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Now anchor ships of life at this Port:  let rest for your soul increase.

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​​Blog DEUX          meaning two (2) in French / Francais
// Bouts in Video Gaming without being about Game Reviews //
or, “Video Gaming Report”


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As we, you reader/s and me this Blogging-sphere Author, one by one at a time (and though I have had neither input nor advise garnered in creating these three (3) Blogs' scopes) begin to take-in, juxtapose, and explore each of "our" very own timings, tempers, and tunes as pertains to reading, again as it were, some top-of-the-line write-ups that each of these Blogs (not just Blog DEUX) catalog, try out, or extend towards, then we in turn grow up more into each of our respective excellence, nuance, and knowledge, enough to bring along both lively hope to save and highlights of the best offered anywhere. Wherein the postings at Ecks-O Codes are certainly up, they are just as definitely going to be, not revised, but edited ever so slightly, mostly for some grammar instances, though not so much on at Blog DEUX here below, though especially for Apple Bust Blog, and you reader/s can know ahead of time that these entries are thought-out, well-done, and enacted with spell checking as well as inspected carefully, so they are less like some poor Internet threads and more like a published fair-minded Booklet, all of polite, orderly, and exact. What I, C. T. Eck, the said Author around this whole site, except for any Guest Bloggers for Blog DEUX (an ongoing endeavor, for a while moreso) have to say as the same as "Singular-X" (for Blog EINS) or else "One-X-One" (in Blog DEUX) is that you are not only respected here, safe here, and explained-to here, and but you all are -always welcome- at this every day, of again 12 hours during the daylight or another whole 12 hours at all those moon phases and star-glow. 

~   ~   ~

01 / 11 - Kick-Start My Part

If this were instead a book, this initial entry would be the Forward; if this were instead an album, this first post would be the Intro Track; if this were instead a sit-com, this front phase would be the Opening Credits; if this were instead a movie, this kick-start of Blog DEUX would be the Previews. See if you can guess the game titles these hero / heroine names refer back to on my bantam survey docket following, that only takes a minute to speed-read (it may well take a seasoned "gamer" to succeed at each shot). All except a pair of these references are from video gaming ventures I have completely finished or "beat," and more often on the hardest difficulty pre-sets (though in a few of these brought to bear, I have not done every game with some character named, where out of all of the games with Link, for example, only two or so were ever done in full), and when in one of them, of this pair I reference, a friend finalized - the bird is the word (go and guess!), and one more is a no-go, in the sense that I have never yet got to it (should be more obvious about a password). Stick around by checking back now and then and again for commentary (instead of stressing commotion, which will only mess a bit) and rejuvenation (instead of product reviews, though they can be helpful) at this new avenue of video gaming en garde, rolled out being brand new Blog DEUX.


I ran along with Samus Aran.
I grappled over with Ladd Spencer.
I manned it up with Mega Man.
I drew connections with Link.
I figured it out with Nina Williams.

I balanced most agile spinning around with the Prince.
I showed up strong with Sho.
I flew spans beaming with Jango Fett.
I used a shield as a weapon with Rygar.
I kept up with Indiana Jones.

I climbed here and swung there with Lara Croft.
I subdued the Sith with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
I exterminated to the last with Dennis Riley.
I whirrled to speed race in loop-de-loops with the Road Runner.
I hacked and slashed flawlessly with Ryu Hayabusa.

I would have begun at pace with Ayane but a system password went missing.
I doubled the call of duty with Ice and Aska.
I wielded an huge sword in future-time to regain the past's Excaliber with Merlin's niece Beth.
I piloted every horizontal direction in fast-forward speed with a Fuchikoma tank.

I started over plenty and tried again sparsely but I won, a lot.


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 10/30/2012 4:09 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: kick-start. button mashing machine. brand new blog.

02 / 11 - Interactive Anime Vacation Station

What is more interactive than novels and movies and more artsy than most paintings and some poetry? How can you take a vacation from within the safety of your own home base? The answer to both of these questions sums in the advent of video games. Video gaming makes it possible to travel to new places without leaving where it is you place your TV set (if you are one of the many who have just one). Video games offer a unique blend of entertainment that tends to outdo previous modes of storytelling, encompassing new ways of drawing in the participant. It is much like being in a circus act while not requiring anything more than a seat in the audience. We can simply sit at our “vacation stations” and enjoy the interaction of what I see as a form of anime. Please feel comfortable sticking around to take in more about what I mean about vacationing from by right in front of your television.

Before we take a look at anime as close as pixels instead of strokes of art panels, let us drive a bit through the neighborhood of what makes video games thrilling. This will be without diving headlong into the controversy that has been erupting over the violent aspects of much of the video gaming genre, even though there are a host of beneficial additives that video gaming evokes beyond simply being fun for many of a spectrum of ages from children and adolescents to young adults, mid-lifers and an up-in-age older crowd. For those beyond starters that plan to return to this Blog DEUX you happened upon, an entry on pros and cons of gaming is in future-tense as well as a piece in the mix on another answer, among the so many in the media, to the violence found in games that hail video (so, please click back in the upcoming months to catch up).


What shall I liken video gaming to? It is like the pleasure that comes from owning a puppy and watching it fumble here and there, running outside or playing around by the furniture inside. Most anyone takes joy in just watching, let alone petting, a new dog around the home. For one, I compare video gaming to watching a family pet move around in front of you. Only with the video game, if you hold the controller, you make what you are watching do what it does. Though a dog has its own mind to do what it will, we can train it to obey or perform a trick. Once a video game player learns the new control set for a given game title, the rest is watching what goes, much like having a pet, say dog, right in front of your person. Similarly, young girls play with dolls, pretending to feed, or to rock, or read to, or just to carry with. It is this human tendency to like to control something lesser that gives us both a sense of importance in using responsibility and a pleasure in sensing that what we have gets us to stay excited about life. Furthermore, whether you created made-up worlds as a kid or liked to “explore” hotels during family vacation stays, like I and my younger brother did, video gaming holds some out for you or anyone dutiful enough to appreciate in high taste and careful cast.

What does video gaming remind me of? Try the red flags at the amusement-park-sized front entry at the Menard’s hardware and home stores. As soon as I remembered the lengthy upwards, large staircase near the beginning parts of Prince of Persia: Warrior Within, the red flags at Menard’s reminded me of those red flags in this game. They are both all red, long, and pointy. Anyone know what I am writing about? How often have things like flags in games and the actual world made you do a double-take or have paralleled what was to be found in both? Do the gaming worlds and the real arenas we live and work in converge to any degree, even in little aspects of parts like I am alluding to? Maybe I just like multiple references to the same things and follow tangents of interrelated allusions all too often. For one, I have even found patterns in the ancient scriptures I have read from God’s Book, the Bible. Lean on in a little more for how some of these references teach us about the subject at hand today in this topic of video gaming. Pay attention as we go from here on in.


Before we delve into anime and how it is involved in video gaming, per my interconnective observations, I will offer about some useful mentions on video gaming as far as I see what it meant all along the way up to where it meets us both here in my Blog DEUX. Video games are basically not an important thing but which feels important to the gamer. Here is why… In the victory-chase dominated by frustration, disappointment, and failure which is an experiment with our own vulnerability, these low-stakes simulations become intense emotional experiences. What is not an apparition of reality is certainly an illusion of proximity as we watch the tricks of the inventions on our TV screens entertain us as we enter each new level. This takes energy, even though we just sit there (except for the latest generation Nintendo Wii, Xbox Kinnect, and PlayStation Move). We take-it-in as but we skill-it-out. It is all about being a winner, even if it takes 40 tries. Words like what follows take on new or special meaning, even if they did not already exclusively apply to video games: strategic options, customizables, reload speed, stages, hazards, damage, missions, controls, combos, special moves, level bosses, graphic fidelity, motion capture, and fan base. Other than all this you can fully rotate control, utilize signature wall runs, begin the personal choice of macro decisions (like exploration) and micro decisions (buttons usages) where the style and substance of beautiful, chilling, aesthetic environments clinch it for us (gamers, have you).

Anime is foremost known as animation that is Japanimation, so to speak (thought in Japan the word means to blanket all nations where anime is served, instead of just the nation of origin or style). When it comes to video gaming, observing and portraying concur at the same time – simultaneously. Video games tend “to make Hollywood look like avant-garde poetry publishers,” at least according to one of the latest video gaming author and commentators, Tom Bissell, who tells us why video games matter. Since it is often the case that a given art form is least artful when trying to mimic other art forms, when video game designers play to the strengths of the genre, violence can be a profound experience. Similarly, anime in the hands of computer-generated graphics is a strength seemingly not to be rivaled. It is not just likely, it is fact that what belongs to video games, movies cannot fling and written fiction cannot bring, and this is a “weird, troubling agency” on a loose quote from Bissell already noted. Anime characters usually employ a host of predetermined facial expressions in showing off of moods and thoughts, including fixed iconography (that is, imagery or symbolism) that is used as shorthand for various emotions or moods. Let us see – shock or surprise comes as a “face fault” in display of an overly exaggerated expression; anger comes as a “vein” or “stress mark” effect (bulging forehead lines like veins); embarrassment or being stressed out comes by producing a massive sweatdrop; romantic feelings equal to a visibly red blush or perhaps a set of parallel, at times squiggly, lines beneath the eyes; if knocked out or in the case of illness, large “X” eyes show; and a state of semi-consciousness is indicated by vacant, non-reflecting eyes. Personally, I have noticed twitching eyes to convey deep emotion in almost every anime episode I have yet seen. All these do not carry over to video game anime, which I designate here as for the computer-generated images that control in recreated environments that respectively appear in three dimensions, but are actually only based in two dimensions.


Well, it may not be artificial intelligence, but it sure takes intelligence to make these artificial entities stay controlled to do what they just have to, to get the adventurous and / or heroic deeds accomplished and the puzzling chances all solved up. That brings us to just how inept the stuff on the screen, behind the curtain of reality, in the video game worlds come to appear. The only wise God is the one who richly gives us all things to enjoy, chiefly being alive and those things needful to stay living. It is the right of using the world in not abusing it, because for the reason it is all passing away. Have you ever wondered why you enjoy video gaming if you do this hobby of sorts? It is because God allows us to enjoy what we make with our hands, and in the case of video gaming, use our hands to make go. Nevertheless, we should examine this overall and see if it becomes into idolatry for us, especially if and as we lay claim to faith and godliness as a lifestyle, which does matter (really matter).

