, called, has to bring along is Eck’s new poetry-only thick-as-an-encyclopedia Book titled and subtitled, Poets Awake Saints Alive Lovers Among Lives Attune, with “247 Collected And Inspected, Original Poems, Comprising 16 Categories [“chapters”], Written And Illustrated By – C. T. Eck.” Included with this poems Book is a 10-page ‘Afterword’ essay by the author, that, like these websites, is less about Eck and more about what is brought up around at these fewer pages of “tech” to “codes” version/s (To find: visit, click the ‘Bookstore’ tab page, search this Book title (type the long title in the search bar field without the subtitle), and there you will hap upon the new Book Bio and this Author Bio, as you may gear up to go on to purchase, excitedly!).
Poet Eck, C. T.
F r e e poeming per this website, [copyrighted Original Works]
{for Copyright claim, please visit bottom of this Home-Sweet-O pg.}