_Apple Bust Blog_                
whatever your language, Or, HoGh chemistry
(( Holy Ghost ))
// Scriptures Expertise Overtime //
or, “Knowledge College”

. . .COMPLETED (ALL OF THE 10 OUT OF *10* (+); PERFECT!!).


For those for whom one (1=EINS - Deutsch / German) or two (2=DEUX - Francais / French) is not enoughing, then if a blog could satisfy when we hear here the prophecy, fairer poetry, and / or true-man possibility, please read ready. The ‘salvation’ line around about Eck’s-O reads about recipe for the cause that this is like preparing a meal spiritually, and there it says too on equating because it does add up calculatingly or impressively right on task, correct and accurate.

These elements matters on Apple Bust BLOG (ABB) as principles over suppositions liken by short retort also have hearing for one poem each, not necessarily overly interrelated, by a directed work in truth as the Way of life is made straight before your face/s, by the author’s own prayering naturally. This is, all but Entry #4 / 10 carry with it one lively poem, each, and even there in that fourth entry, it even does mention a going poem, instead for $ale, elsewhere, nevertheless online.

Around about these parts, we are trying on out something somewhat newer, for now. In the stead of placing all ten (1 – 10) ABB entries up –in order-, again for now we will be placing entries 8, 9, & 10 up firstmost, and then following just then with all of the rest, though definitely in order from 1 to through 7 and in-that-order, only after the final three of 8 – 10 coming up at first, even before the initial seven (7) total. So and so, this author hopes well enough in his wellbeing that this is being explained far goodly for all of us reader/s (or, as it were, Island “Internet Campers”) here for the today of 12-hours (though it is still very well if you are not here all of that very long).

Know for yourselves, that my own, as Mr. Eck’s, Blogs are not usually just paragraph huts, for mine as skyscrapers structure. Needless to say and nevertheless, mainly both the Blog EINS (1st of 3 bloggings) and Blog DEUX (2nd of 3 bloggings) entries versions are indeed and therefore notably lengthy; howsoever, near us now at Apple Bust BLOG (3rd or final of 3 bloggings), these are rather typical entries as far as blogs go, and constitute one simple run-on paragraph each (certainly a hut versus a skyscraper, so to speak). Whether you are looking for something as great as can change the weather above your roof where you are reading by, or you are otherwise less easily impressed and satisfied with simple and godly sincere tasty spices of writing splices, please figure yourself found at all of these now up and all ready already-completed, Apple Bust BLOGs, for you.

Back up at my former discourse notation, a main reason I am doing the numerical order, out-of-order, is because it goes like groupings of three (3), then seven (7), as if that were 37 as digits together. For this strong reasonableness, think of a verse 37 in Acts Book, there in chapter 2, for 2:37. That verse Acts 2:37 from in the Holy Bible, or God’s Book for us in our modern world today, says about asking about “what shall we do” and the context is “do to be saved,” where directly consequently in the very next verse scrip listing locale Acts 2:38, there it tells the “what to do,” “to be saved,” in exacting instructions right-in-line, in a way often done at random times within and throughout scripture/s, and but seldom noticed by pursuers, and then exactly subsequently in the following-up following-thru passage all-within-one-verse just after in Acts 2:39 it goes right on to right-on explain everything all at once in-a-bunch about Acts 2:38 (which on its own shows to tell of becoming into being “born again,” that is “saved”), and that is all we will need for right here, right now (worthwhile wholesome worthy enough to try your very own read/s of those only three sentences thereby in Acts Book, either online in a search engine or at your nearest bookstore, even as you may not already own your own scrips-set Holy Bible canon of collected source 66-Books-in-one).

For now, please have to enjoy each and all of –Apple Bust BLOG-!!

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***This blog space is newly created, howsoever no longer Under Construction.

Thank-you ever so kindly for your joining this Author in being so -patient- so far until, now. Good enough for us!

​[Herein, entries #8 - #10, again,  come some before the rest of entries #1 - #7, if because this makes for a "3, then, 7" like as in the verse Acts 2:37, where a goodly godly question was asked before proceeding with saving matters; in this Blog it shall be no less noted that we would ask questions as we read, to be conscientious readers, indeed:]

An Entry #8 / 10
God Shows Up By Showing Us

Here’s for a fresh start in this latest blog entry. We of all of us can know that it is the Bible (God’s Book) that is over above traditions, where what God says is preempted over what man says. These ten (10) entries for one of mine, C. T. Eck’s blogs, are originally taken from “The World’s Shortest Bible Study.” What I did was take topmost scriptures from the ancient holy scriptures to share what we can need to use. This latest’s chosen passage is located in Psalms. Psalm 91@14-16 quotes the Lord’s speech on what He has to share, here used for a blog too. “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. With long [Hebrew, length of days] life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.” God Himself shows to people salvation. This has been one spectacular psalm passage! It can be said that the great divide in churchhouses is between Roman Catholic and Protestant involvements. There is actually a third called Pentecost-Christians, commonly called Pentecostal, which is growing faster and bigger than the other designations. Even better known than this, it is referred to as Apostle-teaching or more commonly Apostolic. Please watch for the final two (after this entry) entries on this AppleBust Blog. Meanwhile I trust to hope you saw a need in your own life based on the Psalms passage shared just now. The very important thing to take away from this latest blog is that God Himself shows to people salvation. For this strong reason, it is now all on you to open a Bible or to find a Pentecostal Apostolic church congregation. God Himself gets involved, so please do not take for granted that God will be right there with you.  There is a great dichotomy between God with and God in a believer. Stay awaiting the other blog entries herein to shed light on this great light in and of itself, that is the kingdom, power, and glory of becoming Pentecost-Christian. God shows, oh that He does.