Before we embark on a vacation of video gaming, it needs not start or stay overdone. That is why I recommend it exclusively apply to vacation times for families or individual households, ring-tied in married life or free in singlehood. Then it is not a daily grind, or a weekly scheduling, or a monthly pastime, or a seasonal habit. Let us say you have two to four or more vacation weeks set aside per year. That should be time enough to tackle one to three games or so, beginning to end, and depending on your expertise level. Whether you like to get at an action shoot-up or a slowed down RPG, be your own super-role-model and achieve balance in even this as it is another part of all you do.


What if our greatest heroes became our greatest threat? This was the slogan on a very recent video gaming magazine fold-out poster that described about super-heroes and in-game battles between them, where our favorites from the comics and such grapple with each other in free-for-alls. When I take a second slant at this quotation, in application to the video gaming trend and genre and product market, it refocuses. Just what if our cherished video game heroes and heroines were turning us into something just like them? “Wait, I would like that,” someone will say (but without the enemies, right?!). Do the stories, or fables if you will, of video gaming culture list of what proves less useful or unsavory based on the graceful aspects of truth in wholesome words from our Creator that created us able to create? What I am getting at is ancient but true accounts from psalmists that tell us in warning what we should cherish more, our being real. Psalm 135 gives a condensed version of what Psalm 115 provides us in foresight for those new to living for the living God. From out of God’s Book, known today as the Holy Bible, I have what I located on idols to showcase for the we of us today. Permit me, and you shall be glad too.

Idols are customarily of cast precious metals, but are for sure the work of men’s hands and defined as speechless mouths, sightless eyes, ears that do not hear, and breathless mouths. More than that, how about smellingless noses, with a lack of handling hands, and nonwalking feet, or that cannot mutter through their throat for a more thorough account. This fits for the images we see on TV screens (with all the appearance of actual with none of the real) except for that the vast majority of those that see these are not giving their lives over to their service (unless the time used up factors in). The key is that they have the look of mankind, but are not real by any stretch in any facet. What should get us all, and certainly gets at me, is that, according to these Psalms I have already lent (#115 and #135), “those who make them are like them; so is everyone who trusts in them.” While designers are singled out, participators are grouped in, in the same sphere. Really, just do not trust in it as a lifestyle or habit, and instead, if at all in conjunction, try it for a vacation glance or a glimpse of an occasional weekend if the rest of the important is caught up and at minimum worked ahead. Please do not let the figures captured for generated animation on video games overtake the main live of life or even the heart of livelihood. In other words, keep yourselves from idols, even if you are a kid! While we do what we please, know God is in Heaven and does whatever He pleases. Though the Earth has been given to the children of men (includes grown-ups who enjoy having a good-fun time of it) know that the modern entertainment pursuits harbored by our advertisement society are not always or necessarily set apart from what leads to destruction even if it seems right as in being okay, permissible, and / or affordable.


The difference is drawn. Faith is a lifestyle that has room for hobbies, while video games are a hobby that should not define your life. It is that faith makes reality, where video games make use of reality. Video game enthusiasts like me can start to strike parallels in the world-at-large to gaming gamuts. Just be sure, if you do like I described, to not take stuff that does not belong to you or hurt strangers in any facet. Do not even hit bricks. If you are not an avid gamer, you may not already recognize with “us game people” that most adventure or action video games involve “making use” (dare I point out, “taking”) things that are not paid for or owned by yourself (though it be in a gaming “world” alternative reality). Not yours: leave it. Neither please do not let the over-the-top action in games cause real-world aspirations to violence in life outside of gaming spheres (or should I say squares, due to the square-ish TV apparatus we utilize to give it go).

It is no loss to lose, even over and over again, while gaming your little glory in video gaming. Have you heard about “being kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.” It may turn to (via a new video gaming action mantra), “fight harder than necessary, for everyone you meet is opposing you in the fought battle.” Have your hand at other tries to reworking this quote, if you will. It is a technology (at our hands) versus a proximity (were it accessed by our feet) in the art of exploration and combat and puzzle-solving all rolled into one bouncy rubber band ball of game play. What is fascinating to me is that the character you play is known in use, not only someone related to from something else in view, and because of the game, it is different than a film, where you are not just watching, but controlling the actions to some degree in the control of both this character and what decisions they made. Another way to appreciate video games is in the panorama that to make a movie out of a game is like the novelization of a movie, in that a shift to technically less sophisticated medium becomes something that simply cannot replicate the best aspects of the original.


Sometimes you have just got that “action-lust” (versus a listing for violence or as opposed to bloodlust, which are each equally unsavory). Some are saying “games are not just for kids” even as adults-a-plenty may not "wanna grow up” in some cases with gadget use, but most agree little minds should steer clear of gaming that drives you down the boulevard of big access hurt (as in violence). Though fictional and most often fantasy, this violence is nonetheless perceived as real no matter the filter. What video games do is create an inadequacy to be repaired by putting in a position of working towards a goal in a frustration up to pursuing it, which then forces to confront all ways of weakness in comparison in giving a chance to outgrow them with a relative very quick turn-around timing (of moments or hours instead of days or weeks).

Many play because the game of video games is nonjudgmental where if you made a mistake you can recover without blame. Outsiders (those “outside” of gaming influences) underestimate the importance of learning and relearning failing at something very complicated over and over and over, to then finally make it. When you interact with what is on screen and it changes depending on what you do, this can be both exciting and rewarding. There is also a “Tron-like” way (for those who have seen these movies) of being “in the game itself” of alternative realities. Then there is the “epic win” or an outcome so especially positive, almost beyond the hallmark of imagination, with there being no idea possible of how to achieve it…until…when you get there you are in overload of shock to discover what you are capable of. Fellow gamers, have you ever considered the distance shot not next to you but a few steps away in the hand of the character on screen and how this is a fold of one step away from being the actual icon? It is this space away that makes the difference between insiders and outsiders as far as being inside a television box versus outdoors at a campgrounds or tropical setting for vacation or indoors at a museum or a stadium for site-seeing.


Congratulations to me, yeah! I spent two complete years (5/1/11 – present) away from any personal video gaming whatsoever. Make a big deal of it with me, would you?! Because of the Japan events based on a storm and an accident a couple years ago, I said to myself with a healthy dose of respectful fear, “Self, video games come mostly from Japan, so let me abstain for the sake of Japan-land for a year and then tell some.” Well, it turned into two full times of years, and well spent, though some would say, do use the games to keep Japan economically put to use. Somewhat, I wanted to prove I could and I would and then I knew I should. If it was an addiction, that I doubt a bit, but I did just stop (though premeditatedly if it was not plain cold turkey). Engrossing is okay when it comes to video gaming simply because, like any physical sport or like any energy-driven endeavor, mucho concentration is required in personal spending with a touch of finesse in the fine of skill. Addicting overkill is not to be par for this course of video gaming, shortly because only the somethings that push to make others better and whole and right and together should become addictive or cause additions (though some claim video gaming is reasonably productive).

Laying all these benefits aside was a chance of a choice I decided to act on for myself. One prolific video gaming author, Jane McGonigal, has put together a workable framework of the whys to the hows of the becauses ofs concerning the phenomenon of gaming culture. She says four things dominate for the better including urgent optimism, a tight social fabric, blissful productivity, and, finally, epic meaning, all especially when it comes to online gaming, which she is a huge fan of. McGonigal makes no sideways claims when she asserts that video gaming alleviates a range from boredom, anxiety, depression, and loneliness to even despair and physical pain (which can be showcased to be lessened by study results). She bases this on a Buddhist outlook, which is certainly basically useful and highly positive and additionally temporarily effective against some of the witchier religion-takes current on the world field, but of which, however, the wisdom of Jesus Christ’s Sermon on the Mount upsteps to more savory, further, and completing caretaking in the realm of saving the soul we men are. Nevertheless, most of Jane McGonigal’s shared reasonings hold a sway that holds firm. We will have to see just how steady my own upkeep times in with the likes of her on the playing field.


Right at another scripture location in Jeremy (Jeremiah 51:50) I have a key for us. Due to revitalizing our vision from the use of as-up-to-date-as-now old-time verses from prophets and the like, you and I and the all of us we get to just plain see better (it is light related, you know?!). Four things are listed in this reference I just laid, and for those “who have escaped the sword.” Maybe you are not in the military; then “Get away” calls this portion of a scream from where we need it most. A vacation “get away” is what I am getting at and applying to us all. In a similar stay, Song of Songs by Solomon, near the start of chapter three (in verse two) sings of “rising now and going about the city in the streets and broad ways” that I think to resemble the broad of the world. When other translations say “streets and squares” instead, I run to remember how TV’s are square-ish, though this may be a stretch (unless you are creative for a gaming way). So the Bible applies again. For more, stay away from realism-based army games, or based in the reality of modern warfare. I will tell you for one, I do and pass this on as an advice scheme that keeps honesty upright. Games too to beware of because the titles are “off” include the keywords damn or damnation, sorcery, when centered on dark messiahs, Armegeddon, darkness, and otherwise uneven themes (where “demons souls” may be a misnomer of its own). Not that we do not need something to ward off in adventure gamings, but when the whole game revolves around either full-out realistic combat or points in the face of topics linked directly to death, it only spells disaster. This is for those who like purity because purifying ourselves makes sense for anyone who is living beyond the throes of just this life.

