​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​- Entry One (01) of 39 -

“A Trust Must”

***Author’s Notice: This entry is tried out without Subheadings throughout; so, let us see if it works any more or less better to NOT divide up mine, Mr. Eck’s, Blogging. Maybe, well may be, we can have Subtitles up, for next time again. . .

“Who do you trust?” is a question that is sometimes rephrased as “Who can you trust?” and both of these have to do with people trusting other people. Also, there are Banking trusts or trust funds, when we talk about trust as a broad subject. Today I want to bring to you all about trust, and mostly the reason/s why you should, or that you could, or if you would, place your trust in Someone worthwhile and wholesome, the Lord. Of course! On the way, we’ll mull over everything from the newest vaccine to the colors of the masses in light of what people think about their Lord Jesus.

As this has always been a spiritual Blog, and though Blog EINS tries to stay farther away from being overly religious, still, around here, we do not shy away from becoming or just being, spiritual. This latest Blog entry today was to be the first newly published piece of work for a newly revamped Ecks-Port.pro, though there will be a fair share of concurrent poetry works newly posted at that, or this, timing as well. Furthermore, this Blog entry was to be written between Mother’s Day (May) 2021 and Father’s Day (June) 2021, and here I am the final night up after working this holiday, just to complete it for the likes of you all, my potentials, the readers of Blog EINS (and Blog DEUX and / or AppleBust Blog, too!!). Some of the add-on revisions were completed even after those stages.

So, just how many ‘trusts’-mentions are there in the scriptures, one might ponder. Guessing from Concordance cross-references, there are around about 188 passages having to do with the direct word “trust” or one more (to 189) equivalent, right away in the Holy Bible texts. Well, we’ll quote just a few to do our best for us all, here before you know it and to be with you a long while after this Blog page clicks away. That is, you may remember what I wrote to you, simply because it is of that grand a notion of design.

For our purposes, we’ll stay in the Psalms today, which do have ample “trusting” reference/s. Psalm 37, of David, as a whole, will be our main focus. Quoting verses 3-4 there, it says, “Trust in the LORD, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, And He shall give you the desires of your heart.” This is the New King James Version of God’s Book, the Holy Bible, and my only other study Version, the Authorized King James, says similarly about being fed, or instead of feeding in where I quoted directly. Notice specifically also the certain type of desires the LORD shall give are from a heart delighted in the LORD Himself. Obviously, those kind of desires are not necessarily carnal or superficial, and come directed by a conversion and a discipling, naturally once a hearer does the borning to be “born again.” So it simply says to trust the LORD, and as you do good, anyways so to speak. It goes on to say in verse 5, “Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass.” So now we have two “trustings” of note right off the bat in this mid-range-length Psalm and here is just says to “also” trust, as if it did not say it already two verses up. I do not like to guess much about just about anything, though here I guess this is worth a double mention. The real “key” if it could be said that way is in the final lines of the entire Psalm 37, in its 39th-40th verses, that goes, “But the salvation of the righteous is from the LORD; He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the LORD shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them, Because they trust in Him.” The End. Right-o. This “key” I located here is due to the word used as “because.” Why did the LORD move for these saved people, because they were saved, right. Actually moreso because they did somewhat with their salvation they had in God and trusted Him in and through the living of life. Rightly put.

Sometimes trust takes time. Sometimes trust takes talent. Sometimes trust takes the treasure you possess, like money or assets, that are not always necessarily things, and could be people you know of or are close to. Sometimes trusting takes a little catch phrase. In one famous movie, it talked about giving of your “tuppence,” a type of money there. The movie was the original “Mary Poppins” and is one of my own Mom’s favorites, so I dedicate this Blog entry to my kind Mom, and also here my dear Dad, who was a business man when I was growing up, and besides, like I alluded earlier, I am writing this Blog entry in between as it were the two parent’s Holidays on the American calendar. So that movie said to put your tuppence in the Bank, and here I am to reply to put our trust in the God of Heaven. It was kind of a catchy tune of a song in that musical movie, and perhaps, just perhaps, I can make your heart sway to the notes in the typing of this Blog entry instead of the notes in that movie song to put your trust instead of your tuppence in the LORD instead of just in the Bank. Here goes it:

God’s Book, the Holy Bible talks about love a lot and we can and need to trust too in God’s love for us. Take to heart not just that the Lord Jesus died and was buried and rose again for the whole world’s folks, but especially for you yourself. Make it your own Gospel. Now get me right, you ought not to make up another Gospel on your own for your own fancy, but like Psalm 37 was quoted earlier about having the right desires to be fulfilled, also make the original official Gospel apply to you yourself, your life, and your choice for it. Certainly God does choose us, and I will show you some more, here about trusting this love of His that He loved us first, you first, before you ever even heard of Him in youth or whatnot, nowadays. The type of love that God gives and describes and for us to peruse, is “love with faith” or “love and peace.” So, if you do things you deem “loving” or are up to what you feel is “good love,” please remember the “love with faith” is “true love” and “love plus peace” should or could or would or did become the “true use.” About from a local Church up to a worldwide Ministry, can break or keep trust. About from national Government leaders down to a diner Waitstaff, can keep or break trust. We can put our “tuppence-trust” in the right place, up at Heaven’s account of our life, not the accuser of the brethren’s pestering, for that is what the Enemy is up to as for himself, and he really is all about self, not trusting in God and Heaven. Put your faith and praise in the Lord God. For faith and praise are the currency of Heaven. Spend wisely. Save wisely and get saved!!

The gist of the crux of the matter is this: “Save Your servant who trusts in You!” as it reports in another Psalm 86 in part of verse 2 there. This is also one of the rare Holy Bible verses that have an exclamation mark with the statement! That’s how to trust, and but is there anything for certain that we should not trust in? By the Psalm 62@10a, this account tells us, “Do not trust in oppression. . .” and, perhaps, above all, this should not be taken lightly as awesome advice and commendable counsel. Get this: we all, saved or not (lost, really) are having to make our own appeal account before the Lord Jesus Christ, to God, on what we have done with our timings within our lifetime, in our bodies given as created by our Maker Creator, and will be telling Him for our own dear selves if we were selfish or not and how it all played out, by the ending. Note howsoever, that if you personally are awaiting for a later date and time to entertain repentance (do actually make time and take energy to repent, not just say you’ve got a lot of repenting to do!!), that you may well be gambling with your chance in addition to a time that may never happen to hap. And now, before I go a little much more further into at least one good specific nuance, lets let us look at a current issue we all have already heard so much about: Covid 19 and the pandemic we are still apparently somehow within and all about.

Lord Jesus explained a lot about the time we are presently involved in, called the endtime, that isn’t coming on up ahead, we are most assuredly already there. Without going into proving this out long windedly, let me say that especially in Matthew 24, Lord Jesus explained about events and things generally, big things, that would be happening on a global scale, and right up before He would be to return, again back with us on planet Earth. Just only one of those things or events are pestilences or as we say about Covid, a pandemic. Lord Jesus reported His news with His Gospel long before this was in our current headlines. No, He did not say the word Covid or make listings of all the pandemics throughout history in prophecy containing the future, though this Covid is definitely included in what he apprehended with His discourse. One letter postal mailing I very recently received, started with a line that read more like a missionary field report than a solicitation: “I hope you, your family and friends are well and safe as we continue working through this extraordinary time.” Extraordinary, alright. . .preach it! On a job I took I was to wait in the front of the place entrance and drop on customers to please help us out by wearing one of our Free masks, though I went on to further explain that is was individually “up to them” as each could decide on their own, according to management where I worked. Some of the walkers-in’ statements included,”I don’t do that,” and “I can’t,” or even one fella saying,”it’s against my religion.” On that last note, let me just remind us that there is nothing in the Holy Bible that says you cannot assist yourself and your fellow men and women in the countrywide and worldwide aspect of a pandemic, excepting the arena of “free will” given sovereignly by Providence to make our own minds up in our own decisions, for anything and everything, and that while it is true everywhere, usually only in America is it protected as a right.

Forthrightly, there really is nothing against helping out, and as usual some “believe” and do help and some do not. On a side note, one visitor also told me, “I guess people aren’t watching the news,” and then he furthered, “or aren’t believing the news when they hear it.” So, despite the concern (now don’t worry though!) and aside the sobriety of the situation, it is just a pandemic to look at other events and how to respond to this type. Here’s my answer, among a myriad of other gainsayers or soothsayers: please help also by taking the pair of vaccines. Why? Why not? Observe Lord Jesus’ Sermon, on the Mount. In the middle, and without outlining the entire message, Lord Jesus sternly explains to complete three main things in lifestyle choices and living out your time in fear of God while alive on Earth before going up to Heaven or before the Kingdom comes for some, first. He says to 1) give (this includes trust as our theme today above monetary, talents-wise, or time working or volunteering), 2) pray accurately (according to His model outline, the now famous “Our Father” manners of prayer as a believer “Christ-ian”), and 3) fast (maybe nowadays a cuss word, but not a curse because it you do it right and as a lifestyle instead of an emergence of overcare, it is really as easy as the eating and drinking counterpart). Look at fasting in particular, and what the good Lord teaches is to fast about two (2) meals a week, not a whole day a week if you do practice it, generally. Just drink water instead of a meal once in a while of a few days at a time (not fast a few days, but wait a few days in between to recoup) and do not eat a snack until it is time for the next meal about five or so hours later or what have you. Then you learn also to drink water during your day, at the right time/s, even when you are not fasting, because true science leaves that even a little dehydration can have dastardly effects on your body and brain health. As for the vaccines, I personally am doing a separate, differently allocated type of abstinence, not from food, but from sexuality men’s health of sexual conduct (though I am not married) for about a season of three months until the injection is tapered throughout my system. Well, I was off to a good start, and am not only about a month in again, due to doing regular men’s health all along the way, though I am not married today (hopeful for the future tense, available ladies, and see my poet talent, this website. . .). So for taking the vaccine and to keep me in healthy proportions, I took the second vaccine and from that point forward am not having sexual activity other than morning checkups so to speak, for as long or as little, depending on how you see it, as three months of a season. Besides, when married men get their wives pregnant to start or continue a family, they typically don’t have sex for about or at least around nine months, right?! So, take the vaccines is my advise to help yourself and your fellow neighbors in a simple pandemic, though for right about right now, it sure seems complex in the news every day on all the stations and headlines. If you want, to stay clear in a way or to make yourself stronger than the average Joe, abstain in a way that you are listening to God’s voice as to how to approach the matter more specifically over generally. Then we can all live in a safer world and do well together.