- accompanying poetry -

God-Save=Sonnet” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

There-there our God is there in heav’n avoice
Ten Comm’ments by Holy God finger spent
Those demons thought Christ came early at once
Jesus cast away the evil one oft
The sermon on the mount shows us true grace
Those parables hold keys but also d’guise
Jesus Christ made d’ciples made apostles
Up t’us that is true but we have the Son’s
Did you know God’s blood is provided here?:
On a hill called Calv’ry a man laid down
His life for ours to save from so much fear
That was love and now His Spirit poured out
            The LORD said to my Lord sit down and reign
            Our Father speaks to Christ and us to save


An Entry #9 / 10
The Pinnacle Of Pentecost

There is a single verse in the New Testament of God’s will that provides both convenience and instruction as to what to do as far as approaching God is concerned. If your own goal is to make peace with our Heavenly Father, as mine own lifestyle is built up about, then this verse I am getting towards is the beginning of the answer. This verse, it is actually kind of famous in the churches I have frequented as a member of Christ. Found in Acts 2@38, this is that you will need to survive the present dispensation of God’s revealed plan for the soon ending age we are of. This Acts verse reads here: “Then Peter said [un]to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit [Holy Ghost].”” However much you magnify this verse’s components is likewise how much you can be strongly saved! This is authentic and genuine. Repent at before baptism and also know that the Holy Ghost gift does not just accompany but is honestly necessary to be part of what is called the rapture, later, at when Jesus returns. Water baptism like this is not exactly like you will find in most of the denominations of churching, but is instead of the apostles of our Lord. We can discern from the verse-following context that this is both a promise and also for us today, because this present “grace” dispensation does not change until Jesus Christ returns to earth for the Kingdom of God. This had been the kind of type of church service where the congregation replied to the preaching with a question, right at the verse before the verse listed here above. This is one of my favorite verses, both because it is like the title to this blog entry (a pinnacle) and also because you need not dig too far to get all of the whole council of God’s will in a single verse or passage. This verse is like the boiled down version of just how we need it and tells clearly why we like it. Not only is this description the way to baptize in, but the “capsule” in this only one verse explains what a genuine converted person gets when he or she is baptized in the first place. You can tell if a church is authentic if you also receive the Holy Ghost baptism at the water baptism timing and this is also why the Bible (God’s book) calls all of this “one baptism.” Most basically, if you were to put all the baptism scriptures on top of one another on like tracing paper (if they were a picture instead of sentences), you could find that they all agree and the way to go do it now is by awaiting the Holy Spirit and to use Jesus’ Name (He’s the Lord). Want grace? Want unity? Not that we should become wanting, and I am so glad and very happy that Acts 2 holds this verse quoted in this blog today. The preacher Peter was standing up with the other apostles and did what he knew was the way every one in the New Testament gets along with baptizing. So have a nice day and another good year with hooking up to abide in a churchhouse that preaches the conversion for you and your loved ones (family and friends) just like Acts 2@38 amply puts it out where we can all take notice alright. Says I, this would make a good bumper sticker if only drivers driving by and around would later check to see what the verse numbers say; it might also be tried out for a license plate as fitting just right.

- accompanying poetry -

H e y y o” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

Creator forms us to breathe on in
In growing pains to frame with our faith owned worlds

So sorry my flowers were dying
Before they were crumpled I threw them sown, I repented

Time to gather stones; then I stood baptizing
Mine empty cup washing sheen clean

Into my heart came Father and Son
That smile of this Church hell cannot best found my fountain of living waters blessed

First is to the asking as now is to the sought-by founded
World upside down where newness life labors in travail again to forming Christ

A place prepared for me in glory
Lord God in Heaven says pray that His will be done as in Heaven so on Earth