For more on what saves and “how to overcome,” be comfortable checking the testimony-teaching I left at my main site, linked below, but this time on the “Ecks-po!” page within the main site as a whole. I stand a poet, and that is the means I use to reach out in a form of evangelism that many enjoy and most appreciate: poetry. Without getting too very preachy or over-the-top, I stay polite though contrite and even though in effect. In the meantime, and before I post more on what I left about much earlier up above, I will let you know again here: one of two upcoming posts in the near-to-appear months ahead will bring to bear pros and cons together on video gaming overall. A little later afterwards another post will be my reason per choice and par excellence as to the why violence in video games is not as detrimental as it is overtly portrayed, even though it can be bad for a select some. Now, hark, poetry is to abound in this blog, and to be surely better than what was listed out in the “intro” Blog DEUX post back in late October last year 2012. To “game on” is a choice that must be weighed in counting the cost of more than the expensive games we may play if we video game. To “game on” is also a privilege to be wisely apportioned in the tensioned balance of life that is more real than fiction achieves. Try back near the end of this blogging cycle for what I see as the business of reality opposite the time it takes for gaming and how they especially strike similar in clarion ways (yet another blog entry to come is what). For now, think of that when kings and nations shall bring their respective glory and honor into the heavenly city of God in the Revelation 21 (there at subverses 24 and 26) it moreso means about technology that includes how far mankind has come in even the entertainment of video games (though it mostly means who goes in there, not what)


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 5/12/2013 5:10 AM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: video game anime. vacationing. idol. dogs or dolls. vulnerability experiment. action / adventure violence. television / TV.

03 / 11 - "Of Metroid Fame" Came

Were hymns the first things to make people go hmmm?! Please ponder this sincerely as I mess a space with the timing rewind and fast forward in the video gaming history archives and then sketch all over the page of the video gaming genre for the sake of some higher-class poetry on nothing less than one of our (maybe your, maybe not) most enjoyed-to-be-configured video game heroines. Honestly, and in retrospect, don't "hymns" seem naturally the somethings to hum along with that would make you go "hmmm" even as it is pronounced "Hymmmn" number 388 is being next to be rendered for our fine-tempered gathering here today...

But not for really! What do Donkey Kong barrels, a Duck Hunt mutt, and jousting on ostriches have in common? Just that they likely jar your memory if you began video gaming as a side hobby in the 1980's. Lots of us remember when Pac-Man got a Ms. tag, or was that just another "Pac" who was the Pac-Man's lady? Should this maybe may be just another oxymoron? Would there now be poemstry (find a Ms.!)?


What I have for us this afternoon is a poem that does not take us backwards into history but rather propels us into the destiny of the present, in a glimpse at a future-esque meeting of fiction with reality. As with most poetry, what you bring up to it has a whole lot to do with what you take away from it. In other words, the reader of poetry determines in part what a given poem is giving us, or just them, as a reader by simply reading and per an individual’s spectrum of perspective.

This poem is free verse, I believe, instead of say, blank verse. Therefore it tends to follow the rhythm of natural speech, but is still a poem. Poetry as a genre is grand because it allows breaking of the rules of language. Of course, better poetry is assumed when one knows the rules of a given language before embarking out on a voyage to take pen in hand and write (or keyboard and mouse in this modern age). Here you have a poem overviewed on the Metroid video games series called "Of Metroid Fame" (the poem, that is), for this time centering on that main character of the Metroid universe, Samus Aran. While this poem is about something real, that really happened to me, please please do not let it go to your head without wearing your own helmet, just like Samus. In the games, and now here, have a taste of one of the most unique characters for the ever of the time being we have. There must be nearly a dozen Metroid games, or until there are, happy "poeming," to put it a way that makes room for the reader to enjoy going through it almost just as much as it was for me, as the author, to interest myself in writing it throughout.


Of Metroid Fame [poem]
Public Relations Artificial Intelligence says
Here listen a tale told favorless  true  fearless
Transparent as if of an angel, manifested in time
I saw Samus Aran’s open-ascended eyes
Twice, confirming it a sign
So lined I chimed time in
To remember it over well more upon hope
Just ‘her’ helmetless forehead agazing
Unless ‘she’ was invisibly cloaked
Can ‘she’ do that?
Would ‘her’ face then appear even in part?
Does it ever?
In the games her hair proved ‘he’ was a supposed ‘she’
In unhelmeted finale
‘She’ was crouched down
Inside a real world control room
(Did you hear that ‘real’ tidbit?
Take it in at today?)
Down low because ‘she’ is higher than that
You know
Looked asunder quick as a wink
Showing a marked knowing without a mere blink
Long enough to see me
Seeing ‘her’ seek something sought
About me I could not know now a telling to think
In my mind’s eye I see
Seeing teal outfitted outside of ‘her’ suit
I also perceived without much
Trial those same emboldened
Bright beautiful eyes
Behind the horizontally-sloped
Screen of a scanning booth
Peering victorious, true, curious, and glorious
How beckoned irony to find ‘her’ in those two
Places, places where ‘she’ may be found
Were it inside the designed ramparts
Of a video game level
On a video game planet
In a video gaming world
I might have not cared noticing
Or thought twice as to too very much
But since it was most real
I took mind’s memory tasked on
Boothed or roomed I did see her
In this told, though tall, order
Who ‘her’ actual identity has under
Is up in the air
Whosoever carries that set of keys
Shall I should have venture worth knowing
As for me, I at times curled up
On a chair in prayer, for fairly warring
As for ‘her,’ ‘she’ at times balled up
In a sphere of self suited, for simply rolling
But now every time I hear a door creaking
Is that Brinstar I hear or Norfair I notice
Or from about out of the entire planet Zebes in tease?
Perhaps only some find
Perhaps only ‘she’ found
Times to ever tell
Least then secrets will not contain water
More than that certain visage of ‘hers’
Holds sway above by over swagger
Within a hold keeps me guessing
Kept below wonderful corridors of chosen paths
And between eaves of bewildering arenas
Meant for warrior-class explorers to stride in
Or within a garden needing more than cultivation
Or among a space suit apart any hem
Balled up for further adventurous crunching
And steady or shooting towards eclipsed enterprise
Bombing out over every moon up
Staying clear before each sun rise
Where will I be as I might spy ‘her’ again?
Is ‘she’ ready to be found out existing alive?
Who may ‘she’ be?  Or who is ‘she’ really?
What quest was ‘she’ on?  Was it in fact assigned?
Who does know?  When will I find out?
You were lucky I let on even I could rediscover ‘her’
How will I tell?  Will I once hear ‘her’ speak?
Or does that nice suited helmet
Conceal voices apace too?
Whereas all seen was ‘her’ eyes’ scene
Never heard…
Will I once hear ‘her’ ever speak:
If ‘she’ does show stealing away
Ever aboard other alien vessels
Storied and / or revealed
Are not video games enough for those characters?
Will these need a movie or sequels but x-logies more than trilogies
Alike the many games even here of Metroid fame?
Other than ‘her’ own space ship
Pirates cannot usually touch
Parked inside hid forests
Also outside said fortresses
Spaced via galaxies sure to be back
In fusion or mission zeroed
On in prime echoes corrupt
Eons when Chozo race still and still stilled
Moving when touched on
Peaceful after preparing
Telling told lessons
On survival revived
Quiet sharp music enshrined
Freeze those rare metroids
Then explode missiles upon them
Saving your own life around causes besides
Returning if ever to a job well done
Awaiting future plans
I saw ‘you’ there too, other


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 5/24/2013 4:10 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Hymn 388. Donkey Kong barrels. Duck Hunt mutt. Joust. Metroid video games. Samus Aran. poeming.


04 / 11 - Video Gaming Pros And Cons: Two Equitable And Equal Listings

In the advance to be fair and all to the subject of video gaming in general, I have created two comparison and contrasting lists to delve into the idea of whether or not video gaming should be used as a hobby or not. Since I like to hear "good news" first before "bad news," I'll be listing the fourteen "pros" before the ironically equal fourteen "cons" of owning, or renting, video games.

At one point in my possession of video games, I sold the two systems I owned at the time, a PlayStation 2 (PS2) and an Xbox (original, not the latest "360" version) to a youth ministry who put them out for playing use in upright "arcade" style boxes (if you can envision that) for use by teens on Friday nights, as I was told. They had a whole room set up solely for this purpose as I recall. It wasn't but almost a year and I had purchased identical systems (another PS2 and Xbox). Basically, the only three times in my life I've been without video gaming as a hobby was during that one-year-or-so period, then before during my first college experience just after graduating from high school (for about three years at that time), and last but not least, during a time of abstinence I previously wrote about on this Blog DEUX for not one but two full years in conjunction with the most recent disasters in the country of Japan in 2011. I grew up on Atari and Pac-Man, to which I can attest that I entertained myself with over a dozen titles my parental units (parents, as honorably) had gotten for me and my younger brother. "Pong" was a bit before even my time, or I did not play it exclusively, but not too far off as far back, whereas I became enthralled with Pit Fall (though I never made it past all 200 screens, or so I believed there was a limit of sorts) and ET (at least closure was more possible with this shot).


Most readers of this page will already be familiar with ESRB ratings (stands for "Entertainment Software Rating Board"). According to the ESRB.org website, they are a "non-profit, self-regulatory body that independently assigns ratings, enforces advertising guidelines, and helps insure responsible online privacy practices for the interactive entertainment software industry." The ratings include eC (Early Childhood), E (Everyone), E10+ (Everyone 10+), T (Teen(13+)), M (Mature (17+)), and AO (Adults Only (18+)). There is additionally RP for rating pending in those video games not yet assigned a final ESRB rating and only appears in advertising, marketing, and promotional materials related to a game that may be expected to carry an ESRB rating (it would be replaced by a game's rating once it has been assigned). Some games, I have noticed, have unlisted ratings for online play. Thus far, I have engaged in online play all but once, although it is the style of choice for many-a-gamer.

Personally I, as a young adult, still draw a clear-conscienced line at the "M" rating, and have never played or owned an AO game. In reality, I don't think there are that many manufactured to my knowledge. Then again, I don't really seek them out either. For example, one much anticipated game for me, Bionic Commando, had an "M" rating. It additionally lists the warnings of "violence, strong language, and blood and gore." This is not a fun warning for parents cautioning against such topics for young children. It is legally restricted by purchase for those under the age of seventeen. I was actually carded once for buying an "M" rated game, despite being well over seventeen in age, having a grown "goatee-style" beard (fairly unusual, but not at all impossible for a teenager), and buying the game during a weekday when most seventeen-year-olds are busy at high school.