One more notice, is that this pandemic vaccine can be viewed as a precursor to taking The Revelation’s “mark of the beast.” Many have heard reported or rumored very much on this side subject, either from pulpit preaching or hearsay. What is certain is that the Covid vaccines are not verily the actual mark of the beast, only a type of gearing up foreshadowing in nearby history, that is history to come, and comimg upon us sooner. The point I want to make though, is that people of the world who are not written in the Lamb’s (Lord Jesus Christ’s) Book Of Life will be coerced to pledge allegiance to the world dictator of the world government, who is called the antichrist in believers’ fellowships, and take that future mark in their right hand or in their forehead, each an individual choice. A way to look at this happily and healthily and holily is that we all must give account of ourselves one day to the God of Heaven for our everything on Earth, including if we got “saved.” “Ac” in “account” could stand for “antichrist” and the rest of the word as “count” means just that, to count the antichrist’s name like The Revelation mentions by its chapter 13 (no, not bankruptcy). So, in our accounting of ourselves, we are accountable to discern knowing the difference between Jesus Christ and the antichrist. Another point I want to make is, though the Covid vaccines are somewhat a persuasive option like coercion, they are still not against religion except if you do not want it in your own body as another free will choicey factor, and although it is preconditioning society all over the world to later take the real mark of the beast, which is a one-time event in history that Lord Jesus is going to come back to save His own in the catch-away rapture (where all go up in the air like Lord Jesus ascended once long ago, and when He comes down again, His saved will go up to meet Him there, something the world as a whole is not going to be ready for and but still see it happening when it happens and it will), I am rather comfortable being sure that the Enemy of our souls will not let there be a medical scare problem with taking the vaccines later on, because that would instead shift peoples’ opinions about later taking the mark of the beast and end up conditioning them the other way around to be against the mark of the beast. Surely the Enemy too is on a leash under God, like in the Book of Job, for example, that I cannot have space to go into here, now. Like the Covid vaccines potentially would have ruined their own reputation in this hypothetical case, so they would have similarly likewise have not then preconditioned everyone to take the mark of the beast, again later in near history. If the vaccines end up not being healthy, that won’t match where the world is going, so they really are healthy enough like the given experts are saying on. So, I say in my opinion it is just like any vaccine little children take, and at that age the kiddos are not sexually active, so it doesn’t disaffect them, and for me, I am doing my “fasting” abstinence small part in seeing as an adult how I can cope in hope with all of the mayhem and commotion of a newly sprouted vaccine use. It is just a use and as long as you use the world and don’t abuse it, all else should be well, and enough already. We can in a roundabout way trust the Covid vaccine as merely our individual small part-step in “loving our neighbors as we love ourselves” and this is the overarching theme of all of the Holy Bible law and prophets. Time, may well be, for our own “Vacci-Nation”! Fair. Yes. Good, not evil. Over.

On this theme with my thesis of tuppence and trust, interrelated and intertwined where it is really about trust but I tied in an anecdote, here is another Psalm, 33. In verses 20-22 we get yet another angle, quoted, “Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in Him, Because we have trusted in His holy name. Let your mercy, O LORD, be upon us, Just as we hope in you.” See all about how it is a collective soul, corporate heart, and an altogether hope. Those people plural trusted in the holy name of the Heavenly Father, revealed in the new Testament as JESUS, which is the name God, Who is a Spirit, picked for Himself when He became a person, singular. So, and as long as we are on the subject topic of God becoming a man, let’s talk about how some people are trusting Him in different, even sort of weird ways:

Tradition from European Churches has told us through paintings and artwork through the centuries since Christ Jesus was here and left to come back later on, that Lord Jesus was white in complexion or skin color. As one who was brought up seeing paintings like this in Churches, I am here to say this is not a truism. Right before I go further into this, let’s first look at one more “trust” piece from the Psalms, here 52@8, saying, “But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God; I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.” This ties right in with the hoping and mercy referral back from one paragraph prior from in Psalm 33, there. Howsoever, I am also using this tie in from Psalm 52, which was written by the Jewish King David, about the likening of olive tree hue. Believe it or not, some colored believers, true believers mind you, say that Lord Jesus was really colored, or black skinned, too, like them. For some reason, both or either white folk and more lately in history or believers, now black folk, want to respectively claim that Lord Jesus looked just like them. It is like that they cannot believe in a Lord Jesus who does not simply appear like they do, or are in skin color hue. As further proof from Psalm 52 there in the verse quoted, I am here to report that Lord Jesus was neither colored or white, but was Middle Eastern, a Jew of course, of whose nation is rather olive or of very light greenish tint n color, and as Hosea in his Book says of Israel, “his beauty shall be as the olive tree. . .”. It should be clear, and like other Arabs, Lord Jesus as a Jew was not from Europe, nor neither Africa. One might say then how did His parents, Joseph and Mary, hide Him in Egypt when He was a very young child in His early childhood: how do you hide a family that wasn’t black in Egypt? I might add that it was like an international place of a nation and many travelers were there from Israel all throughout both their histories. So, certainly, Lord Jesus was of green olive complexion, not very dark and certainly more Middle Eastern than white European. Therefore, I’m kind of glad that Lord Jesus wasn’t white or colored (black) because that makes room for everyone in our days of hate; I’m not into hate mongering nor neither hate speech, so I steer clear of bias whenever I can. To further prove my point of view on our Lord Jesus, the Holy Bible reports in Jeremiah 13@23, stating the obvious (we and I both hope so!), “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil.” It should be clear by now that, despite the stories of some modern 21st Century preachers, that the Jews in Jeremiah’s day were not the same dark skin as the Ethiopians, or else Jeremiah would say, “Can the Israelite change his skin,” instead. The allusion is obvious that Jews then and now are, for the most part, not colored (black), and the illusion that some, again modern 2021 preachers want us to do is to relearn history from their vantage. Since I have even heard a rumor that the real Israel is of British lineage, so I have heard much of it all: it should be clear that Israel has kept her identity, and has retained her history, and has now been reemerged, revived, and reequipped back in her homeland, Israel proper. Yes, I know that there was a bigger deal made also of Moses taking a colored / black wife at one point too. If it was untypical or unusual at the time, then also at the time the Jews weren’t all colored / black, even though some try to school us that they were. What I’m also saying is that they also weren’t white like the Ten Commandments Hollywood movie tries to showcase to the masses. Remember, green olive complexion is what David and Hosea were and Jeremiah wasn’t colored / black, or else the scriptures might say so, or otherwise would say elsewhere. Moreover, in The Revelation, when Lord Jesus returns to come back, and even now today, the hair of His head is white. That, again, does not mean that Lord Jesus is white, just that His hair now has gone white (see about The Revelation 1@14 for starters). Why, if we’re going to trust Someone, do they have to be just like us. You might have thought He, Lord Jesus, is just like you, and He will set in order before your eyes what is really going on with you yourself.

There is slightly a sum more to say on this and it is found in all of Psalms in several places including these: 78@51, 105@23 & 27, and 106@22, again all from the Psalms. It connects Egypt and the land of Ham as one and the same, just about a few times, enough to have a doctrine (teaching) of “two or three witnesses” in the scriptures by “here a little, there a little, line upon line, precept upon precept” in the tradition of truth, which is of course over any tradition unless that tradition itself is found true. Now, as far as I know in Holy Bible studies over the years, about a quarter century of 25 years, Ham is the designation of colored / black people. Just as Noah of the flood in his day way before Abraham and Lord Jesus, obviously, has three sons, and without going into each of all of those three names and where they later populated after the worldwide flood of old, know that is where we get the modern mankind “races” from. Ham was the colored / black fellow of the three. Though I say there is only one mankind race of one blood (red color) or all nations, and if you want to talk the “race” issue, simply know that we all derive from one man and one woman, created initially by the Spirit God of whom we are His “offspring.” If there would be only two races there is mankind (men and women, male or female) and angels, who are ministering spirits, some are fallen into sin of which they cannot repent, and then there is God Himself, and He is One, numerically and in sovereignty. Anyway, long story short, Ham populated Africa and is obviously colored or black. Therefore was Egypt of black folk like at least one Michael Jackson (popstar) music video showcased? I believe such and so, directed according to these above given out Psalms locations. The other thing to say of mention is that therefore while the slaves in Egypt were Hebrews, again neither white or black, the slave masters were of Ham: black, and this is just the opposite of what we later see in more moderntime history in American slavery, white enslaving black instead thereby. What else I need to say, is while Moses had a black wife like I’ve already said, and where Jeremiah mentions Ethiopians, I have never heard of whites being in ancient Israel, except perhaps for a said proselyte if there just happened to be some or any, at all. Interesting that what you esteem or expect is not what is the answer or the condition. It’s good to know that the trustworthy account is not against any of us, as God is for us, and who then can be against us.