An Entry #10 / 10
Sum Up

Is it not great when you find in your Bible two or so places that come from both of the Testaments (Old Testament and New Testament) some passages that agree or almost say the exact same thing? This is true with what to do with verses you might find in there, in God’s Book, the Bible. In Moses’ final book, called Deuteronomy, he wrote this: “Whatever [what thing soever] I command you, be careful to observe [to do] it; you shall not add to [thereto] it nor take away [diminish] from it.” This has been from Deuteronomy 12 (the final verse in that chapter), and there is a very similar verse earlier in that same book, early in Deuteronomy 4. What goes along, perhaps, with these truths is found in the ending of the end time book of Revelation (in chapter 22 there), which reads this even more thorough way: “For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” These basically sum up the Bible, though first in Moses final book, and then in the Revelation, which is found at the end of the entire Bible. The reason I sent this from Revelation in the Apple Bust Blog is because this is from one of the shortest Bible studies I have yet to type upon. This study of mine, here translated (but not from a different language or into another language) into my Apple Bust Blog, is that started by saying that the fruit mentioned in the Garden of Eden from by Genesis, was not necessarily an apple, but only designated as “fruit” generally in that passage there. See my first Apple Bust Blog for more or further clarity on that, overall. So now we all know that to have success with God in His Book, our Bibles, means verifiably not to “mess” with it nonetheless. Anyway, and if it is copied for our Bibles, those passages and indeed the entire works are already written up the way they should be, this should not be or become a or any problem(s). Please notice that I did not employ “overkill” in digressing these passages or a portion from the Revelation. Truly, I believe that the holy scriptures speak for themselves and all we need to do in it is just to look at some scriptures and see for ourselves how God would have it. Grace, grace to it and grace to you as you do read in the Bible at all, or daily, or howsoever you may. As for me I read a chapter a day to keep the devil away and go more in depth on Saturdays when I can have a little more time to look to read or to study therein. Grace and peace to you, each, people that read this blog or the other pages of my web space site. Thank you very much for liking to also finish this third blog of mine, which is now complete, just to let you know.

- accompanying poetry –

Heavenly  Country” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

Not heavy, heavenly
Heavenly country, city of Heaven
What do you have in Heaven?
Then how is your heart for Heaven?
Home’s heart is in a heavenly country
Christ-ian holy nation saints alive too
My staying keep will be that Home
There the throne
Bride of the Christ, new city
Jerusalem from up in the sky
Cubic city space for all
A place prepared for you, in that Heaven
Twelve gates fashioned pearl
Clear glass gold
Twelve fruits
Tree of life, pure river water of life, healing leaves
Twelve angels
Twelve foundations
Glory and light and that you get there too
In a new earth with new heaven
The wall adorned and the tabernacle of God
No more sea, no death, no sorrow, no crying, no curse
Names of Israeli tribes and apostles
Count on up going on 144,000 multiple of twelves
Heavenly place without pain
No need for money or what if there is and we all have plenty
Where all are holy, all can agree, all able
All of the one faith that saved
Differing dispensations then by-and-by
For us the one gospel to use
Saves all who believing call on God for once at baptizing
Father of spirits, one is mine
Gems and golden street transparent ashine
Christ Jesus is there, need I say more
City of Heaven, heavenly country


An Entry #1 / 10
May Desired Fruit, On Fruit, Abound Your Account?

Admonition not to add to as God says is in the end of The Revelation in this New Testament that while concealed in the Old Testament is in that that Old Testament is revealed in New Testament proportions. The woman added about touching the tree in the midst of the garden God had said of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as not to eat of it, lest to die death for the man and the woman. Eve, she took of the fruit all about in Genesis then also Adam spreading death on to us all, by second and third chapters there, of which what she noticed in 3@6 is redeveloped out such much by 1John 2@16, to notice threes in each at hunches haunting. This is, really is, unspecified and accounts for us do not say apple, only fruit. Mostly since or sin ever appeared, an apple is noted supple, ample, and / or serpent-suggested all over again. In the means meanwhile, Solomon's proverbs say on of the tree of life and we, oh, have it regained restoration before The Revelation wraps up in mention of the tree of life there by (this is the one for us all if we save ourselves by calling on the name of the Lord as the Lord adds to the church such as should be saved, really the reality). That the Kingdom of God / the kingdom of heaven no less is so much to not end per the eternal everlasting life John 3 holds out about that also Romans may end with in Romans 5@21 some like James that, without an "Amen," may still be for a James 5@21 at any pace grace makes, again fruit of any sort beyond the apple "A," eh, usually afforded not accorded if you just the gist.

- accompanying poetry -

Seven Seems” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

Count your chips
Of bananas a win
Call by this imaginary phone
Holding my hand from ear to grin

Raisins are only dried
Grapes have you heard
Through the vine my voice
It goes mine by time, air, or bird

Did you know prunes
Are plums, really, shrunk?
Please save not to junk your tune with me
If you whistle while we work

That is a pit
Inside the peach proposal
So do you pitch your orange rind
Or will you use it to freshen the garbage disposal?

You learn David’s Psalms and else, work fruit on account
And the most from his seed, the Christ’s parables graced truth led
Or woman, look at Bathsheba’s prophecy
And for man when Solomon her son wrote proved Proverbs when he read

What are they all over?
Those strawberry specs black
Do some persons have bloated bellies that somewhat grew
Because he or she maybe swallowed a watermelon seed instead of hacked?

Are you comforted with apples
Knowing that a core plants another whole tree?
Can you tell where is fruit of the Spirit
When God put the Holy Ghost in me?

There are several vegetables with seeds but those are not these fruits you may know
Tomatoes or pumpkins make it obvious though above ground from potatoes or rooting
About all the occurring trees and vines and books that character traits fame produced
If seven seems a little less than eight then does the latter enter our purpose hours telling?