In any case, let's get to those lists I let on all about now. Here are the "pros" (or pluses) for keeping video games and engaging in video gaming:

        1. Video games present a concerted and appropriate challenge to players, some of which may boggle an adult's thinking capabilities
        2. Despite the voice to the contrary anxiety they may cause unseasoned gamers, video gaming can be relaxing overall, blowing off steam and stress that may otherwise be detrimental to players; even the music of video games can be not only enjoyable, but pleasurable and stimulating
        3. Almost most important of all, video games are dexterity enhancing
        4. Video games make players think, really hard at times, when "puzzle-solving" and it may be an overridingly better undertaking for the especially intelligent among the populace, because video gaming meets them at their respective level of insight and balance (though some would carelessly state that video games "dumb you down"
        5. Often reading (more or less depending on the game) is involved (providing it's not too very ridiculous, players may just learn something beneficial...perhaps not though in the strictest sense)
        6. Video gaming lets you recall strategies for various aspects of the gaming, helping the player to build on gained knowledge and to form new ideas for finishing any given section of the game
        7. The entire process helps to build memory with the utilization of area maps, all kinds of maps in general, and of course remembering what all those buttons do and when to (sometimes upwards of a dozen or more buttons to make use of, and at a very fast pace, so these games also help you make faster decisions)
        8. Video games (and this may be the primary reason they are played) are fun or enjoyable as a pastime in general - why else would the video gaming industry flourish as it does?
        9. You may have already invested a whole lot of cash in the system(s) and / or games (but there are used games dealers you can sell all the stuff to if you choose, or like I mentioned I did above, selling them to a kid's ministry)
        10. Most current generation gaming systems also play CD's and DVD's (in addition to PS3 being for Blu-ray Discs (BD), which is why some people have bought one, possibly for this use along with some other non-gaming uses, being somewhat cheaper than a BD player alone in some cases)
        11. Some of a player's games may be collectable and / or more valuable to them (especially older generation games such as PS1 which can usually only be found for purchase online these days); this is due to the memory cards involved if the given gaming system does not have a hard drive as in the case of PS3 and Xbox 360 - I'm not sure how the Nintendo Wii functions, since I don't own one
        12. The design of video games allows players to succeed and to be rewarded for that success by the means of positive reinforcement and in this risk-and-reward gaming culture it sets up a freedom away from the fear to fail even though it will take a few chances (or much more!) in achieving an ultimate goal or an "epic" win
        13. Through the joy of competition, video games can bring families (parents and kids or older and younger siblings) together in interaction and sharing video gaming time, sometimes giving kids a chance to lead or more experienced gamers an opportunity to teach
        14. Video gaming can relieve pain, boost areas of the mind and can also improve eyesight in spacial resolution, or the ability to clearly see small, densely close packed objects next together to each other; video gaming also changes neurochemicals (maybe an adrenaline rush or the causing of dopamine levels to rise in the brain, possibly making the brain more "plastic" - this rewiring of the brain may allow the forming of new connections, the unmasking of connections that have always been there but lacked strength of expression, and / or getting the brain to be more efficient at responding to the smaller and weaker visual signals apparent in the concentration gaming evokes)

So and now what do you think thus far into only the first half of set of idea-generation?! Leave a comment if you would prefer or wish to share...


Conversely, here are the "cons" (or minuses) for making good riddance of video games and gaming as a pastime (as if the days weren't full enough as is!):

        1. The majority of video games incorporate extreming violence that may even be progressive through the levels of a given video game (and makes use of weapons, especially guns, which some parents, etc. disallow)
        2. There are the ESRB "taboos" in general (these vary widely but not overmuch so and do include the presence of bloodiness and cussing at times within the "higher" ranking games as far as age-appropriate levels are concerned)
        3. Video games can be time demanding, where players are engaged in a game for longer than the period of a typical movie (two-to-three hours); I know of at least one video game which does admonish players to take fifteen-minute breaks on the hour
        4. Sometimes video games offer too many (in my estimation) "unlockables," entreating the players to accomplish every little nuance to enable every "ending" available, which may prove tedious and / or unnecessary to some gamers
        5. There is the money factor (current games are definitely expensive when purchased new); there are used / second hand video gaming stores in many locales these days in which to buy a game at a later date for the patient among us
        6. A player may get too tired or lose focus after too many hours of playing video games; video games often begin with a warning right away and up-front advising that some types of flashing lights may cause a certain percentage of gamers to experience seizures (be forewarned that this is a very serious threat and at this time I don't know or haven't researched how to tell ahead of time if this may affect you and yours - indeed that is what the warnings themselves seem to be getting towards)
        7. Video gaming vies for the attention over and above other, many-a-time, more important duties or hobbies, such as physical exercise or personal time for various tasks that require priority setting on the part of the gamer
        8. It is possible that gaming may get frustrating when it is too hard for the player (or just set on a difficulty setting above the player's expertise level - indeed some games contain an easy, normal / medium, and hard difficulties or further more choices)
        9. Sometimes others (non-gamers) see video gaming as a waste of time, or it bothers their conscience in general (equating or combined with any or all of the reasons in this "con" section); I would just comment that, aside from outright wrong things to do, a person's pastimes (aside from their life's foremost duties) are up to their own conscience (providing it is still of use) and that one person is not to be judged of another's conscience in matters of honest liberality (excluding matters of unity in which all believing men should endeavor to be equal in, such as obeying truly just laws and propitious, set-up parental guidelines)
        10. Some video games are outright infernal and deal with reprehensible or culpable topics, not deserving anyone's time (this might include the "AO" rated games and / or games that one's own discretion deems altogether avoidable); common sense surely applies here
        11. There are serious and realistic claims that video games can be and often are addictive; you as a player can manage well enough though if you are creative with your own demands to structure your precious time and leave room for both breaks and set a realistic ending time for the particular gaming session under way, especially if you're a young kid and have school studying to partake of; otherwise just know your personal limits and things will go much better and smoother than you ever imagined
        12. The violence-factor may deserve a mention in double-portion because it is claimed that video games desensitize players to violence at the same time they reward players for simulating violence (it is often debated that the video games actually teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts, but this notion does not trivialize the break between the gaming genre and stark reality, for when the balance in between the screen and the real is seen as trivial, compartmentalization is entirely possible by the intelligence quotient of self-regulated and adjusted players)
        13. If violence is brought to bear as just mentioned, then there are certainly other notable aspects that video games may cause to be embellished through the availability of the imagination combined with on-hand resources, but this may just be plain insinuation; what I mean is that instead of emulating violent acts seen in-game, maybe thefts or overspending in the light of the hope of saving up more later on as you go as in the video games may be copied in the expression of life (there may be idealization learning curves of inherited meaning sprinkled throughout the seasons of your day if you are a gamer, too)
        14. Time overspent on video gaming could potentially cause a gamer to momentarily forget to accomplish some greater deed, as in paying a bill on time or running an errand before a business closes for the day or work week if on a Friday (maybe some gamers just start to play on weekends and maybe some college students with perhaps Fridays off may be in this scenario of a predicament) or ministering to somebody's need just in time, by putting others maybe not first but at the same level as your self-seeking leisure may try to afford; breaks in between seem to remedy this to make a fairer situation overall where the video games don't distract from real life experiences or come to hurt relationships

So what do you sense moreso upon this second hash at the same tall genre?! Leave a line if you liken to or care to comment...


And now, before your very eyes I am about to unveil my own sided decision for you to view upon. But first, and wait, I would like to prompt you to your own deciding making, and before I unpeel what I have come to as I drag it out into the open by dropping it upon you. Please do not be full of care as you weigh my words combined with your own simple but thoroughly concerted take. The other flip side of the coin instead of being care-ful is to be caring. Do employ care when you fill in the gap of your leaning to either the pro or the con department on video gaming themes. You may feel very strongly even before coming to this blog entry and may want to be open and honest in remaining pliable and discerning in coming to your own stance. As for me, and as you know by now, I actually went without modern video games for approximately six years during varying timings in my young life - and I am not middle-ages yet either. First there were three years, then one, and lastly two, all totaling six years apart, I survived, on purpose and all handed. My thumbs didn't lose muscle mass from not mashing buttons on a regular basis for the most part. In all, I will leave you with my "Interactive Anime Vacation Station" earlier entry, in May 2013 on this Blog DEUX, to key you in on where I am staying for the time being. At that portal within my video gaming outreach does provide my portion of how I actually believe, in short form though it may require a span to sit reading.

May I add another bit at our collective discretion? Here it is: have at it! Seeing only two, a pair, of bumper stickers on my passenger car I travel all around town by, I care to share. One is a faith-based evangelizing sticker I had custom made three of, but now the only enduring copy is on my Mits. The other is a Batman insignia that minisculely reads, Batman: Arkham Asylum and looks like one of the "toy" weapons Batman wields if he were real and if you can notice it black-on-black there on my Mitsubishi. There on the right, next to but under my plate, it reads in black and white off sets "Acts 2:38 / Acts 10:38, 38th Parallel." While the two bumper additions parallel my two blogs, one on "In Faith Matters" and the only second comprising "Bouts in Video Gaming without being about Game Reviews," I seem to have achieved a pattern (read to this entry's end to see where you can head later for the other of my blogging adventure-scapes). Therefore, my decision to be either pro or con video gaming is shown by my care to overview it on a blog and to showcase one particular video game out of them all, plastered discretely on the vehicle I own (paid-in-full!). By the way, the scrips (ancient scriptures) I made use of respectively hold the secret to born-again salvation (Acts 2:38 answers the question located in verse 37 immediately prior about what to do about a crucified Christ, individually) and the secret to how Christ Jesus accomplished His old-time old-fashioned religion supernatural ministry (Acts 10:38 has the same last number, "38," as the first reference). The real world 38th Parallel is between Koreas in a demilitarized zone serving as the Military Demarcation Line between Koreas (these are somehow not oxymorons together-by). I just frankly made a play-on-numbers instead of my more typical plays-on-words (see first www.ecks-isle.com  that seams to sound like "exile" in English, for more than you bargain hunted for in the last half hour, unless you came from there).