It is high time to put your trust in the God of Heaven, Whom dwells bodily as the Godhead in the man the Lord Jesus. Trust that One that isn’t a member of a Godhead committee, as in the Godhead, and but the Godhead is in Him, instead bodily. It’s not really a tongue-twister nor a device to be divisive, and holds this key to understand that you know that you really know about Heaven to trust therein: Lord Jesus is the name God choose for Himself when He became a manchild in Bethlehem, even before to mother Mary, named before He was to be conceived of the Holy Ghost. So if the Holy Ghost is Jesus’ Father, how can a separate “God” be the Father if God-the-Father is the Father. Seems again that the Church council back around the start of the Roman Catholic Church is not the one to trust. Trust the report of God’s Book, the Holy Bible, that says about there being “one Lord, one faith, one baptism.” Well, I myself used to wonder how can a water baptism and a spirit baptism be the same one baptism if there are two differences of water and Holy Ghost spirit. The aspect to trust is that they agree in the one thing of being “born again” where the Holy Bible records Lord Jesus’ actual word-for-word worthwhile, wholesome teaching, “Jesus answered [a Jewish ruler], “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.” That’s the one baptism of the one Lord’s way, truth, and life, by the one faith of our own trust, for faith and trust are the same substance. Trust Lord Jesus’ teachings and stories (parables, so many!!); be born again, in this way from this quote (including water baptism and spirit baptism, one together though two separate examples), Today. . . !

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 08/30/2021 in the PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: trust, must, tuppence, love with faith, love plus peace, Covid vaccine, “race” of Christ Jesus.


​- Entry Two (02) of 39 -

For the next-up three (3) Entries, which means a  N E W  Entry #02 and then former Entries now #03 and #04 (currently reconsidering one fourth (4 out of 3) addition as all of a transition revision of some of these three grouped here and plus a one more (perhaps to send for, at up at completion) fourth Entry (#05) going with on a title picked by this author and done well, to be), these grouped groupings will each and all be on the American (U. S.) event / travesty of 9/11, from the now 20th Anniversary in 2021 from the original date in 2001.

***Original Titles, plus Tags just following, per posts Entries remain reminding still, and are still up with that saved content removed to make a move for another Entry to go with these as 4 out of 3 (was a sort of Trilogy), again for approaching on, four. For!

A Brochure And A Balance

Up To 6

Delineating Potentially The Most Ominous Trumpet In “The Revelation”

By – C. T. Eck

- Finalized 10/25/12 –

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 6/18/2022 in the AM Gap Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: The Revelation. "Up To 6" Brochurebalance6th TrumpetIslamismAmerica's repenting!. U. S. Presidents.

​- Entry Three (03) of 39 -

Up To Six, Then Seven (  Trumpets   In Time Of Grace)

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 9/11/2017 in the PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Revelation 9. Ministry study. primary colors. Trumpets’ apocalypses. world events and world history. Divine prophecy. Souls of men.

​​- Entry Four (04) of 39 -

​9/11/01's Tragedy Turns As A Clarion Call

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 9/11/2011 in the AM Origin,
Again 9/25/2015 AMwatch4. Update once November 2015. Latest 9/11/2017 in the PM.
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: 9/11/01. 911. Pearl Harbor. ideology. prayer. repentance. 10-year Anniversary.

- Entry Four (0+) of 39 -

Title Withheld / To Publish

“Special Specific Bonus Entry A Of 20/39 Total”

Get out! Out of all of my Bloggings, here I am starting a new trend of, yes, Bonuses. These extras will not be the numbered of my ‘regular’ Blog EINS, howsoever, they will instead be -lettered- and I can tell you here now that they will each have at the least one of my Brochures included or involved, if not also a poem from this poet’s repertoire, intermingled in the midst of Blog EINS as a whole. This time around will definitely have one of my poems, not otherwise presently shared on my pair of sites, the one site you are on of Blogs particularly, and the other poetry haven, mentioned already on this site’s Home Page headquarters.

With hope, this latest Blog gives and / or provides you, yes you, some understanding. Understand? What is it, this understanding? Out of all the probing possible personified Proverbs of Solomon in the Holy Bible text/s, perhaps what I have found to spare you is how wisdom says of herself, “I am understanding,” (there in Proverbs 8, to find). Somebody understands! Sometimes we just need to understand and have someone understanding come up along side us, and the wisdom of God did it. Solomon’s Proverbs are chalk full of this and here I thought too to share. Now do not be a pester, only be polite and do purge yourself from anything but being wise to obey, God! Oh, and do not lean on your own understanding, and but trust that same God (see my very first Blog far up above, for your help on all this, today!).

Please enjoy this latest poem from your friendly neighborhood poet, C. T. Eck. This giving of a longer poem, but not too long, is in ‘Belief Statement’ form, like you might find a listings of on an otherwise Churching Website or Ministry based outreach. Mine is just in the form of a poem, to help breed understanding. Then the Brochure here is definitely a present need for the body of Christ and if you consider yourself a true Minister, please heed wisely, in understanding. Get it!

1 / 1Listings Belief Pound” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.


What, do I believe!:
All of these are in believing peacemaking.

I believe trumpets are as cool as saxophones:
When I pierce the air ripped by a sound blast
(talents to use in getting more out).

I believe this time around will be different:
When I turn on a dime, still turning to God!

I believe Jesus has it all figured out:
When I catch that He’s Christ, I am half way there
(on unto holiness).

I believe in knowing when you found it
(that high born again):
When I throw out the play or hit the ball out, I know I am winning.

I believe in second chances and second winds:
When I feel down, but know I am not out.

I believe in going to the land of beginning again:
When I find a key, then to use it in its door
(and know understanding of Godheadquarters in J.C.).

I believe love is strong as death
(the Sermon on the Mount surmounts in taking the precious from the vile):
When I encourage myself that love never fails.

I believe every side loses something in war:
When I struggle to fight maybe a losing battle, the next victory could win my whole war.

I believe in gaining Heaven with everything you have got plus a little more:
When I remember there is two sides to eternity, Heaven is my chosen cause.

I believe in fulfilled vows and handshake deals and if a smile reveals:
When I go over the top and through the hoop I laugh.

I believe in leaving voice mail for Hell saying that I am not coming:
When I speak against the devil spirit bent on my fall.

I believe letters from friends are grand:
When I show myself friendly, friends carry along.

I believe in living for a lifetime and a forever:
When I put my foot down, I tread upward instead.

I believe mustard is better on fries than ketchup:
When I can I taste to see it is not hard to come along to find that I and we go catch-up at the rapture.

I believe in exploring and truth searching
(especial in the Word from God):
When I come around to myself, where I left off can prove just as stunning.

I believe in miracles and the power of healing:
When I set my face to recover all.

I believe a clean shave is not complete without a decent aftershave:
When I try out new free cologne scents at the mall I smile.

I believe in going to college until your head expands:
When I make it beyond that graduation ceremony, time now to job hunt.

I believe who you are when no one is looking is a big deal:
When I sit at the arena stadium or stand in the congregation sanctuary, maybe no one notices me much.

I believe the best is yet to come:
When I find joy along the way.

I believe in finishing the race
(course-charting realignment proves best meant):
When I rise to meet the road.

I believe camping out is it:
When I spend my vacation taking a liking of creation’s nature and running outside.

I believe in waking early to watch the sun rise:
When I watch the light come in the window as skyscrapers block the Eastern horizon.

I believe dreams are for sale to anyone:
When I find myself calculating that they often require some funding.

I believe children are precious and beautiful:
When I consider baby names even before marriage.

I believe John Doe has a heart for Jane:
When I try to contain feelings I cannot deny either.

I believe even caterpillars can change
(those butterflies come grand when they come):
When I give myself to prayer when it is wont to be made.

I believe rainbows could cause traffic stoppages while drivers stare:
When I forsake seeking the end’s pot-o’-gold, I make it to work on time.

I believe in the 401(k) plan
(and the Kingdom of God by the way):
When I count my friends, I pray we all survive retirement or else.

I believe in free forms of entertainment, where outings favoring fun free me:
When I have a night off, I spend it wisely on costless bliss.

I believe in holding onto hope:
When I stretch me my faith, love lines up well.

I believe in distilling a million causes down to retain a few dusted off endeavors:
Why as I funnel my intensity into my identity I am staying up ahead.

I believe I kinda sorta like studying as a stance where I read anything and Bible places to measure:
When I like knowing about salvation in an Acts 2@38 verse, but not a scripture location alone,
As I have done such and so as I learned afterwards even more.

I believe in sharing what I have of life:
When I witness of not just myself but also of speaking the truth in love, having faith with love.

And I believe in spontaneous patience:
As I come to a serendipitous close, the engine of my wait combusts in unanticipated realization.