An Entry #2 / 10
If Peter Had A Wife, Why With Their Traditions In Not Taking Wives Does Roman Catholic Teaching Try To Convince That Peter Was The Pope?

Early in First Timothy (Bible’s book) 4 an apostle shares that “now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times [our 2016 day even before up to and ongoing after this far] some will depart from the faith [= straight New Testament that interprets itself], giving heed to deceiving [or, seducing] spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from [meats]…” and one mother church has that their own world leader the Pope with archbishops and cardinals do not marry (they forbid to marry as says this admonition by warning by Paul). While Paul, in the first century since Christ, was not married, he did explain how other apostles and the Lord’s brothers (also “Cephas” in First Corinthians 9@3-6) married women, sisters in the faith. Looking any or much more at New Testament locale (passages) the names Simon Peter and Cephas are synonymous, and where Mark 1@30 shows that Simon’s “wife’s mother” had a fever that Jesus healed just then – so if Peter had a wife’s mother therefore for this strong reasonable intelligent access we can all rightly perceive Peter had a wife (so obvious as such). Moreover if this was written up in Mark 1, and Peter revealed his son as Marcus in First Peter 5@13, perhaps Mark, Peter’s son (with a wife no less, of course, and as a must to make a child) made much of Peter having a wife in chapter One of Mark, right at the beginning of the gospel that begins with “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” Does this seem now far odd to us as it did all the way for me when I realigned with this knowledge that the same very church that preaches ministers and pastors and Popes (who these claim that Peter was the first of, a Pope because Peter was the leader then and if there are Popes now there by necessity always had to have been them all along) stay unmarried, it is indeed verily not the case that Peter lived this way, though at one point all the apostles had left things like even wives and house and lands plus what is couched in Mark 10 to follow Jesus the Christ. One of other things I thought of recently is that this past Sunday we “spring ahead” as in Spring Daylight Savings Time begins to “lose” an hour (like planting seed in Spring is losing inventory only to gain crops in Fall when we “gain” an hour about then or if DST springs on to begin in Spring though later falls off during Fall timing for this in November) or only the else I noticed this week is of – perhaps – Happy Pi Day 3/14 for the 3.14… of famous pi numerically that is more at 3.14159 rounding up (to 3.1416 for 2016!?), this far-by interesting enough just now in for us right now. So whether you save time springing into knowing better about wivys or simply notice things happening the day of the writing or the reading (for you) on this Apple Bust Blog, please take that taking wives is still of the biblical Bible way and those places that say “Christian” on the door may well be deception once you get inside, so with the Lord Jesus “take heed that no man deceive you” (Matthew 24@4, for you, mind you) even if in not marrying and teaching against it catholic adherents still say they represent God as an ambassador of diplomacy when in actuality it is hypocrisy as I just quoted earlier (worth a re-read!?), because this, the Pope’s, church uses the similar scriptures utilized here free as they are freeing from having to not marry as a rule (nevertheless Paul gets through in being all encompassing throughout places he commands New Testament audience next to the context of who did marry, including Peter, supposed a Pope, when Peter showed himself an apostle not as pope (a term not found in scriptures) in both of the epistle-letters bearing his own name).

- accompanying poetry -

The Married Life Boosters” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

For one, for all:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I am not single,
Now get a clue.

Warning to the Ladies:

Orchids come green,
Daisies be yellow,
Use true-esteem,
Date another fellow.

Admonition for the Gentlemen:

Marigolds of orange,
Tulips of purple,
Stop the flirting,
Take a cold shower.

Tag-team faithfulness:

Some roses be black,
Most weeds fluff white,
Stay back seductress,
My wife might bite.


An Entry #3 / 10
Who’s Counting Three Wise Men Meeting The New Christ When It May Have Just Been From The Number Of Items They Gifted The One Born Lord

For the number three (3) entry on “Apple Bust BLOG,” this author is planning to politely confront the idea that there simply must be three (3) Wise Men in the Jesus nativity story from the ancient scriptures of God the Lord. We will then be by supposed three (3) on the third next piece from this author (me for you) because what we do know is that those “Magi” (wise men then greater than King Herod’s plans of altercation alteration, now famous from God’s Book, known today as our Bibles) were plural of at least two (2) therefore and that this Apple Bust BLOG is already at multiple entries (going for ten (10), this many total in hope and lovingly with all this faithful faith). Some count from the Christmastime tradition (which may add up to us in being less about a Catholic actual birthdate for Jesus practically though we often get passionate about “Christmas”) to make a “Christmas in July” (in July of course), even though the six months from the said December 25 would be June 25 not July 25, and so here I am in May (on the 25th no less) to move to the earlier of June 25 instead of the later in, say, July 25 (or so would it be thus, really?!). The wise men saw the Savior’s star (who is Christ the Lord) in the East to come to worship Him, notably after He was born, where furthermore they came into a house not necessarily still the manger scene (Jesus and family lived elsewhere than Bethlehem although He qualified to birth there and which also fulfilled the prophecy of His birthplace, so to assume they stayed there in Bethlehem is falling short of not only where they actually went but to the reason Joseph and Mary were there in the first place: tax paying not homesteading) to fall down and worship Him as a young Child, so certainly this combines fine to dismantle as they presently avail to stand by all those nativity scenes with both shepherds the night of Jesus’ birth with along side the Magi, who came later (see for yourself in Matthew2@1-2 then 10-11 all in context being assured this New Testament is the news). Though what we are getting at this day of today is that the now famous wise men “presented (or, offered) gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh” that these were three (3) of so many to most cause to assume there were as many of much as exactly three (3) wise men, where I have a point to carry to make now that just because the giftings were three (3) there may have been six (6) or ten (10) or basically a nondescript number of wise fellows in the fellowship that early day in this life of the Son given to us as the Christ (another reference by Isaiah 9@6(-7)). My pointing out this point points here: how you count sometimes has to do the math the story problem way to make it really count or fit. If all it says is “wise men” but not “wise man” then we know it is plural, and the original so-called wise guy that said there have to be three (3) wise men because of, I suppose to assume to guess an estimate here, the three (3) types of gifts, might well have maybe been wrong at as many as three (3) or not to be more than three (3) by all accounts we often have used ourselves (but not me any more and not now I offer, for you).