Notice that the numbers don't really correspond across the board, so to speak, as you may compare and contrast them, placing them alongside, next to each other. I wasn't that organized as I created the two lists. It was a simple "brainstorming" prayer project. Nevertheless, the two lists are both surprisingly coequal in length (fourteen apiece - as we look ahead to and approach 2014 - we are very nearly half way through 2013!) and hopefully are fair or moreso in an honest sort of a way to either of the two sides as far as holding points of view are involved.

Creatively and pleasingly, I find video gaming, in many ways, like visiting unknown alternative "realms and worlds," and therefore beneficial like traveling if because you may or may not "travel" lighter, but you "travel" better. It's cheaper too, despite having to spend something. You never leave the "safety" of your home either (providing you even have a TV, and many of the most do these days). Just don't go into debt spending a few hundred monies on some modern generation video gaming system only to find yourself regretting it. It's not for everyone, but there are very many who do enjoy it. My hope is that this next-in-line Blog DEUX entry helped just a wee bit (no pun intended to Wii) for those still in the deciding phase (or verily enable you to make a bolder redecision if you have already incorporated one side or the other). Maybe it will help those who are already gamers employ healthier motives as well. At work, stepping up to video games utilizes makeshift daycare, more efficient break time, social skills building via collaboration, and old-fashioned stress relief, all of which I won't enumerate on here, but thought to bring to light. Wisdom to the wise!


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 6/18/2013 4:10 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: pros and cons. Atari. ESRB. PS2. Xbox. M rating. fourteen for 2014.

05 / 11 - One System Down, Four To Go

This is going to be a short post because I just want to write about how I have finished / completed / beaten every game I own for the Xbox video gaming system (the original, not the 360 version).  This amounts to ten games, the “all” that I would even ever care to try playing for this initial video gaming system by Microsoft.  I am excluding "Chessmaster" I have because that just does not count, seeing it is not an adventure game (with a “story ending” or as some software companies would have it at “multiple video game endings”) at all. Meanwhile, excepted is a fighting-round beat-em-up that is neither ending-wise nor able to be wrapped up sufficiently, called “Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus,” which will not count for purposes here either (so!). Those games of the ten I mentioned (nine here) are these (alphabetically): 1 – Enter the Matrix (without cheats, utilizing both Ghost and Niobe but not with all unlockables); 2 – The Matrix: Path of Neo (hardest pre-set); 3 – Ninja Gaiden (hardest pre-set?); 4 – Ninja Gaiden Black (basic play-through, but without facing “enemy Ryu”); 5, 6, & 7 – Prince of Persia trilogy (hardest pre-sets! – a true feat for Sands of Time (really tough), Warrior Within (tough-stuff), and The Two Thrones (just took time up, so breezy); 8 – Star Wars: Episode III, Revenge of the Sith (hardest pre-set?); and, 9 – Star Wars: Obi-Wan (hardest pre-set?; impressed me when I first conversed with a Lucas Arts researcher as to my takes on this title, likely based on a review card I mailed, or somewhat). While I own an unopened copy of “Tron 2.0” for Xbox, I have not tried it out because I once rented it and there is a general glitch in this game from production, or so I understand (I have it for collecting a collection, is all – but why?!).

Underlined reasons for concentrating on Xbox must be because I prefer the gaming controller of the Xbox over and above the ones I have got for four to five other gaming systems.  I have gone through many-a-set-of-batteries for the cordless controllers of mostly all my other systems minus the Nintendo GameCube. The latest next generation for PlayStation and Xbox are not here quite yet, so we are exempt from bringing them to the discussion board. Otherwise my title up there would much like to have to read, “One System Down, Six to Go” (or “Who-Knows-How-Many to Go”). My, does not this Blog DEUX background resemble the Tron “Grid,” most remarkably as I dare saying to myself, before you viewers, all you would-be-readers. [Author note post script: this entire Blog DEUX used to be off (on?!) a Ecks-box page link on a previous Eck’s Port online domain (.com vs. .pro, now you know) which had a rather really nifty, mostly blue artworked webpage décor, not especially made-for, but that resembled the inside-the-circuitry inner-placings of Tron’s fiction] Like it, though without comment forum, if you suppose or even presuppose in the tensioned balance of the blog universe, online and ready most days.


Here is counting a "Game Boy Player" as a combined system with my Nintendo GameCube, if only because the Player connects to the bottom of the GameCube as an accessory. Come on back around soon for next month’s (August, hopefully) entry in the future form of a write-up commercial of sorts for this Game Boy Player accessory. Or just stick around between meals at your computer screen for about 30 longer days and nights (nope, right?!).

I say "one down, and four to go" because I have played through all the Xbox games I will ever be playing already, and I cannot say that for my PS2 or PS3 or even my GameCube (with the Game Boy Player of course) or Xbox 360.


Yes, I pretty much own every system of the past two gaming generations, less the Nintendo Wii.  I was just too expecting to accidentally throw the Wii controller if I got the Wii system.  Here is a personal note to You (anyone?!): use your own Wii if you have got one already, or you feel like you can financially afford one just now.  No sweat off my brow, or off of from the back of my hands, like mine all-too-often get wetter if I be video gaming tough.

Now I know that the Wii controllers come with a safety band to attach to the player's wrist.  Mark my words though, someone, somewhere has to have let go of one, spelling violent disaster near their TV or what-have-you (say, nearby windows or drywall, oh). That was grappling with the sober side, but actually, there are among Metroid: Corruption, as many games as a child could count, for what I would try out of over a baker’s dozen of button configurations and pattern-matches for titles I presently have not dough (cashes) for – but like I am read I am for such, at the very least the Metroid game for Nintendo that was promulgated by the Team NINJA of the Ninja Gaiden contributions for other systems. What of a Samus Aran, or did you meet my entry on Metroid?


Someday, I liked to think I would beat every game I own.  For now, the Xbox is finished (excepting "Chessmaster" and “Tao Feng: Fist of the Lotus” as I mentioned), and I keep buying more games.  Why?!  I have not even completed half of many of the ones I have invested in!  Time to consider habit apart from necessity. Plus for this blogging scene here, a vacation apart from excessive expenses is on up (that is passports, time shares, and luggage whether tangible or tech).

Time to be patient and not get any more for a little while.  Although I do plan to save up for a spree at the used video game dealer just as soon as I rightly order other pertaining priorities properly (let those willing all pray for 20 seconds against spirits of covetousness, yeah). I am too busy with my newer website anyhow.  How about you?  Have you played through all the games you own or what?!  Time to find balance. As you can tell, and as for me, I ain’t got no time...as if I did then, and as if I should again.


With a myriad of choices of… what to do…what should we do? As opposed to what can we do or even what would we do, the “should” of our respective stances plays the fields of worlds. When it comes to video gaming, there is a whole lot more of worlds in consideration of consultation. These next lines remark of telling to show what may be better spending of your times in the spiffing-up of our very own trials in life and living this round of this generation on planet Earth.

For one, I write: blogs, letters, articles, brochures, books-in-the-works, children’s stories, and my personal favorite: poetry, all in addition to otherwise webspace online-publishing. Right now I am looking forward to researching a book on philosophy for a blurb I wish to post on my newest Facebook account in August, perhaps (and if plans avail!). Whether you sew (stitch, knit, what-have-you – for ladies, no?) or snowboard (buying winter garb takes side cash, yes?) or whatever your latest hobby, sport, pastime, or undertaking may be, it may prove more durable or at the least more feasible than video gaming (which takes a measure of money on its own, for sure!; also it may be as addicting as slots and casinos or substances for users – me, I am satisfied as a certainty, and just like putting down a novel to drift off in sleep, can get away to get a snack meal before my legs fall asleep before the budget game screen, that was a 20” television, though spiffy in stereo, as awesome for hearing the ‘triforce pieces’ upon completing a boss besting on Ocarina Of Time of The Legend Of Zelda). Be on guard for the second-to-last (but not second best) entry to this Blog Deux that will be arriving at about the mid-October upset if plans, again, do not curtail. This entry to come will encompass a real-world alternative to the adventure of video gaming that would go to well-prove, in newspaper article fashion, the “five W’s” (you know, “who, what, where, when, and why” – then there’s the how’s and because-of’s and such and so) that prefab placings of preferences in spiritual warring (a real framework in our respective but real dimensions of persons, places, and possessables – this last part means beyond materialistically grabbable “stuff” to more than most imagine). So, be pleased to stick a wait, even if it is not like I previously described earlier and in sorted lines above.


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 7/18/2013 4:10 AM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: original Xbox system. Chessmaster. Tron Grid. blog universe. Game Boy Player. Wii. time-in-balance.


06 / 11 - Non-melodic Notes On The Game Boy Player For Nintendo GameCube And An Amazement To Size Up In Collocation

Admittingly, I did not include much about the Nintendo Wii video game system in the former blog entry on video gaming pros and cons.  It is because I do not own a Wii at present.  I suppose there are several pluses for owning a Wii which involve multi-player games and bodily exercising presented within some of its games.

While I happen to have bought every system except the Nintendo Wii from the past two gaming generations, I am not saying I shall never get one.  For now, I would or could rather not.  For one, I have not finished about roughly half the games I own, which amounts to about 20 games.  Oh boys!  I have got a Sony PS2 and PS3, Microsoft Xbox and Xbox 360, and a Nintendo GameCube, but no Wii.


When Wii was first released to the public, I was one of the first to joke about how players would most likely end up throwing their Wii controllers at their TVs and nearby windows, obviously breaking a lot of stuff.  I assumed that the players would accidentally let go of the controllers as they swung them around to play the new games for Wii.  Little did I know those same Wii controllers had attachable wrist bands to keep the surrounding room safe.  It still made for a great joke, at least in my humble opinion!

While the Wii does play GameCube games from the previous Nintendo generation, the Wii does not play any type of Game Boy games at present.  However, and this is what I want to get on about, the GameCube can be fit with an adaptor called the “Game Boy Player,” which does play Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games.  It nicely fastens on the bottom of the literal GameCube cube with two screws, attaching into the bottom of the apparatus simultaneously to literally plug it in.