If I fail to recall the you all of yours’s is:
I believe I will focus on the one we our lives are in life: I have faith for your belief
(when in but what the body of Christ; that is the church to haunt and support: enter to take His Name and

the Spirit same, seeing as you do and as we grow).

=  =

Only As Much As You Can Take



Enough Spirituality At One Time Is Enough


   By – C. T. Eck [Brochure; page flaps numbered 1 - 5]

Scripture excerpts are taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible, with brackets and bold type added by this author to clarify.

This Brochure is meant for someone new to the things of God and uses His word to display His will for your own life. Certainly anyone with spiritual background may profit by what is written here, but what is showcased within these paragraphs on folded paper is just the right amount of spiritual spice to add the flair to a recipe in life in giving you the portioned help you are going to need right where you’re at. Continue reading until the end to hear about a special FREE offer to receive a “handful to begin on the Kingdom of God.” If you’re already wondering what that is, again, read on to discover how you too can hear more of about five sets of accounts to get you access to the best thing going. You’ve done well to read this far, and now follow through and finish up this brief look at “only as much as you can take,” where enough spirituality at one time is enough.

People who follow Jesus Christ (Christians) know Him as the Master of His disciples (Christians). Lord Jesus was balanced in how He taught, knew those who heard Him themselves couldn’t bear certain things for now, gave the people words as they were able to hear them, and even said certain things because of those who were listening. Basically, Jesus helped keep those about Him healthy and was an expert spiritual trainer, though this wasn’t a title He was known for.

One of the parts of the record passed down about Jesus says in John 11,


"And I know that You [the Father, God] always hear Me [the man Jesus], but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me."

Lord Jesus was consistent, and was also careful, like here in Mark 4,

 And with many such parables He spoke the word to them as they were able to hearit. But without a parable He did not speak to them. And when they were alone, He explained all things to His disciples.

What God sees as His Kingdom within men is not necessarily what the world labels as Christianity or calls the Christian religion. There is surely a false in opposition to the true. Much of what we know as Christianity is about religion. The Kingdom of God is access to the best thing going – a business relationship with your Creator and a reason to be victorious. Christianity includes more churches than a little child can count. The Kingdom of God is what we can see by becoming born again. Christianity is often more difficult to make sense of because there exist a host of personal opinions to wade through. The Kingdom of God is explained in parables by the Master Jesus Christ so that those who seek first the Kingdom truth are able to


overcome the art of making excuses. Just because a church institution carries the banner of Christianity does not necessarily make it an authority on the Kingdom of God.

In Mark 9, Jesus shares the inclusive and in-specific side of God’s Kingdom,

 “…for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. For he who is not against us is on our side.”

There is also a general application, though similar truth, which is exclusive as we have Jesus’ appeal in Matthew 12 (also in Luke 11),

 "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad.”

Lord Jesus is instigating about those who are definitely on His side and who definitely gather with Him (no middle ground), to be certain. God is not only in control, but also does not let more affect us than we are able to bear, as First Corinthians 10 shows,

 …God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.

There is a pattern so far where Lord


Jesus is fair and balanced as explained here for us to see very clearly. While we can receive Jesus Christ, particularly accepting His gospel, God must now accept our works. What we can do is remain open and submissive and then retain a teachable spirit. It is this being like a little child that lets us keep ourselves in the position that God can “get at us” better in our mutual effort to work together with God in discovering His plans for us each. It is God Himself who has our best interest at heart and knows the plans for our good hope and expected peace where He listens to our prayers we search with now.

Lord Jesus is declaring through His Spirit in these last days as His Kingdom is built things that are in agreement with His word. As is the case, to those who have, more will be given. You can receive His Holy Spirit like those who already have and begin to achieve all God has for you, like here in John 16,

 "I [Jesus] still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth [or, the Holy Ghost], has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify


Me, for He will take of what is Mine [all things that the Father, God, has] and declare it to you."

Entering the Kingdom of God with the salvation made possible by Jesus Christ as well as an invitation to participate in a “Life Study” that would be a benefit to you in your lifetime are consecutively enjoined in a second descriptive demonstration (presentation-style) you should ask for if you did first read this Brochure you are holding on “only as much as you can take” with “enough spirituality at one time is enough.” Whether you are presently persuaded of these things or really going with it moreso, know that instruction for you into the Kingdom of God is available in a readiness to let you understand. Look forward to establishing your heart in accessible grace in order to prepare your life as you come to know what is being fulfilled all around us in these extreme times.

More information follows: Find out how to get a copy of C. T.’s next Brochure listing “A Handful To Begin On The Kingdom Of God – About Five Sets Of Accounts To Get You Access To The Best Thing Going” by just simply emailing [withheld] today. Thank-you kindly for spending time this far and may you ask to complete at least one trip through a “Life Study” by C. T. and God scrips, tailored just for you (10 quick aspects in as much as 6 angles pairs), in a “choose-your-own-adventure” format, sure to keep excitement up!


Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 01/18/2023 in the AM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Bonus Blogs, Poems, Brochures, understanding, official Belief Statement, how much?, enough.

“Special Specific Bonus Entry B Of 20/39 Total”

Upcoming right here and ongoing is yet another Poem + Brochure, as Bonus to Blog EINS. There may just be 29 of these special specific poems plus brochures, if because I have already written to completion about around 9 - 10 Brochures and plan to write total of 29 in my lifespantime. One or two or eleven grand total may be on other Blogs and Sites if so be, even already or so, and but is not it very cool that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet plus three (3) punctuations (., !, & ?) and these 29 (like 26 + 3, total) soon Brochures numerically?! Evenly so, each one takes about two weeks of days, or less, to achieve (and one of those will take at the least three weeks, I am surer). Whistle while I work!

This latest Brochure this Entry may be the single most creative Brochure I have in my repertoire, really actually. Now with this scrip/ture -Hebrews 13@9-, find “Do (be) not be carried about with various and strange doctrines. For it is good (a good thing) that the heart be established by grace,(;) not with foods (meats) which have not profited those (them) who have been occupied with them (therein).” So, simple machines of scripture may be “strange” and but I found it to be acceptable enough, because it really fits appropriately and fixes much, so much.

Very much may be a big mess and so much may be wrong, that this Brochure this Entry alleviates comprehensively, thoroughly, exhaustively. Consider. The Evil One fronts and attacks your supposed set backs. The world label/s things about us without us. Our flesh gets behind as time slips away in the slipstream. The good Lord won’t cleanse you from (perhaps hidden) secret faults because you did not ask; peers keep calling you backwards due to your presumptuous sins (look up, see, Psalm 19@11-chapter end). We may be “Welcome/d” in legitimate Churches, and this is helpful and a true deliverance and that from of God, and but it sure is friendly and reassuring to have those same say “Thank-You” for being there, to make it (Churching) become into what it would not otherwise have been without -you-, leaving it better than you found it (we need you and Jesus in us loves you!!). As for me, I will be smiling as I go and exercising / stretching (respectively first before and then after, each there) with my running (lifestyle character habit/s). Yeah! Yea! Oh yes! Let, please, this following Poem + Brochure minister to you, each, all.

1 / 1Would I Live?” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.



I would very much like to live in Alaska
Where a dark of night is longer as weeks nestle

I would very much like to live in space
Where all the air is contained in a shuttle vessel

I would very much like to live at a buffet line
Where I should pick the fairest and finest to dine

I would very much like to live at a bug-tight jungle tree house
Where permanent vacation maybe makes it easier trying

I would very much like to live in Arabia
Where nice rich genies take care of you

I would very much like to live between bills
Where debts are paid up in full and worries are few

I would very much like to live with one wife
Where if so our whole life is spent some holding and having

I would very much like to live with answers
Where we know Who to go to when facing ominous telling

I would very much like to live in the U. S. of A.
Where rights are protected in time for my chances

I would very much like to live as a foreign land missionary
Where work to extend expands to establish saving stances

I would very much like to live in Israel
Where this promised land is being restored

I would very much like to live with Christ in heaven’s city
Where what practice of only teaching you is instead at reward

I would very much like to live at sea
Where the sight and sense of land comes and goes

I would very much like to live right here
Where it is that I have used to having worn my clothes

= =

  Simple Machines Of Scripture

A bicycle is an example of a compound machine that incorporates more than one simple machine. Can you tell what this one is missing, besides the rider?

  Classical Principles Of Truth And
  Ways To Take It All In Stride


  By – C. T. Eck [Brochure; page flaps numbered 1 - 6]
Scripture excerpts are taken from the New King James Version of the Holy Bible, unless otherwise noted, with bold type added by this author.

During the Renaissance, scientists identified a total of six simple machines. These scientists had drawn from Greek texts on technology. The Greeks had an understanding which was limited to the statics of simple machines and the balance of forces. This understanding did not include dynamics or the tradeoff between force and distance or the concept of work.

Simple machines do not contain an energy source. Therefore they cannot do more work than they receive from the input force. Furthermore, a simple machine with no friction or elasticity is called an ideal machine.

The complete dynamic theory of simple machines was achieved by Italian scientist Galileo Galilei in 1600 when he was the first to come to grips with the concept that simple machines only transform energy and do not create energy outright.

The building blocks of simple machines are as elementary devices that have specific movement (called a mechanism) which can be combined with other devices and movements to form machines. Compound machines make use of several to many simple machines. At each step mathematical equations are able to calculate various mechanical advantages.