[[Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke2@11]]

- accompanying poetry -

Enthusiasm” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

It’s like meeting her for the very first time
As first impressions resemble splashes of cool cool water

It’s like rhythmically opening the blinds
When you are used to having the shades pulled

It’s the warm blush of sunshine and rainbow
After a downpour of rain flushing the streets

It’s the light-bulbed smile grinned ear-to-ear
And lips quivering with chin almost pointing

Just saying its terms in torrents reaches way in
Deep inside to evoke and reveal disguised incognito


An Entry #4 / 10
Beneficiary Of Belief

So and for this la-la-latest ABB (“Apple Bust BLOG”) entry (the benefit of belief is with you as beneficiary, but the  benefit of the doubt itself is limited for here that Mary bible-based-protecting is not the mother she is all-too-often limited to, as you may see by reading this entry today, what day you may, so expand “your believe” sir or ma’am beneficiary of belief), I have thought hard, but not difficult, on how to best put what I think I can, and know it best to simply quote a wwwhole passage, both so readers do not have to cross-reference, especially if they do not own their own God’s Book Bibles, and to presently have the writ copy beyond a paraphrase right next to us: (from by Matthew13@53-end of chapter), “Now it same to pass, when Jesus had finished [these parables], that He departed from there. When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things? So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country and in his own house.” Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.” Now there are a few sub-topics I want to have to mention, but then the whole point of this entry is that the virgin Mary the mother of Jesus was not always a virgin afterwards, but actually had a rather big family of her own with her own husband, whom she was married to. This is enough said for this entire blog entry, because ABB (“Apple Bust BLOG”) is on misnomers, presumptuous assumptions, and disqualifications on par that Mary, Jesus’ mom, did not stay a virgin all her life as she had at least six other kids after Jesus was born when she was a virgin (referencing at least two daughters plural next to the four brother names in this passage in an official gospel of the Christ, our Lord Jesus). What else this blog entry is on that you may not realize why the NewKingJamesVersion (commonly NKJV) and the regular KJV original from 1611 utilize italics where the English, to preserve word flow proper sentencing, must be more than the original translated-from languages of God’s Book, known today as the Bible for us. Therefore even sometimes though the English flows better that (this) way, here the “these” italicized in the second sentence of this passage that precedes or denotes “mighty works” should not need to be there, verily verified because what I quoted just later there says “Now He did not do many mighty works there…” so there were no “these mighty works” excepting if they were a past tense of what Jesus did elsewhere prior (very much a perhaps applicable). Any otherwise, still what else to remarkably decry is that as the son of the carpenter, Jesus’ family dad was not shown namely as “Joseph” but did have a son Joses (that is also named Joseph in a footnote, but likely not necessary) so if dad Joseph had a son Joses maybe Jesus’ actual Father (the Holy Ghost Spirit of God, known to us as “God the Father”) had a son of the same name too (some good resource service projects of ministry do but seldomly showcase that the name to baptize Christian converts in is Jesus Christ, the Lord, that the end of Matthew (here used earlier an also earlier-in-that-book passage) says “the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” while the examples in the book of Acts (just after Matthew some in the New Testament) reveal this is actually in “the name of Jesus Christ” so Jesus is named after His Abba Father when whereas both these baptism scriptures are laid directed on top of each other to refine fulfilled combined). Thank-you kindly and so much for the most of your all reading of this my newest and “useablest” (new word – new word!!) ABB blogging, that is conveniently more brief but especially more relatable to responsibly pass on to people you meet, even if they are religious, which I likably prefer to steer away from even though what I relate spiritually is “scrips” (the ancient scriptures from of God in His Word), or even if they already think they have known all God is about without doing Him service in giving Him the glory due His name (and don’t-you-know His name is not only fame?!) – thanks again.

- accompanying poetry –

Mary’s Highest Honors” [poem], or “M=H=
by poet Eck, C. T.