The Game Cube Player can be purchased at a used games dealer for $14.99, but can only be sold back for about $2.00 at present, because there is such a surplus of them.  The huge advantage of having one of these Game Boy Players is that Game Boy games of all varieties, which are made for and usually are seen on really small Game Boy gaming screens, can now be seen on any size, even big screen, televisions.

Even old school black and white Game Boy originals can now be seen on your TV, with minimal colors added no less.  I cannot stress how great of an idea and advantage this is, especially for Game Boy Advance games, which, although the graphics do not really compare to the current generation systems, are blown up to gigantic proportions on my 40-inch TV.  It makes all the difference in the world.


The Game Boy Player (and I am not really trying to make a “commercial” out of all of this, even though I am ecstatic about it in many ways) also works with classic Nintendo games if you have a special reader.  Just read the fine print within the instructions for this product to find out how – I have not done it yet myself to provide further information on this part of the accessory.  Additionally, when you use the “start-up disc” (which comes with and is a necessary part of the Game Boy Player), your standard GameCube controller can be used to control the games instead of using a Game Boy Advance system itself for a controller (this ability requires a cable too by the way).

Furthermore, you can easily switch between playing GameCube games to Game Boy Games, without removing the base Game Boy Player from underneath your console.  As if all this was not too much to hope for already, you can select from 20 various frame designs that create a border around the game image on the TV screen.  Bonus!  Just note that the GameCube by itself lacks these abilities until you buy and set up the Game Boy Player onto the GameCube’s base.

All this might be overly obvious to seasoned gamers.  I am only writing up on it because it may be unknown of to some to whom it would be a great benefit.  That is, unless you prefer going through tons of Game Boy batteries and straining to view such a small screen.  Perhaps you like it that way; I, for one, prefer to adapt it to my TV.


Some of my favorite Game Boy Advance titles look even better on the bigger screen.  It utilizes two sizing features which help it stretch to fit your TV or keeps it looking more like the original very small, hand-held view (yet enlarged for the TV though).  Games like old school The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past are just plain way more fun.  Likewise, Metroid side-scrollers (Fusion and Zero Mission) and overhead Zelda quests (The Minish Cap, for example) starkly contrast as more detailed and even more fun adventures.  Aside from graphics, I would venture to, on a slight level, compare The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (for Game Boy Advance) with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (for GameCube and also Wii), because of how the former appears on a TV instead of a portable device.

Maybe it is also because the gaming company Capcom lent support to the creation of The Minish Cap.  However, aside from the instant classic of a few years back of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, The Minish Cap takes the cake (at least from my perspective).  Then again, I grew up on A Link to the Past, and of all the Zelda games it was my favorite, probably because of the overhead view it incorporates.  While I never tried The Phantom Hourglass, of all the “more current” Zelda enterprises, I prefer The Minish Cap.

This game’s hero, named Link (you get to name your character for all the Zelda games though), shrinks down to the size of an acorn or smaller for certain parts of the game.  This is a great concept and becomes a blast for gamers of all ages, especially those who are still “young at heart.”  I was in the middle of Ocarina of Time: Master Quest in the Zelda series (I say “series” even though the games are not especially in succession), but let it slide back to some far off other timing since an abstinence from gaming I let my Blog DEUX readers discover in a post a little earlier on.  Within this Master Quest installation of the classic, each of the dungeon levels are strategically rearranged to make for a more difficult, sort of upgraded, play for more advanced gamers.  Not that I really remember what the dungeons played like when I conquered the original Ocarina of Time.  I just really like most Zelda games, with the exception of Majora’s Mask in particular.  I just never really got into that one, which was perhaps a sequel to Ocarina of Time in some respects (because they were both made for the Nintendo 64 system).  Majora's Mask was said to be a "darker" game as far as the "Zeldas" go.


While this Blog DEUX is not particularly geared for reviewing games, as the subtitle suggests, this entry is the exception to the rule. Since I am showcasing the Game Boy Player, games for it just happen to go along in stride. Also in my “collection” of Game Boy Advance titles (which, again, look awesome enlarged through the Game Boy Player for TVs), are the combined classics of Risk, Battleship, and Clue.  What a fantastic little piece of software, altogether in one game cartridge!  Risk plays really quick for the long-winded world-domination board game it is.  Battleship has two options for different playing style games and is just like the original table-top game, except you can play against the computer.  Finally, Clue is harder to “cheat” at, only because the other players’ turns go really quick.  Just be additionally advised not to make your final accusation (I speak to those who know about this game as a board game) without pressing the wrong buttons or else the game will end (I mistakenly did this where I played the Game Boy Advance version, simply because I failed to read the instruction manual first – I did know the game rules though).  Also know that it is hard to remember which rooms are which in the Clue mansion.

Wanting to now mention a game called Ecks vs. Sever, which happens to be both very violent and very difficult, I will bring you along for the ride.  It is based on the Hollywood movie of the same name and is pretty deepened as far as storylines go.  Nevertheless, it makes enough sense and is fairly clever, especially with the various level passwords involved, which, like the Eck’s Port website you have maybe visited, uses words that have “ex” as a prefix.  I actually went through the dictionary, entering in various words beginning with “ex” to try and guess the passwords.  Besides, I never would have reached the higher levels (I think there are only twelve for “Ecks,” who is the hero of the game, with an additional twelve, maybe, for “Sever,” the villain, whom you can also play the game through as).  Sever’s passwords were harder to guess, but were likewise related (the password to Level Two is “severe” of all things – makes enough sense to me).  The password “survive” gets you to the third level of Sever’s side of this game.


Last but not least, my favorite Mega Man game of all time is Mega Man V (five).  It is an “original” Game Boy title, which includes enemy “bosses” named after the eight planets in our solar system besides Earth (Mega Man games have historically had eight main stages with eight main robot nemeses – “Mega Man” is himself a robot).  The really cool part about this game is that, if you played through Mega Man I to IV (one to four), each of the very ending bosses (“bosses” in video games are the enemies at the end of the stages and are usually the hardest parts of the games and also conversely which make the games the most fun to many players) from the first four games are now in the fifth.  Basically, Mega Man V as a title is the culmination of the first four games and the best of them all.  I rate it even above the Mega Man titles for the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES – Nintendo’s first installment and what I credit for having started giving video games the status they enjoy today).  Note that Mega Man V for Game Boy was released back in 1994.  Still a great title though.

My hope is that this selection of overviews has been helpful to you.  If you own a Nintendo GameCube, go out and get your own Game Boy Player today (fairly cheap compared to a PS3, Nintendo Wii, or Xbox 360)!  I am telling you forthrightly, you are sure to enjoy it and all your Game Boy games of all kinds (if you have some) in greater ways.  Let us just say, “bigger is better” in this case! Perhaps some of this is getting to be getting outdated;  nevertheless and with a well-rounded outlook, your perspective is sure to look up.


As a member of the Gamer Advisory Panel (GAP), I got to get into the arena of PlayStation a little more than most. This panel was by invitation and has since fizzled out some, though I have not stuck close by to notice overly so. As not sure if PlayStation Underground had counterparts in Microsoft or Nintendo agencies, this blog entry only highlighted a Nintendo product in the scheme of video gaming. Whether it is an achievement or not to be a “member” of that Gamer Advisory Panel is up to, I suppose, Andrew House, the Executive Vice President of Sony Computer Entertainment America at the time of my Certificate of Membership (he was the signing party). Exciting!? No: endearing!

Well, video gaming was not all I was into in the last decade or more. Around 2000 I heard of a ministry on the local radio called Politics and Religion. That was the program that introduced me to Endtime Ministries. Endtime has since gone on to produce End of the Age television. The time came that the think tank at Endtime produced what may be called an Interactive Prophecy Timeline. Cataloging “Daniel’s 70th Week” from…Daniel (see that ancient bible book in chapter 9, at verses 23 through 27 for a word picture snapshot of timing for the generation that sees the return of the Jesus of history to our present in a coming back for those He has been preparing places for, to be with Him). As I found this Interactive Prophecy screen-wide chart, with scrolls, to be fluid, concise, and proactive, I thought it amazing (it is for use on a computer, and was an offer of some years ago, to my knowledge, which may still be around for those forthright enough to search some). Only, I included a mention here in that, while it may not be a video game, it is interactive and I found it even more engaging than a website. So, in some regard, it is as close to a clickable game of sorts as Endtime provides us with innovative and useful tools. It was a real asset to me, which I still would very much like to exhaustively entertain my learning curve reception. Coupling patience and studiousness while exercising my industrious apparatus of a transparent salvation thinking cap, this is truly an aid I cannot wait to finish taking on, to conquer if you will. Only in the sense of completion, and not overrunning. When I cannot say enough, I remind myself to make a single, simple plug and let it speak for itself, should another who catches on catch it all. In actuality, if you like video games, you would enjoy Endtme’s “Interactive Prophecy Timeline” (and forgive me, if it has a better title than this, the one I am using). Not only so, whatever you already have in God will not be detracted from, for this is only a benefit in additions to your going faith. Here is sensing smiles in those who like new, interactive and unassuming, selectable and adaptable pastimes that seem more important than typical.


There is a time at the end of time called endtime, in short. Ancient prophets, including Jacob, who became the father of the Israeli nation (his name was changed to Israel! – and I am hanging around Genesis accountings) have pointed ahead to the “last days.” Since a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day, the last 2,000 years have been like a weekend to God. For us, we are to but realize we are in these last days of human history, prophetically vantage point speaking, or looking as it were. Watch with Endtime as a ministry, and maybe my two blogs or poetry site too if you would, all about not just switching tracks from human government to God’s Kingdom (more than a few steps up from Animal Kingdom, to be sure), but a paradigm shift in dimensions of faith and virtue, and beyond. What you be you can use in becoming what your being was made for: lively life and abundantly so.

Supposing that the future is now, and has been since 2000 overturned on world calendars, we have gotten someplace in perception. To be technical, the future never gets here, and it is always, or at least has been being called “today.” Tomorrow is eternity, today is the day of salvation, and the past is haunting at worst and funneled off with the clock at best. Until McDonald’s is called McDonold’s (get it?!) we’ve got some work to do in going to now. Wherever you go, there you are, but know to stay in now. You are now here in nowhere unless you purpose to do better than your best by the edge that is grace from the God above us down on ground level. Be blessed if you use a Game Boy Player or if you take an adventure with an Interactive Prophecy Timeline. Just get going so you do not miss your best chances at the better choices.