There is an equilibrium of torques in the simple machines of the lever, the wheel and axel, and the pulley. The other three simple machines of the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw are dependent on the vector resolution of forces. Simple enough for us?!

While the holy scriptures are not a text book on science, they are accurate on the matters they touch upon when they do, including science and other academic areas such as medicine and archaeology. The ancient testamental scriptures are as up-to-date as today’s newspaper because they are a spiritual work of truth. Could it be since all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hid in the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ that there are “simple machines of scripture” for us to seek out on the pages of our Holy Bible books? What’s really at our fingertips?!

Jesus was a master teacher as He walked the Earth at the time of the greatest prophet of the Old Testament, John the Baptist. Known for His parables and as the Christ to His follower disciples, Lord Jesus was a fulfiller of the Old Testament law, prophets, and psalms. Today we are in position with the prophetic and apostolic writings of the scriptures to continue following Lord Jesus the same way as was enjoined by the earliest churches of the book of Acts.

Lord Jesus came to restore to mankind what was lost by the first man’s (Adam’s) disobedience to God Almighty. History itself pivots around the lifetime of this great leader, dynamic teacher, and more than a prophet as founder of the New Testament we now know as Jesus Christ. One of His teaching sessions pointed out the way to not be misled by other leaders into error which was and is plenteous then and now by all sorts around us all. “Take heed that no one deceives you” in Matthew 24 is

the theme of this brochure and where it takes us. “But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them” is a saying of Lord Jesus in John 16. Keep this pamphlet in mind after you view its pages, for these classical principles of truth are like simple machines to make us more efficient, provide us advantages, and help us to conserve our precious energy.

Prophetic ideals are like ideal machines. When Lord Jesus says, “And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe” (inside John 14), He is giving to us a frame to work with to put us in position to receive more of what He has for us as we have faith in and rely on Him. Prophecy is the spirit that the testifying of Jesus achieves for us in His Word. God is for us, not against us, especially if we face towards Him in love and allow ourselves to be born again. Now hold onto your seats for the simple machines of scripture.

THE LEVERThese things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (from John 16). We get leverage from entertaining peace, beaming over the hinge or fulcrum of all we are tried by and tested in. Faith and patience will result against this form of deception.

THE WHEEL AND AXEL"And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words" (out of Colossians 2, the King James Version). Like the stability of drawing from a well with a

bucket, Apostle Paul is writing an entire church here (in one of his famous letters) to remain intact. Beguiling someone is related to misleading or deluding them, and plausible, persuasive, and attractive speeches of arguments are some of what is very often used in deception of this caliber.

THE PULLEY – Over in John 16, Lord Jesus is recorded for us with, These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble.” We are pulled around or hoisted up away from becoming offended where we don’t have to be taken unawares and falter, or be caused to stumble and fall away. Not only this, but Jesus also told us this to keep us from being scandalized and repelled.

THE INCLINED PLANE"And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name" (within John 20). This will result in cleaving to, trusting in, and relying on Lord Jesus. Through who Jesus is to us ourselves personally and in actuality for everyone we gain much. Jesus is the Savior of the world. Along with the lever, already listed, the inclined plane is one of the two most basic forms left. Cheer, or joy, and peace in believing are where it’s at, friend.

THE WEDGE – At First John 2, we find: "These things I have written to you concerning those who [try to] deceive you." It is possible to drive a wedge into a block of wood by applying a

force such as a hit from a sledge hammer on the end. This will force the sides apart. Nevertheless, no amount of compression force from the wood walls will cause it to pop back from out of the block. Another translation designates not those who deceive you but those who seduce you, either way a leading astray to be sure. The Apostle John’s writings here are to get us set apart where no amount of pressure will affect us negatively.

THE SCREW – Contained in John 16 is, “But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.” There’s a conversion taking place here when hearts are being filled. Lord Jesus is discussing going away, but in light of returning as well, with sorrow resulting instead from His close disciples. A screw goes in something and converts a rotational force or motion known as torque to a linear force or motion. Jesus furthered his discourse after sorrow had taken possession of hearts that day by sharing that it is an advantage, or expedient, to us that He goes away. For if Jesus does not leave at that point, the Helper, or Comforter (better known as the Holy Ghost: also Jesus) would not be sent by Him. Aren’t you glad Lord Jesus is wise and makes decisions with our best interests at heart?

Be sure to read C. T.’s accompanying Brochure on “The Healthy Diet Happy Meal Plan In The Holy Scriptures” now that you know how an important set of simple machine assets are available from Jesus Himself for us. The scriptural text truly holds tools beyond our wildest dreams. If you don’t have a copy already, just simply email [withheld] today!
o     ~     o     ~     o

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 04/16/2023 in the AM gap Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Bonus Blogs, Poems, Brochures, to live, simple machines, of scrip/ture, best interest/s.

“Special Specific Bonus Entry C Of 20/39 Total”

Welcome one and all to the next installment increment of Blog EINS, Bonus Entries, here one more another Poem + Brochure, again. Notice – this is perhaps my best Brochure ever, or no, and was simply so anointed that the paragraph divisions ended up being started / ended right at the pages’ borders, each and for every Brochure flap therein, wow (though the copy here is pasted from the printable foldable version, howsoever)! Look right in at this Brochure, on reading healing that accompanies salvation and makes wise unto salvation, altogether. There is an entire religion sect that has ‘reading rooms’ provision, and this author, C. T. Eck, me, has involvement for well over 28 years times / seasons and equivalent of reading Holy Bible chapters, systematically every single day, can you believe it?! At times, all required is to "acknowledge" some other or guardian reading over to you, for you, in the stead of reading readings read. My credit is that I have read God’s Book twice total, not only real slow, and but heartily so where I paid attention I gave as I daily read all along the way. So, I only read about four or so verses grouping all my childhood and youth, but thankfully attended by a churching house where the Word from of God was publicly read each and every week’s service/s. Grreat! Not only so, but these days of years with seasons splits, I am well on my way for both the third and fourth series of through-the-Bible reads, readying as I grow in grace and knowledge, of none other than Who these are all of, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. So important, really real. Two-fold disclaimer on my next Brochure, below: the passages I read currently are only in either Corinthians Books plus other Holy Bible Books (especially Daniel oft enough) in the stead of the grouping described within the former given Brochure framework/s; also, the purchase offer is not available for online viewers / readers, rather unfortunately, not to say you could not or would not get a Holy Bible copy on your own. What I do when reading is read my fav NKJVersion, and when ministering the Word, I use the top two Versions I could find anywhere overall, the one just stated and then the Reference KJV, where KJ in each of these stands for ‘King James’ now famous, or N for New. It’s because the original text/s were not scribed in English and any other than the verified languages should be held high with two Versions in any of your spoken tongues / native languages read, is my humble opinion, tried over times and seasons of years and days, so I give my advice. Whether you take to activate my advise is up to yous. Plus know in yourselves that my ultimate absolute favorite old Testament Book (when just dealing with Holy Bible Books) is Nehemiah, and my ultra super favorite new Testament Book is James (I call it a 'Supra,' sum like spring training fields for sports teams (instead of an arena, a writing to practice mastering) not only in high definition of above and beyond on the upper side, but especially as reference of a preceding authority entity, like the third chapter therein says how why God chose 'tongues' in saving mankind just like He conjoinedly chose 'blood' to remit sins (do either make sense to the natural man and his mind?, rhetorical no), where blood was at Calvary cross, and then tongues were all throughout the early (Note - not 'primitive') Church and Paul's life & teachings (one more Apostle post-Pentecost, cannot you see it: forbid not to speak in tongues)), for your information, a place to start if you do not just read Genesis to The Revelation front to back, the Lord directing your work in humbling yourself to understand His truth. Remember, Abraham, Isaac, and Israel did not have Bibles, and the early rain Church only had James Book for longer, and did await not just Pentecost Day, but The Revelation, more about grace than prophecy there.

Then there’s this session’s poem: the title "Schooled" says enough as is. And the poem is complete and full and all, that does the doing of utilizing common English catch phrases, four right after each other in line and style. Now, none of my poetries (poems) from out of my newly released poetry-only Book for $ale (see main Site, www.Ecks-Port.pro; start there Internet campers) are “spells” so to speak. None, nonetheless. Not to say that today’s established poet creation would be not this way. What I am saying is that it is certainly a mere poem, and but doubles as an enchantment. To learn by, to grow on you, and then to convict and possibly to convince. Are all educated people fools?: definitely not the case, nor hopeless. Are there many educated fools out there, here to hear by?: but of course. The way to know the difference is by reconsidering a Church Constitution I happed by online a few years back. Without singling those faithers out, that father new converts and make disciples just fine, the finery of a byline in that document said about, and this is not a direct quote, “the advances in modern medical science very often cannot be denied, howsoever not all procedures and med uses should be recontained in faith life in order to not be condemned by something that may not rightly necessarily be both or either wise or proper.” Again, a paraphrase from memory. Moreover, in the instance example of my shared poem today, “a valued liberal arts degree is highly useful in today’ s society, howsoever many to most colleges and / or universities desperately need to be balanced by gospel / Word / doctrine sound teaching of apostle heritage kingdom of heaven new Testament Churches that preach to save (otherwise foolishness that is instead indeed ‘Christ’ (Jesus)).” You can tell if even unlearned prayerers have “been with Lord Jesus.” Some say to quit reading your Holy Bible the while you study for your degree/s; I for one never did give up on God and His Word throughout my adult classes semesters, and teach others to do the minimum ‘one-needful-thing’ of holy scriptures (I term ‘scrips’) reading time per daywise each week day and weekends. That just helps you respect the recompense of the reward to be not least in the Kingdom once it arrives, the Kingdom Of God that is. Who wouldn’t wanna be great, if it was offered as such and so much. Jesus taught “take my yoke on you and learn of me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” It is the way of trangresssors that is hard, or do not you already know?!