[up for sale on Amazon.com Kindle Direct Publishing e-book (soon to-be-paperback & hardcover, too), under author’s name and “Top 3” book title product for purchasing/s]

[also, one of the “247 Collected And Inspected Original Poems” of the FAITH STAND POEMS Category “chapter” from by the same poet / author inside this title, “Poets Awake  Saints Alive  Lovers Among  Lives Attune” now for $ale at AuthorHouse.com, by simply searching the author name at the Book Store tab page, and then being able to see that Book Bio and this Author Bio thereby,  hopefully getting your very own copy!!]


An Entry #5 / 10
Love As Lovely As - Loving The Truth

This place of a site cites that being born again is being saved believing about what born again is, though the rest is endurance (takes a love for, likened components in a poem of this blogger’s by the same title, “Components” for sale for you and you and you). God puts in Timothy (two letters attributed for him, and us), there in Second Timothy, “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (or, ‘teaching’); but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth,” as it sounds towards all of us who hear of God and high likely do what we have to for living vibrant life. Teaching when one teaches himself is oft maybe like trying to train yourself without a personal trainer at any gym, though Paul in Timothy/s gets us going for good, for life, and this makes for a good life. That  context is in preaching, so I suppose someone who is not called to be a preacher should likely not turn to Timothys in God’s Book the Bible, and while the further context of First Timothy has some of us aware “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith,” not to stray from nor to be a novice even without a good testimony. Yes, Christian life is one step in and with the atoning blood of Christ Jesus, here as with a testimony of personal standard with this God’s blood where the Lord of ours, Jesus, gives sacrifice blood as he is lifted between earth and heaven on his cross. So we can take up our crosses and if we come after him, Jesus, we sure can deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow the Lord Jesus, or follow Paul as he follows Jesus, here from Timothy vantage, who is Paul’s understudy convert, who apparently had plenty enough from Paul to not have to write any more on it, this worship reason by the preaching.

- accompanying poetry -

Much Mush Debt Paid-In-Full” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

Keying in
Your’re still near and saying?
I like it like that
I like a lot of much
To saying I love of you
Stroke of luck
Today for many days ends
I love you, but what in writ
To say it so to you, I love doing saying for you
I hope you see
I have done so for dozens of months
Both slept my nights and kept thoughts made knights
Just for none, who
In this stead only on to you
Describe in love, the loving having saving
Mystery minimal what I have had
Stroke of genius
Nothing or anything each will not do
You, you turned all the more
My heart turned in love towards yourself
While I am in no shape to love
But my heart is enlarged more and more
Why are you to loving me, so I love you?
‘Till stroke of death, it is I will say I do, love you


An Entry #6 / 10
Moses, Jesus, And Who Knew What When

For remainders of this Apple Bust Blog, I can quote a Bible-teaching passage or if it is just a one verse to begin again for a few more of these, and they are making up the ‘world’s shortest Bible Study’ both because there are only ten (10) references total overall and the commentary is fairly sparse (as in brief and contained some for a mere blog). This is from Acts 7 where a report of Moses goes as – “And Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in words and [in] deeds.” This comes from Moses’ life before he was 40 years young and therefore just before things happened because of him rather regularly from then on, though even how he began his life was both interesting and detailed. Here is from the retelling of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, due there for being in Acts and as Stephen’s rehash of the Hebrews time with Moses. It is of note that Stephen talks before the high priest that Moses himself set up, and that was in operation all those years later, there for the early new Testament. Going off of a rumor (really only a rumor to me, for having not proved the origin of this), the Egyptians taught that man was derived from worms on the Nile’s bank and with the world hatching from an egg – so Moses was trained in the Egypt view of things, but we do not find the same ideas in Moses’ writings that begin the old Testament. More recently the Catholic Church has laid claim that “natural selection” plays a part in the Creation story, so it is still a believer’s job to go against evolutionary teaching like these (even or especially if they come from religions or seem good only because they might be religious), whether in Moses’ own day or our very own days getting ahead some time into history. History is still being made and it is very important we know where we came from, like Jesus explained even about Moses, and this Jesus was at least a prophet that was Himself mighty in deed and word before God and all the people. The plan is to know who knew what when and since this place is started by God, it should be on God to let us in on how it all came ahead to us and is going down; so God sent Jesus, the Son of God, Christ, who is blessed and comes speaking blessing in His main speech, the Sermon On The Mount.

- accompanying poetry -

Interpretation Mirror” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

Famous to yourself in the mirror
Or do you not recognize yourself therein?
What’s greater: an artist or a writer?
God used people as brushes to pen His words
At times painted over upon
The Word of God book is a special type of glassed mirror
The salvation of God is always the same
Our stories determine what more undermined
He saves us from and saves us to
There’s no seven-year bad luck
From a shattered cracked broken mirror
Fun house mirrors and depth perception
Wavy wacky funny skewed phenomenon takes of yourselves
Mirrors do not lie; mirrors are not wrong
Those who gaze them might be in error
They are usually messed up themselves
The way they look and appear or are viewed upon
The Word of God interprets us for us
We do not interpret our Bibles by ourselves
No personal opinion nor private interpretation availing
Not really quite available
If my hypothesis does not provide correct results of truth
Know only God speaks what is precisely true
The mirror of the Word He spoke is spoken by us
Speak the truth in love
Do not be unwise but knowing what is the will of the Lord
Look into it now and see for yourself
For now we see through a glass darkly
Dimly a blurred reflection of reality as in a riddle or enigma
Soon to be we will see face to face
In the meantime whiles
Crack open the ancient but up-to-date scriptures
Worthy as worry-free living
New as the news
Never mind the built up dust cover