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 8/18/2013 4:10 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Wii danger. GameCube. Game Boy Player. commercial. favs. Interactive Prophecy Timeline. endtime.


07 / 11 - Accessory To Displaced Violence By Acquisition Of Fabricated Treasure Within Video Game Affinity

The creativity of a created world of men is in that we are able to come up with our own substantial worlds, smaller enough to be manipulated in games. Before there were video games there were board games and before these there were athletic games, but yet before the Greeks and the modern Olympics was the pre-flood corruption of violence, that may have incorporated "games" known any otherwise whose objective was violence. Referencing Genesis in the earlier chapters is where this is drawn from. Today gaming has reared violent in many of modern video games that, if they are not typical of war games, do elaborate on adventure hero escapades that are intricate but all the while promoting a learning curve that induces a simplicity that is concealed in expert gameplay. There is a technique to each individual video game that borrows from what exploits the possible in striving to remain unique in approach and breathtaking in advance. For the video gamers among us, likely reading this Blog DEUX piece, let us take a bordering glimpse of the topic of video gaming violence, curated exhaustively but next to the topic of all else that makes video games sui generis (that is, in a class of its own as one of a kind).

There is an advantage benefit in seeking answers to the "W’s" questions that concern anything worth asking and plausibly accessible. The who-what-where-when-why of the affinity of video games has respect to if a better limit should be curtailed in getting to. This keeping in check has an origin I can explain shortly in the following section at the next heading. Meanwhile, where is the truth of video gaming beyond the what it conveys? As an aside, were not side-scrollers, before the 3-D environment arenas and mappings of this generation of video games, much like a conveyor belt without the factory? Back a pace, I want you to know I have liked to have found aspects of video gaming mined in the resource of heaven’s treasuries (the next paragraph tabulates is when). Sitting and playing, practicing, controlling with a controller in hand, a controller attached to a television set and the cord to a console, a screen filled with gameplay, then turning off the TV, the flat front of television screens before even flat screen versions, and those helpful accompanying instruction manuals or strategy guides are paralleled in the ancient scriptures to the perceptive that generate understanding gained in acute comprehension (at least I tried to notice). In addition, moving images, perhaps ‘endless lives’ of continue-chances, the grief in working at a video game, wounding hitpoints and health meters, and even the dripping adrenaline release triggered by video gaming is around the bend of God’s pages. The next part is the why. Who gets the credit is the finisher of my faith that authored it in its basic beginning, in that it has shot up some in growth, care of my friend Jesus Christ, God with us. If you turn aside to the more of this blog entry, my lines will briefly compel to direct you into a form of facet that leads stronger, so dance through my lines, if you will. Be pleased to stand with me and be blessed in the strength of my angles, which waken a "fractal" approach of self-similarity, recalling that if "God so loved the world" He has written some pieces that pull on the earth portion of creation by deliberate placement where some find but lots brush over. It takes a spiritual science of distillation where doubt is dissolved and excuses are replaced by hunger and thirst for right that is true. This…can be explained; again, the why is just ahead: to be continued when you may afford! Before it is all done, we will have uncovered how violence tracks the video gaming genre, going places in civilization that has to be about composure even as it is controlled. Video games are all about controlling; this latest Blog DEUX hands off how it does not have to control you, in displaying an audit of bible-basis inspection.


To do this, I go up to use words of delight: the truth that is revealed by what is concealed in both Testaments of God’s Book, known today as the Bible that is to be worshipped as God, for it is His Word with Him. Loving my Lord is what I can do with all my mind, for one, in strength to showcase in sharing with those of you nearby, here readers of what I have done my research and study into. Start by considering all God’s precepts concerning all things to be right in then knowing that all God’s works are done in truth, but that we can do nothing against this the truth (if we be on God’s side). The end is activity to unite with the manifested Son of God that works of the devil might be destroyed (that is a why to get "saved"). This has been utilizing a spiritual frame that is useful in order to get life rolling. What this means is that things considered around us in the world we find ourselves are all inside the scope of what God has for us, written. Not only, but all God does is there emblazoned for us to behold in viewing at the speed we choose (how fast you read what God dictated to holy men is your preference). There is a class of those who forward causes of right, called Christians, and I am one who absorbs what I get just to minister from what I got. My source is the spirit and life of God’s account, but I shy from slating locations I garner, unless it enlists a tactical profile. So and so, in aiming to remain faithful to what God gives me (more than me in passing on to you), groundwork is enabled to pinpoint God’s positions. Again, everything going is also someplace in God’s Book, especially God’s parts, which faith-believers cannot help but favor, efforted to build God’s Way (overcoming evil with good).

You have scrolled well, down this remotely. What about the trend against video game violence, since a whole many of us have attempted to allocate what is going? To formulate success in accuracy in response, I will be about stringing us through God’s account, but first let us have space with what has gone on elsewhere. Presence of violence in video games is a great political issue that is hard to resist. In the United States, the Supreme Court has heard cases on the venue. Though it is an easy target, scientific data do not support dramatic claims, leaving it as a nuanced issue instead. Is there any proof that violent video games breed violent children? When the violence is absorbed, does it seem to dry out in the kiddo sponges before it wrings out? The independence of neither causing nor preventing each other seems receivable. When gathering data, those that did not play video games were factored in among levels of those who did, highlighting problems throughout those who play a lot or not at all. A workable answer is to have temperance without extremes. Later I shall suggest why it is that perhaps one day a week, for Saturdays, should maybe remain free of video gaming. Or, there is my interactive anime vacation station concept mode from a few blogs earlier, for proactive balance in decent order of priorities in living a proportioned life. A reason, for starters, that video games appeal is that this sort of gaming is nonjudgmental in that players can recover from a muddle or lapse without blame. Whereas the video game console is infinitely patient, there exists a measure of positive stress – designated eustress – that is the same as negative stress (adrenaline goes up, breathing rate quickens, and pulse both goes up and quickens) but is stimulatingly healthful. There becomes excitement, drive, ambition, and motivation where optimistic energy otherwise flows instead of anxious, frustrated, angry outlets. What it is about games that makes it impossible to feel you cannot achieve everything is the apparatus of recycling dramatic chance in the posture of time spent outside vices of pressures in life, though it is inside a TV with moving forms that are anchored in the room you sit. Violence is the vehicle that the contingency of the adventure travels by. What we will see in a quick while is that violence is balanced by the gamut of plunder. If you think violence is the only defining factor in video gaming media, take another look at the "plunder" that is in winnings – and these video games are all about winning (they make them just hard enough so that it means something serious when completed, finished, beaten, or overcome). What we will not be covering, certainly not uncovering, is gore. Although the manners of bloody content in video gaming are going to be duly addressed along side of violence. Look at it like a ratio equation: one is to a second as a third is to a fourth, with parallel structure on the odd and even portions. In athletics, ballet is to football as video gaming violence is to criminal violence in homes and communities. It almost takes more discipline to prepare for ballet performance than it does for a football competition. Likewise video games are even more violent than doing anything similar in society and does not translate to statistical quandary of trouble from users of video games upon neighborhood confrontations. If derelict individuals act out it is from both internal turmoil and external environment, but inclines initiating from within. Nevertheless, we all must guard our hearts and lives from morally antagonistic influences and practices. Thus this Blog DEUX was posted, is one.


Seeing as after upon we have leveled out general trend issues of violence in video gaming realms, next, as I choose, I will lead us through wording-up from what is a varied but relatively limited array of scripture-set from violent to violence, plus a few other underlying highlights that I have already alighted on above. This is important to me, as it is apparently important as in useful from the good Lord. Too, our part in thinking on and mentioning in praying is that you can find yourself sensing to comprehend in accepting what it brought to bear on these subjects affecting us as video gamers, vital insofar as it meets us half way in our video gaming experiences. First it is helpful to know that these are "days of vengeance" we live in about, and until the "times of the Gentiles" be fulfilled, in the meantime that all things that are written (God’s Book call) may be fulfilled. In noticing the "fulfilled" partition that takes an existing facet and activates it in completion, this "fulfilling" is what we can both wait out and pray around. My cue is that I used an online bible-based concordance to cross-reference all accounts of certain key words found in God’s library of 66 mini-books as the Bible. You can also type in a word and garner a list on the same subject, but know it helps to have read the whole thing at least once or twice for background and context. Since that takes a while, please listen to someone, me, lead you, for my lifestyle is being taught by God, which includes reading to understand scriptures (I have been through both Testaments twice, officially, and am taking the next five years for trip three, hopefully and in planning). Only, I will not repeat chapter and verse, unless commodious in light instances, because this is a video gaming blog that designs to just minor on direction superfluous to video gaming themes. For example, imaginations that would not otherwise be focused on should be cast "down" in knowing the Lord Christ. Could video games be a tangible hold on imaginations because they access the mind (moreso than everything, normally), allowing utilization of a holistic approach to sensory input beyond merely reading (though traditionally does not use the whole body, just the hands, but now there are motion sensors)? This inclusive vantage gets us rolling proper. Let us get mining.