Whatever you do for a job in this untoward generation / world, also read the scriptures. Basically that is the best. Then and only then, can you do your best. If as you eat first, read your Holy Bible. If you had vocation training, read your Holy Bible. If you get career degree/s, read the Holy Bible. Whether you are a soldier, teacher, athlete, or farmer, read! My top favorite Book I have ever read (out of all books overall anywhere) in my entire life is Zechariah (and I have read Moses and Jesus), only second last -despite the "Z" it begins with- in the old Testament 'library.' Also, in junior high Middle School I once read Z For Zechariah as if "A" is for the first man, Adam, a novella on nuclear holocaust that impacted me greatly, and of which I also once made an art project alternate cover, with glowing eyes that I made thereon. Zechariah of old says to be a farmer instead of a poor prophet (grade scale, not poverty like a Friar public monk). Holy Bible reading is studying all by itself, if because of how the holy scriptures are put together in the first place; there’s just enough in each Chapter to keep you filled of God’s will for your soul, and individual plus corporate plan for your life/time. Yes, there are seminaries, and more of some shall go out to preach, and but if you read, if you read of -God- you can wait for His salvation and turn out better then you ever even expected. Sometimes the expectation of the peoples are not the society within society of the Church that the gates of Hades Hell shall not prevail against. Jesus Christ’s members body outlasted the Roman Empire and the Dark Ages, for two. Will you endure until the Day of Judgment too, even if you are such as should be saved? So do, make it so, with the Holy Bible; see my Brochure just ahead. Yes I like to watch baby animals on YouTube to fall asleep at times (hope producing watching those), and too I actually like to remember what God told me in His Word as I go about my days, oh (faith come by hearing and hearing comes by the Word)! Beyond good, perfectly acceptable. See, Abraham of old loved Isaac, and those schooled can learn Freud loved Paul (as so did my Lutheran Pastor 'Norm,' during my growing up both childhood and youth, fairly consistent that longer I add), yes they did. What Abraham did not know is that he would get Isaac back when if he laid him down, and what Freud did not know is that going to Acts Book first before the several-many Paul-ine epistle letters is the right way to hear verbatim word-for-word preaching of the Apostles (Paul also) telling the lost how-to be saved, cool. Go the way of God and perhaps God will let you go your way. “Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine, in so doing you will save yourself and those that hear you” (is a scrip/ture). Know the number one goal in life is to hear from God in combined prayering and reading scrips (healings in combination), lest we be like those that go down to the pit, nooo. Though the number one priority is to be saved and go on to know the Lord. You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free; wholesome worthily acceptable faithful words of Lord Jesus here, and there you go. On to this Entry, get your Brochure here.

1 / 1Schooled” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.


Cognitive challenge
Intellectual rule
Academic excess
Educated fool

= =

  The Healthy Diet
     Happy Meal Plan
   In The Holy Scriptures

  The Part-Step Process To
       Balance And Success
          In Incorporating
        Spiritual Reading

   By – C. T. Eck [Brochure; page flaps numbered 1 - 5]

(1)  Welcome to the “healthy diet happy meal plan in the holy scriptures.” Within this quick take of a Brochure format you will, along with other tidbits, come in contact with two highly useful and workable lifestyle ideas. Before you’ve given but a few minutes of your precious time reading the contents of all that is contained in these few page flaps, you can learn of a way to will your way into God’s will in an ingenious, innovative, intelligent aspect that improves your integrity.

There is a way to take in all the scripture Book of God (known today as the Holy Bible) has for us as households, families, faith institutions or Churches, and especially as individuals like you! The first inclusion this Brochure sets out is a unique, vital, and fresh procedure for getting a productive, in-step, and daily read out of the holy scriptures. Read along ahead to find just what you may have been needing for long and longer, or at least leaning towards in perhaps a search of your own. Whether you have been proactively already studying what God has in store for your life or you are considering just starting out as you contemplate what there is to cover in these paragraphs you hold, know that this particular angle is sure to hold you steady and keep your excitement up.

The other side of this new approach concerns an offer for you to make use of. If you want to incorporate an affordable yet personal choice to get involved with a brand new copy of your very own set of scriptures, read on. My name is C. T. and I am willing to partner with you on a Holy Bible purchase before this is all over. Be sure to check on this purposeful and meaningful chance right within these few lines.

(2)  The ancient accounts found inside the Holy Bible are as up-to-date as now! One of the only other writings that is that new is the daily newspaper, which comes out different every day. God’s Book is preserved and doesn’t change depending on the weather or whether somebody else thinks or says whatever they prescribe or forecast. Tangible Heaven, seen.

Personal opinion or private interpretation goes out the window because the holy scriptures interpret themselves, and indeed us, just fine. As long as the reader employs a “here a little, there a little” mentality which makes room for “line upon line” and “precept upon precept,” he or she can view upon the role of the living, vibrant, and flaming active Words of Almighty God. Did you know that our Holy Bibles, if you happen to have one, are written through the inspiration of the good Lord in Heaven? Yes, men took part in bringing it to us, but it is spoken by the Lord God and initiated in His mind. When you read, if you read, know that the scriptures often come to us in parables or even symbolic language. God utilized a puzzle for us to piece together, though He did not mean for it to be overridingly puzzling for those who take the time to seek out the truth.

Have you ever been willing to oversee a project and felt peace and closure and accomplishment when it was done? Even completing a mowing of the lawn can be rewarding like that. Isn’t reading in lines in order kind of like mowing a mini lawn with letters instead of grass? It’s less work and more fun when you begin to look at it in this manner because it provides a perspective you can appreciate and enjoy.

(3)  For a healthy diet in the arena of food choices, one usually simply has to bring a host of sources to the table. Eating healthier means having fruits and vegetables on your plate in addition to grains, protein, and if dairy. If one or the other is overlooked, soon deficiencies creep up and potential health problems occur.

Just like the first picture with a fork on this Brochure’s cover shows what I’m discussing looks like, the second picture of books begins to bring out what I would like to point out now. Every worthwhile studier of God’s Book knows that to look at it fairly and responsibly means to “rightly divide” its makeup, beginning with which books belong where in context to the rest. We might also like to know who wrote, to whom it was written, and why it was written when it all comes down to each individual book.

The Holy Bible is actually made up of 66 smaller books, some of which are only letters, and some of which comprise only one chapter, even though there were no chapter/s and verse/s divisions when it was first produced. Let’s say you wanted to feed on God’s faithfulness and “eat up” what He’s got to say in His Word. Wouldn’t you need to get a healthy portion of each and all of the various parts to what He is bringing to your table?

My personal nightly scripture reading plan includes a daily portion from different locations throughout the two Testaments of scripture. Saturdays I spend time in eight New and Old Testaments places, but each day I visit Corinthians and Daniel in my Bible. The efficiency comes out in two verses at a time.

(4)  I begin by knowing I am reading through any one sub-book within the Holy Bible canon (again, made up of 66 works as a grand total) from beginning to end or front to back. Therefore I finish what I start and know I am not skipping around without an aim. Then I pick one book, say from the Psalms selections of the Old Testament, and read it two verses at a time. It will be days’ hours before I am back in the same area. It helps to have an excellent memory and to get into “slowly digesting” the passages in general. Knowing the scriptures are in “seed” form lets us in on a little secret that they can be engrafted in with only a wee little bit of exposure. Success, scripture style!

So, for instance, I am currently in The Revelation, James, Acts, and John for my four New Testament leadings and respectively in Jeremiah, Job, Nehemiah, and Genesis for my four Old Testament leanings. God is able to “direct our work in truth” as we go to perhaps where He gives direction instead of trying to go through the whole thing in the order it’s already in. It does help to have been through the Holy Bible at least once already, and but know that this special approach comes in handy for time constraints and active lifestyles. The official divisions of the Old Testament are the Law (five books of Moses), Israeli History (twelve books there), Poetry (five poetic books in all), Prophecy (five major and twelve minor, with one more as Revelation in the New Testament), while the New Testament may be classified as Gospels (Matthew through John), Acts standing alone with “verbatim” word-for-word preaching by apostles telling the lost how to become saved, and those 21 Epistle letters now very famous.

(5 So, two-by-two means that you only read eight scripture verse numbers per week, and / or one-and-one per workday. It takes, by the time you flip the pages over and mark by the verse numbers to keep track, only a relatively minor amount of overall timing. Presto and then you’ve got the happy meal plan of a healthy diet in the holy scriptures! Soon enough you’ll look back at the calendar and see how much progress you’ve made, coming so far. Often it’s more in supplements-supply than you would have gotten into on your own any which way. All that’s left is to get a handy Compact Reference King James Version Holy Bible per the advice of yours truly. I use this version for the main reason of the reference portion in the margin in between the loads of verses. It sheds light on Hebrew and Greek nuances and even lists other “Or” variations of some aspects of the text. I recommend it because there’s just none else like it and it leaves you feeling you understand the older English much easier and lets you get fuller meanings much better.