An Entry #7 / 10
Personal Opinion Goes Out The Window

2 Peter chapter 1 finishes with, “knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came [in old time, Or, at any time] by the will of man,[:] but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy [Ghost] Spirit [spoke from God].” Just like the poem by myself at the ending of the very most former blog entry alluded, private interpretation or personal opinion as some say they would have it, just goes out the window as not possible, here. At least it took someone like Peter to say such, as much, but did it take an apostle to comment on prophecy. Paul talks of prophesying as up as much as speaking in tongues in church culture tradition, that is, again, steeping in the will and word and work of God. Here Peter goes on to say about former false prophets and current or modern (of course!) false teachers. That is the context and this is the hilt of the matter, any prophet must be into and have within himself the Holy Spirit and say as it goes just as personal opinion goes out the window (an allusion to letting it not be used further as the waste it is anyways).

- accompanying poetry -

Learn The Kingdom Of God Is Near” [poem]
by poet Eck, C. T.

Write the Kingdom of God is near:
For it is within us. (the saved)

Speak the Kingdom of God is near:
Preach a little bit more on it.

Act like the Kingdom of God is near:
All the world’s staged for us.

Pray like the Kingdom of God is near:
Welling up within your warrior stride.

Laugh like the Kingdom of God is near:
Knowing inside like an inside joke.

Witness and testify the Kingdom of God is near:
Living it stark, deepening bold, called high.

Remember the Kingdom of God is near:
Going with that is learned, received, heard, and seen from apostle-example-teaching.

Study the Kingdom of God is come nigh unto you (at hand.!):
See, hear, understand, turn, and be healed.


***With churching resource recourse is prepared a professional writing report on "Handsome Lake: Indian Visionary," an American Indian taken political stand in late 1700s to within early 1800s near beginning of United States, by legend and League of this Connediyeu, who he is else known as. Thank-you for your interest, awaiting, and knowing.

An Entry #11 / 10 [yeah, way!!]

College Paper "Short" Ahead Instead

Along with the Oneida, Tuscarora, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Mohawk tribes, the American Indians known as the Seneca made up the Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy.  Among their chieftain leaders was a Native American named Handsome Lake.  He was known as the Seneca Prophet as well as the Peace Prophet and was part of the Wolf clan division of his people.  He is best remembered as the Indian visionary (due to actual visions) who revitalized Seneca society, bringing a true renaissance.  Besides the role of a preaching prophet, Handsome Lake was also an herbalist, shaman (although he professed reluctance to practice as a diviner), and a former drunkard.  His presence at several famous councils is supposed at best and although they are not included below along with many of the famous battles he fought in, what is spaced herein is comprehensively thorough, but not too very exhaustive to exhaust you all at all.  There is no known portrait available of Handsome Lake.  The “good word,” or Code of Handsome Lake (known as Gaiwiio or the “Old Way of Handsome Lake”) is still followed today by perhaps five thousand (one fourth) of the approximately twenty thousand Iroquios Indians living in reservations in New York State, Quebec, and Ontario.

Connediyeu (Handsome Lake) was born at the end of an era of prosperity in most every way for the Seneca.  His generation saw a balance between warfare revenge and the disbanding of the political stand of the League.  By his 40’s, the Seneca nation was much less militarily, politically, and with regard to their customs, religion and hunting land.

Before Handsome Lake was a prophet, he was a drunkard.  This occurred at a travel to Pittsburgh in the spring of 1799 for supplies including whiskey barrels.  At some point he became sick, but historical records clearly show that he was not bedridden for four years – this legend has been disqualified.  The first of his visions occurred on June 15th in which he heard his name called, left the house, saw three middle-aged Indian men, collapsed from weakness, but was caught and let down gently.  He was told these men were sent by the Creator to visit him whose “constant thankfulness had earned him the right to help from his sickness.”  He was instructed to visit a choice medicine man and told to join his kinsfolk the next day at the Strawberry Festival and to there “report what the Creator had to say about how things should be on earth.”  Among other things, he was to preach on the four “evil words” to be avoided, which were whiskey, witchcraft, love magic, and abortion-and-sterility medicine.  There was a penalty for not preaching the message – a burial in a hot, smoking place.  It was said that he was suffering from the “classic Iroquoian bereavement syndrome compacted of depression, bitterness, and suspicion.”  Along with being sick, he was unable to keep a close relative from death as well.

His preaching was remarkably effective and brought a true renaissance from 1799 to his death in 1815.  The renaissance involved instruction in temperance, technology, and religious observance.  His gospel had two parts, the first being an apocalyptic gospel and the second a social gospel.  There were three major ritual changes which included the disbanding of old medicine societies, the introduction of confession as a major sacrament, and the elimination of anniversary mourning ceremonies.  On at least one occasion, Handsome Lake presented himself as divine and for a short time had the unprecedented role of the dictator of the Iroquois.  The old team of Cold Spring council members had, with Handsome Lake, managed the Allegany renaissance and from 1804 through 1809 formed a “primitive Camelot” dedicated to the salvation of the people and defense of the faith.