My offer is that I will pick up over a third of the total cost of this Bible version, including the tax, if you may bring along $10.00 of its overall cost [but not for the Internet Brochure offering today, so sorry]. What a great investment for your spiritual health! Go for it today! Meanwhile be sure to ask for another of C. T.’s goal works, titled “Life Study.” Email me about these for either offer, right about right now, at this final page (withheld). Plus, a mailing address posted at each Blogging type, howsoever (see up above at on top and below by the bottom). Everybody should read God’s Book through at least once, so they know what they’re up against and what’s for them; Christians should read God’s Book day-by-day all their life just because that’s what defines them (or, us) as disciples indeed.

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 05/21/2023 in the PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Bonus Blogs, Poems, Brochures, spiritual reading, grass-cutting, balance and success, your very own Holy Bible copy.

**Contact Specific postal mailing address Email alternative: at the very bottom of this whole page, same page, not to miss.



here :

Blog EINS            meaning one (1) in German / Deutsch
// In Faith Matters //


 = =

Notice :: Email alter/native towards generating Question/s? / Comment/s! / Answer/s! / Share versus scare Link/s! and / or Cashier Check or Money Order Donation/s/s if as you may wish -
Contact Specific postal mailing address:
Br. Mr. C. T. Eck // P.O. Box 2415 // Brookfield, WI  53008..
Send of you, on me, for us and U.S.!

Nontypical Not-For-$ale Blogging/s CATALOG Sail-lessness (Just, At Port, An Isle Urb, For Yous Use)

This be the only of Mr. Eck's Blogging/s that comes at yous without Tags, and but still with a Post Date, earlier than the saying stay of at least any otherwise.

- Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 06/17/2023 in the Afternoon Daytime Origin -

What, what this alls is is a User Catalog (not sent, no $ale) of incoming ongoing (until then thereby) overall remaining Blogging/s (Blogs short for Weblogs, initiallly originally). Plus I as Site Author beseech yous to behold that a yet another, only one more of a more entry, titled "Interneting" shall be posted sooner than the whole rest, howsoever so important of interest and meant above the mean, because sensitive though uncompromised material on -if- Interneting should be utilized on the very Internet this advice affords.

Yes, that will be something else, not that I am quite taking too overmuch uncalculated risk by posting content headlines prior to publishing. Whereas some are yet unformulated, several many need merely obtain an Update Edit, or so. Thanks for your interest or investment, in advance and glad you're reading and be blessed!!! See, given poem, today (scroll further).

01/39. “A Trust Must

02/39. “A Brochure And A Balance” –  “Up To 6: Delineating The Most Ominous Trumpet Of The 
03/39. “Up To Six, Then Seven (  Trumpets  In Time Of Grace)” w/ “Psalm 23
04/39. “9/11/01’s Tragedy Turns A Clarion Call

0+/39. "[Title Withheld / To Publish]"

05/39. “Special Specific Bonus Entry A Of 20/39” w/ “Listings Belief Pound” & “Only As Much As You Can Take: Enough Spirituality At One Time Is Enough
06/39. “Special Specific Bonus Entry B Of 20/39” w/ “Would I Live?” & “Simple Machines Of Scripture: Classical Principles Of Truth And Ways To Take It All In Stride
07/39. “Special Specific Bonus Entry C Of 20/39” w/ “Schooled” & “The Healthy Diet Happy Meal Plan In The Holy Scriptures: The Part-Step Process To Balance And Success In Incorporating Spiritual Reading
08 – 39/39. {No set order, following, howsoever decently decorated herein beforehand, nonetheless; includes intermingled either outright Entries articles all above first plus other Brochure essays groupings each then farther below.}

**Dates times mostly each entry footers follow; newer is 'D' or #8 similar to directly above listings, to go:

= StarTrek On Board For Reality
= From Maya Blue To Redemption Kaleidoscoping
= That Seven-Fold Surprises Equation All Around Easter & The Birthday Of Christmas
= About Strobe

= To Summarize The Summary
= Signals Angles [single bestest offering as yet and draft already on file]
= This 2010 We Have A Direct Opportunity To Time Travel
= 2011 Anniversary Awards
= Passion Parallels & Christian Disciple Esquire Inspire Inquire Entire (Daniel And Other Names)
= “Romans Bookends” (About Christ-Killers Road)
= Housing Crisis Abort
= Isay Icicles From Isaiah / Esaias
= Tidying The Tabernacle
= Thy Judgments The Ministry These Days & The Fountain Of Life Over Youth

- -

<Only As Much As You Can Take
   Enough Spirituality At One Time Is Enough>
<Simple Machines Of Scripture
   Classical Principles Of Truth And A Way To Take It All In Stride>
<The Healthy Diet Happy Meal Plan In The Holy Scriptures
   The Part-Step Process To Balance And Success In Incorporating Spiritual Reading>
<Up To 6
   Delineating The Most Ominous Trumpet In “The Revelation”>
<Little 7 Up
   To Get Lasting Peace With God Find Your Way Over To A Piece Of Seven
Job’s Geometry
   Linguistic Spacial Relationships In Light Of Properties And Attributes Within The Ancient Book Of Job
Bonus Tracks In Scripture
   The Extra Above And Beyond Contained Inside Readily Accessible Texts From God
Saul Into Paul
   Piecing Together New Creation Direction Openly Left As A Pattern For Us In The New Testament
The Ticket Of The Blood
   Some Say There’s Nothing But The Blood, But Synchronized Agreement Harmoniously Plays In The Unison Of The Spirit And The Water And The Blood
The Sweet Psalmist Of Israel
   A Shepherd Turned King Has A Way With Words Because God’s Word Made All The Difference In David
   See How The New Testament Centers In The Book Of The Beginning Acts Of The Holy Ghost Church
Do You Know What You Worship?
   The Topic Of The Heavenly Headquarters Of The Godhead In A Man Named Jesus
Jerusalem and Rome Cross Comparison
   Pentecost-Christian Foundation More Than Catholic Perversions Of The Way Jesus Built
Prayer That Works

   Overcoming By Kneeling To “Our Father” If When Saved And Also Saving

Test-Trying Of The Ear Orderly Decent Discrimination
   Hearing What The Spirit Is Saying
The Way Christian
   Saved By The Spiritual Science Of Serendipity And The Order Of Apostle-Doctrine Sequence
Ad Brochure Final
   Advertising C. T.’s Creative And Classy Collection Of Inspirational Tools In Outreach Evangelism With A Style That Sings
Reading The Reads [or rename]
   [to do research on best two (2) “Reading Specialist” college-level books plus write this Brochure]

++39 Grand Total Blogging/s and 1++

Prayering becomes us, and I am...you too!? Go the gospel, proceed and...

*  *  *

1 / 1These Are a Few of My Favorite Things [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.


In the count trying
By the way on Your side
At the middle stuck on finishing
Even up since failure, yet welling to abide
A few – of my favorite, things
Anew fronting alight the blessings may bring
Letting Jerusalem come into my mind
Thorough exploits throughout
Remembering salvation is of the Jews
Simple pleasures
Beauty sleep in a host of positions postured
Traveling fairs
Warm pockets
Nice smiles
Hot chicks, maybe soft yellow under a lamp
Packed parties
Fancy décor
The smell of gasoline actually
Female fragrance
Flower bouquets
Ready-prepared days
Big zippers
Gigantic or fancy buttons
Snaps on jackets up high by your neck
Attachments of anything and everything
Candy canes in July heat
November rain that does not freeze
Eating fresh snow, melting crispy white
Refreshing Birthday cards, on time, late, or even way early by one month
Eyes the color of deep bold
Holding a dancing woman by the waist
Savoring the lyrics of love songs even as a single bachelor
Real-life super heroes
Useful products
New inventions of good intentions
Conference calls with three or more
Small groups meeting and working with new people
Bettering churching by being me
Cold coffee drinks and straws
Candy, baby!
Steaming body showers
Ice cubes, period
Wavy hair and wacky bed head
Thick hair and huge brushes
Long straight hair and barber combs
The differences in hair colors, shades, and styles
Fish tank props, preparations, and presentations
Three-legged crippled puppy dogs
Fat cats and new kittens
A ferret named Sherwin who bounced like a basketball
My special silver Gant brand specs
Vests of all varieties if only to dress up for no reason and be hip
Grey-colored designer jeans possibly with stitches
Classy dress shoes, or boots
Walks with cherished family members around the block
Longer runs, like for almost an hour, weeeeie!
A good game of pick-me-up volleyball
Frisbee golf just for fun
Walking with a flying baby at arms ahead held horizontal
Knowing the answer before the question’s fully out
Equaling the timing of a world record, unsurpassed but tied
Matching eye rolling with close friends
Competing in any event that you ultimately win
Louder screams for ice cream
Pits of peaches and apple cores from apples promptly consumed
Guessing nongambled bets on horse races changed mid-way through
Free heated meals with vegetables, especially breakfasted, being served
Houses that are homes indeed
Holding hands with small children
Dashing between the rain drops
Driving the exact speed limit lawfully though annoyingly
Being just and experiencing justice
Getting what I want, practically but radically
Genuine-style and authenticity
Good intentions coupled with high hopes
Speaking in Holy Ghost languages new tongues
This being baptized by Jesus Christ, a birth in Zion
A perfect ending to a good start, more acceptable, less excused

I kinda like to play long notes on my kazoo
I kinda like looking right at you when I am still listening
I kinda like being snowed in at conferences
I kinda like the cool of lukewarm tea
I kinda like short poems that do not rhyme

These have been from the few of my favorite things
I’d add this one more in the midst, while at passing:
People like you if you really like these things too!
Thank-you, and thank-you, thank you kindly. . .