Handsome Lake died on August 10th, 1815, on one of his annual visits to Onondaga to receive celestial visitants.  He was depressed and his “thoughts were muddled with voices and frequent visions.”  He died at 66 years of age (putting his birth around 1750) and was attended by three persons who swore to keep the details of his last moments a secret.  Fortunately, he did know about his approaching death, and in the spring at Allegany had experienced vision, and though thought on Deuteronomy 13 has precedence just to know salvation is of the Jews who gave us the Lord Jesus who fulfilled scripture for us to live where He is, literally born again so we can.

This was Handsome Lake's vision: The day was bright when I went in to the planted field and alone I wandered in the planted field and it was the time of the second hoeing.  Suddenly a damsel appeared threw her arms about my neck and as she clasped me she spoke saying, “When you leave this earth for the new world above, it is our wish to follow you.”  I looked for the damsel but saw only the long leaves of corn twining round my shoulders.  And then I understood that it was the spirit of the corn who had spoken, she the sustainer of life.  So I replied, “O spirit of the corn, follow not me but abide still upon the earth and be strong and be faithful to your purpose.  Ever endure and do not fail the children of women.  It is not time for you to follow for Gaiwiio is only in its beginning.”

= =

Also note this: the opener longer 'Letter' on Ecks-Port.pro, under subheading 3 / 21, or 'WHAT'S IN A NAME?,' states my international origins (howbeit I be 'Christian' sect, one God worshipper of Apostle-teaching Pentecostal (for short) Zion second birth = 'born again' to live this time, no 'second death' - each save terms), found there. Here I say on of Connediyeu (a. k. a. 'Handsome Lake') opener-American origins prolly likely afore Reservation/s, the luck. That's for my corresponding to be, as a childhood pre-youth family endeavor, a 'YMCA Indian Guides' said Cheyenne-tribe (simply allotted I suppose) 'native-American' associate named "Black Eagle." Perhaps perchance I took an American Indian History college course to scribe this "paper" for some decent ordered reason, season on for that another name of mine, if for life if I publish a post such as seen straight again, going now. Besides, other considerations conglomerated as composites I chose without furthering papers based on any reading/s as met yet, are respectively Albert Einstein (Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany-born, March 14, 1879 -- April 18, 1955 at Plainsboro Township, New Jersey, U.S.A.), W. B. (William Butler) Yeats (Dublin, Ireland-born, June 13, 1865 -- January 29, 1939 at Menton, France), with mention of Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin (Pokrovskoe, Russian-born, January 21, 1869 -- December 30, 1916 at Saint Petersburg, Russia). On for one of these finer fellows, it is common report that Rasputin survived poisoning, likely because he ingested garlic (a substance supplementing his potential built-up antidote for remedy against cyanide-lacing spiked drink) more regularly. What all of this means to me is that the recursive theory shown a sentence ago says to me that when Beatles John Winston Ono Lennon pointedly said on of Jesus that he was a 'garlic eating' this or that (rumor so far to me at this), perhaps that was a stayed positive over a stacked negative, if where He (Lord Jesus) Commissioned in Mark 16 that his 'believer' followers "if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them" (4 of 5 qualifiers) that may well apply to everyone from Mr. Rasputin's belief/s to modern pharmaceutical prescription recipients, and / or whatnot else othering, as if believing on and on. Not suring if I might may say for a Poland-born either landlover or seafarer, I shall go by that accompaniment at yet another less loss interval, intervening nigh anew or never now. Please look at your own nationality heros and choose wisely, warning to beware, not every lad is a leader, and neither is every poor man a fool. Love and care, Jesus peace, out, whether you stay in line for life or live out your American Dream/s, any nationality, with hope a godly one-time too. That is this, if you're saved for on the Morrow Today affords as well and willing, values and virtues afoot and on hand, a moving (Abrahamic faith step) plus morality (Abrahamic Jewish Nation physically + Christ Church spiritually (latter there 'One-New-Man')) the Holy Bible spells even better than the world we wish to be conceives and clears, as we two can too be salty salt and bright lights altogether (s-a-v-e waists girding and lamps burning as you confirm against denying MatTHEw 5 v 15 (check please!), making your Maker's Way way: a good for these goods be/cause else is evil to kneel against. For fore!


Parker, Arthur C.  The Code of Handsome Lake, the Seneca Prophet.  Albany: University of the State of New York, 1913.

     148 pp.

Wallace, Anthony F.C.  The Death and Rebirth of the Seneca.  Random House, Inc.: New York, 1969.  384 pp.

[ reworked version by author C. T. Eck, Eck's Port ]

   Thank-you, most kindly, if and but until more on carrying on Church.


And you wager there's less place,  to come to sure your peace,

Now anchor ships of life at this Port:  let rest for your soul increase.

 = =

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