- -

:: Yes, I love life, well handle my life and life general-specifically.

Now, gentle-men Or ladies, recall in total this that I have:

Copyright © 2023. C. T. Eck. All rights reserved. (!)

“Special Specific Bonus Entry D Of 20/39 Total: Formidable Brochure / Good Poem”

Yes, two English versions share King James plus New King James -Versions- at spirit-life reading to greatly administer the business of how to fix the learning curve of merely sole choice, because for one alone it is known it maybe lessons balance for the translated-into new language, of my English use or if really any other native language for you.

Yes, I pick a prayer time (like noons basis Psalm 55 lead and call-verse near in there) or by vicinities of block groupings not more than a few good times days daily, though I appreciate the prayer-hour on up to a mention in very early Acts Book 3.

Yes, I pray for my work, and you may add prayer for my serve, when once or on and as I find at least half a dozen prayer direct requests, and if I memorize to use and publish perhaps up to about eight (8) in holy scripture.

*  *  *

The Little 7 Up






  To Get Lasting Peace
   With God
 Find Your Way Over To
    A Piece Of Seven

   By – C. T. Eck [Brochure; page flaps numbered 1 - 5]

Did you know?
          Can you tell?
                   Would you wish?
   Have you ever?

These are all questions that apply to, among perhaps other things, the saving factor of mercy and truth heaven has in store for you and yours.

Permit C. T. to go at short-length about what saves for a little duration with you as you read in considering what this storing up I’m showcasing has to do with you, yes even you. Please read on for a few spaces of listed lines to find your way over to a “piece of seven” that gets you lasting peace with no less than God. Thank-you kindly for reading upon a simple Brochure this far.

As you start reading, give yourself to close attention that, before this trip of a few flaps is over, you can consider saying a little “yes” to a little idea. Read on for some insightful inspiration, touchings on the tip of salvation, and this creative invitation to be for you personably. All God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen” and it is at least one’s faithful prayer that you may yet choose this one yes for you. Ready note: this will surely not take away from what you already have in God, whatever it is, but can only be a real benefit for caring more!

Get ready, get set, then get going with the stockpile “salvation” from God. Is this new to you, like it was new to me even though I was raised a family church-goer? There are salvations plural because each principle of God entails a distinct conversion to every principle. If there’s disbelief, we can cry out to the good Lord, maybe even shedding a tear or so, and have our sorrow turned to joy. One way of looking at salvation is that we save ourselves from this “untoward” generation that isn’t facing God. Another way of viewing upon salvation is that it takes the implanted word from God to save C. T.’s own or your very soul. Did you know we are not just bodies, but live by our spirits from God and possess souls? What would it mean or even profit you if you gained everything you could or all you wanted (“have the world” if you will) if you let yourself lose yourself and don’t retain your soul when it matters in your latter end?

Right now, right here, we’re on way to success. Back to the word from God, which is the real reality of God’s Word and not man’s conjecture, tradition, or personal opinion teaching of private interpretation, and we can initiate our notion that salvation is based on the loving character of the God of peace and His holy Word. By the way, we know there’s a God because He’s got a “house” somewhere near your block – a church-house nearly in every city and town (makes sense, since He’s everywhere-present as glorious God, to have more than one place address). Breaking it down to one of the two from above, the Word, you can now know that this Word from God takes effect by faith and patience. Breaking it

down even further between these more two, faith is the substance evidence that, given the portion we all should have, lets us believe in believing and come to obedience in the very gospel to use. Since there’s all these gospels plural in the religion spheres in this big old world, we need the especial type of faith that accesses “grace” and the likewise wonderstuff faith that ever makes possible a born from above salvation I’m displaying for us. As one that already stepped into the entry into God’s Kingdom, God has opened C. T.’s eyes to know he’s not just repentant, but has, because of his drawing near to God, actually repented. You too?! Let the coal of conversion meet the diamond of discipling as you allow a Savior to make you profitable to the Lord in light of a heavenly home without a Christless eternity. It’s the difference made between expecting the real of reality (a spiritual world in our physical world) and excusing ourselves with excuses. Those who are able run to the truth light instead of hiding in the evil dark.

It’s an appropriation versus being automatic and a deduction rather than a default status. There’s no scheme; there’s just a showing and a telling, leading to a cross where the life matches the message. Did you realize it’s a mystery that some get into and some don’t catch? We sure need to know God, but it is just as important to obey the gospel God gives us. One without the other, either obeying the gospel (which goes beyond just hearing of it in general) by itself, or knowing God alone (without applying the saving gospel) doesn’t cut. Please read on for how to participate in learning of what God Himself has in store for

you. How else would you possibly embark on such potential without someone first bringing it to your doorstep? We can have the Word implanted in us as we’re grafted into the Israel of God (this is tech-speak for what will of a surety become your you if you step up to a Title-less soon to share in this Brochure of yours). The “word seed” grows, if it’s in you!

So, how can you possibly be expected to hear of the finished plan and accurate application of what’s being let on about unless someone, like C. T., has a sit-down with you? Here’s my prosperous lift to get you to know what was originally called the Way. The Way was the sect of Judaism that came to be known as Christians, or the holy nation, among all the ancient nations, of Christ-disciple followers that formed local Church communities based on doctrines of apostles, not Romans. There were Colossians who were Christians – see the “ians” at the end to notify what made them who they were. Are you more than an American or the native of your home nation and procuring to be more of a follower than a fan of this Lord Jesus, where you are called a Christian more by others than you put a self-label on your person? Even if the answer leans to “noes” for any of these questions since brought up or more questions flying through your noggin for the time being, thank-you kindly for reading thus far (know you’re almost finished for a wrap-up).

>>>      An invite to a “Life Study” you may have already heard of that lasts either a portion of a morning or an afternoon or even an evening is upgraded to a little better idea: meet C. T. for a mere 24-minute “Title-less.” For


the many among us who are dealing with time constraints and busier schedule conflicts, a Title-less quick-take is in and out in as much time as a laundry load finishes up. This plain alternative to C. T.’s Life Study mountain is right what you may need ordered instead and better by-and-by. At least for starters, try putting a little less on your plate with the Title-less. The Life Study may be a seven-course meal, so if all you like is trays of hors d’oeuvres, lets get the party passing! Email in as soon as the now of today for C. T. to open his schedule, maybe this week, at [withheld; Contact Specifics remain, so do not refrain - see straight at the bottom of this Blog EINS typing, way over there below]. You mean more to the two preparers, God and C. T., of this piece of peace! Communicate what you really tell.

It all gets down to dynamic encounters with God’s Word, intimate closeness with God’s people, and radical transformation of our lives. Or should I say it all gets “up” within the fancy framework of the Title-less? Try less than a half-hour of power for the you that you desire to deserve. C. T. put his time, heart of prayers, and faithful resources into the best shot you’ve got at the best thing going! Somebody believes!

Whether you are presently persuaded of these things or really going with it moreso, know that instruction for you into the Kingdom Of God is available in a readiness to let you understand. Look forward to establishing your heart in accessible grace in order to prepare your life as you come to know what is being fulfilled all around us in these extreme times.

O  O  O

1 / 1 “Somewhere Sunday's Shore” [poem]

by poet Eck, C. T.

Being thankful, being grateful
Some people call [city place title withheld due privacy]
Lifestyle over experience plus style
Made it to each Sunday’s shore

Too many choices when one left off
To all of them and we as us too
Two worlds apart, one life ongoing
Whenever if ever she will say yes

You do not recognize yourself at that one age
Lots making sense before all of that other
Counterfeit paper when lack does not matter
A defeated man gone on to overcome himself

Sunday’s shore kept washing up
As washing up keeps getting done
Unto every weekday’s rock out
Between two days as one weekend

Look hard at the green green grass
Leaves or blades to higher sways
Looking is about all you get these days
Watch as grass grows your life goes

One more chance to another
How many days come to years?
Months between count up rows
Even weeks spent spending storms

One day now is all there’s left
Sunday’s shore gets in between
There to there, there-there
I have got today’s time to live

What is the truth about it?
What can I do about it?
Where will that take me to?
How long will it take then?

Sunday’s shore, oh Sunday’s shore
Shore of each newone Sunday
Come softly or harshly but come
Shores of my life still undone

Looking forward to each Sunday
Like a shore of a new week
Like a day on eternity’s fire
And about all I care to believe

Somewhere Sunday’s shore awaits you
Come ready to your shore of Sunday
If you wait for each due Sunday
You shall catch and church it sound

Posted by [ Singular-X ] at : 01/31/2024 in the AM gap  Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Bonus BlogsBrochuresPoemsEphesians Christian manifold boot armor (blues around throughout), embark potential, look for 'Life Study'+ Book appendix purchase invite, presently persuaded.

And you wager there's less place,  to come to sure your peace,

Now anchor ships of life at this Port:  let rest for your soul increase.