As an unknown joke, I did violence to the term "violence" when I typed it a lot for this blog placing it as "viloence" more than once. May this coverage be better than humor; it is sobering comprehensively. This is what I got from reading up. Violent men are part of the nature of a fallen race, but God delivers from them. Violent dealing is real, but it can be away as well as towards. Mobs of the violent can seek your life, but knowing it is organized gives an edge. Violent men have purposed to make steps stumble, but God can preservingly get through to get you through this agenda. Evil can be let hunting the violent man, but God can counterstrike in the overthrow if faith comes just in time. What the violent man does is enticing his neighbor that leads into a way that is not good, but God is there. There is a violent type of perversion of justice and righteousness, but we do not need to marvel at it. The tried can be brought with violence, but there is civility as opposite. The affectation of great violence can come, but it does not have to remove every cited variable. The effect of nature can be violent, but being aware it can break things up helps in preparation. The earth can be filled with violence, but we can turn the tide of corruption. God can save from violence, so access grace by faith. The one who loves violence is hated by God’s soul, but we can drop and go from whatever wickedness we are not willing to before God (this means an "idol"). Violence is next to strife, but we can forego iniquity and trouble. It is possible to drink the wine of violence, but we can leave it with the bread of wickedness, alone. Violence covers the mouth of the wicked, but we can speak the truth in love. The soul of the unfaithful feeds on violence, but we can have an anti-drug alternative. The man that does violence to any person shall flee to the pit, so do not help that guy. Do no violence to strangers, so guilt will not result. One can rob his brother by violence, but any can go beyond to act kind. Certain rich men are full of violence, but this lets us in on the price that is paid. Some fill their master’s houses with violence and deceit, but as a steward, others can do the bidding of love. Divorce covers one’s garment with violence, but you can take heed to your spirit to not deal treacherously. When the violent take by force, it is but that there is a way about it to know and differentiate for ourselves. It is a wrap, but before we apply somewhat someplace to video games violence. Hold on.


What is more to rack up than "plunder," in the style of video gaming as long as video games are on the table? Have you become aware that in video gaming you more than often take things that are lying around, collect assorted "stuff" (you know, coins, and what have you), and maybe absorb this or that, depending on the video game. Call it plunder. It is what makes video games what they are, but we usually would not do this in life away from the television setup. Violence in video games is like that too, not to be outside of the box we try to stare at, while all those colorful moving images range round and the crisp sounds are marauding through our ears. Plunder is in about two parts, battlers and otherwise noncombatants. In video games, it is the type of plunder you do not lay hands on, for it is over on the screen. It is like plundering the treasury of every desirable (pleasant or precious) prize via the aesthetics of these variable video games available. Only thing is, that when you cease plundering, you feel plundered (could too much time be spent or is it just that this contagious feeling runs about you in aftereffect glow?). Having closed my eyes after a video gaming session, after having seen the images, there is a residue on my brain that spells that this stuff has a measure of power on the eyes. Good, I suppose, if you want to get your mind on something else other than what you were preoccupied with beforehand. There is a violence in its own right of the old school game for Nintendo Entertainment System, titled Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, that had an influential aggression that seems passive but due to the intricate patterns it may rewire your mind into a shoelace knot. Oh no!

We may as well cover it as I may as well just say it: bloody video gaming is on the market, or do you not know?! The bloodthirsty man gets what’s coming to let him deserve it because the Lord abhors this type of man. The remedy is to trust God, who saves from bloodthirsty men. There is a separation in that we can invoke bloodthirsty men to depart from us, because God will…slay the wicked.


How could video games be in the scriptures? Tough sell but not a hard sell. From the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force (the use of force is all of what a video game controller is all about!). Previously I mentioned how violence covers like a garment (in video games it may only be gloves on your finger tips and thumbs!). The memory of the righteous is blessed (it takes vast memorization skills to video game, from the instruction manual / strategy guide in button configuration to mapping out a quest to executing moves to utilizing items!). In the way of righteousness is life and in its pathway is no death (the "endless lives" in video gaming holds death to never come at bay, though it is like dying, but and you keep living never to fail!). Violence and plundering are discussed in the scriptures, as I have shared with all of the readers of all of you (the grief of laborious working at video gaming is a reality as is the wounds incurred in lost hit points or a diminished health meter!). Practicing oppression and violence is exposed in the scriptures (video games involve practice to be sure, only at violence without the oppression, if because video games actually treat pain and stress!). You can fill TV land with violence (the time warp worm hole of a television that video games are plugged in to is a unique spin only in modern years!). Causing the seat of violence to come near is a video game congruence brought up in the scriptures (sitting to play at a PlayStation or Xbox and etc. is how it is done, but stick close on up ahead to see this author’s reasoning why video gaming can fly, as in to come about in working out!). When violence is in hand, as the scriptures report, it just sounds like video games and the controllers thereof (sinister schemes can also be in hand in horrific genres or at least any button mashing). A "short measure" is found in scripture-sets (this makes me think of televisions that perceive as far as a horizon, but only extend a few inches back, even with the older non-flat-screen versions!). When the Bible says that blood is in the midst of the land, I think of adrenaline in the bloodstream while canvassing the lands as far as you can see into the TV (also not doing violence is an admonishment to draw the line with thanks to scripture, and the cord on the controller is like a wavy line because this is a manageable type of violence that can be readily manipulated!). Finally, when you can first bind the strong man to spoil his goods (as a scriptural parable to live by), we can study in the instruction manual / strategy guide per video game to know the move codes, button designations, and meanings of specific aspects.

How do we know where video games originate from spiritually? We know what companies manufacture them, mostly Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo, right? The answer is possible to come by, and if, again, you go to the Word of God by holy men from different times and various areas (though they were all of the same nation) who wrote it as God gave it. Chaldea was the place of the Babylonians when they were a world empire well before the Roman empire. Scriptures are replete with nuances and judgments of this kingdom, king, people, and land. Chaldea had its own ideas about gods, which were demonically galvanized and said to be creator in the stead of Israel’s miracle nation Lord God. With a verse on hand I can quote for us, know that modern video games’ story lines were not necessarily invented by the Chaldeans, but the root is there. In Jeremy 50, at verse 10 it records, “’And Chaldea shall become plunder; All who plunder her shall be satisfied,’ says the LORD.” What exactly has Chaldea turned into, today?! Have you seen a link in the plunder here in the verse and there in video games? Is it not also true that video gaming is satisfying and that is why people keep coming back over again? A few verses later in verse 16, same scripture book, same scripture chapter, it is reported, “Everyone shall turn to his own people, And everyone shall flee to his own land.” When you make the game of video gaming yours and there becomes a connection with the "land" you "travel" to on the screen, it can become your own, though it is not an actual people and though it is not a real land. If you want to be more cautious, simply stay one step away, removed to not make it an overflow. We all get bombarded, but you do not have to let video gaming take over your life: have priority and have purpose!!


There happen to be happening a few more nuanced types and shadows in God’s collection, for us, and here in this Blog DEUX. There is a taking away by violence, like the "robbery" in video game simulations. There is a detriment to weigh out the violence of your hands in the earth where balance has to be proven as enough, which all sounds like video gaming. Furthermore, the act of violence can be in hand, that is not the way of peace (the intent for violence is absent in video games if you have a healthy outlook and the outtake with violence is casual in video games if you keep it from encroaching on your perspective, which is easy if you have a healthy outlook). When the city (civilization) is filled with violence and the land (video gaming worlds inside the TV) is filled with crimes of blood it sure sounds like going places in the virtual and doing these adventure-esque endeavors. Violence can be risen up into a rod of wickedness where the handle of the rod is the video game controller and the end tip knob of the rod is the part as on TV that waves around (this may be a stretch, but it fits to a fine degree and the financial return of the video gaming industry sure has "risen up"). When the "land" is emptied, like scripture speaks of, it is like the TV turning off and going dark (where did the land go?!).  To remove violence is like treating acne. One zit will not be much to dispose, but it may take drying out your skin with egg yolks before you take your shower for the day to begin to sway the plague in curing it – if video gaming is a pastime do not let it become a habit, and if it is a habit do not let it become a character trait or substitute for a godly lifestyle (see about that). It is entirely possible to store up violence and robbery in palaces, but your strength will be sapped (ever play video games too long between meals and rest and errands and duties?) and those same palaces plundered (ever acquiesced that finances are scooting off when video game shopping sprees take precedence?). Too, you can covet the fields of video gaming worlds (the "field" in a parable by Jesus is the "world"), then take them by violence, which replaces benevolence when addicted beyond school work or job positions. When you plunder the beasts that made you afraid (it seems safe though the enemies, bosses, and challenges are scary at times) you can simultaneously ask, what profit is there in these things (well there is the recycling of continues, saves, and lives). Television and video gaming is like a pot whose scum is in it and that has not gone from it (this is from scripture), and it has become my lot these few posts to dilute it some and I distill what – God – has on it. Video games are a land of captivity because we all know you really do not go anywhere but on the screen, though a whole lot is recounted on that screen and into your senses. It takes sight to see, hearing to hear, feeling to press buttons, and perhaps a not-of-the-five sense to instinctually predict to respond quick enough to faster paced video games.

Will you be remembered, if you give your life to only pastimes? You can answer this one, for it is not too rhetorical for wiser video gamers. You can let the land I have been discussing, the land on the screen of any one of your video games, rest. Let the land outside that is solid, not tangible imagination of video game blinks, rest a day a week, say on Saturdays. This ties in well and is pliable to mold with the most of God’s will, productively overall and throughout. All things are lawful, but some things are not opportune; all things are lawful, but some things do not build up. You do not have to be brought under the power play of video gaming. You can keep it all in retrospect and respect the great, better things accessible and available. Violence is like the fruit on the tree of video gaming. You can prefer the violence and pluck some fruit or you can just play the games for the agility and the adventure and the realistic though fake scenery, enjoying that you are in the shade of the same tree without partaking of that kind of fruit, ingesting it into your being. Not all video games are violent, too (do not say "just the best ones" now). Maybe it is about tiptoeing around violence as you use your fingertips on the video game controller. Christ had done no violence, neither was any deceit in His mouth. It is kind of like the "shush" of the Lord, with His index finger over His lips. He gave us all a dip above our upper lip, like a tiny finger, to remind us of how He behaves. That dip is not to make your nose look better; noses are not the prettiest thing to kiss anyways: that is what mouths are for. In any case this concept is consistent with the Lord’s silence at the time of how He died, for He did not open His mouth. Shhh!


Violence and sex are often covered in the same breath, on the same page. I can leave it shallow. Violence in video games is kind of like sex in marriage. You can be intimate without it, but it is in itself an expression of intimacy. Sex is important in marriage, but violence in video games is not vital to key in on as the focus.

This has been much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing: While I have not always readily identified my heroes, I know who I would choose today. Jesus Christ is so much more than a hero to me; He is my Savior I love to obey and desire to worship. Perhaps your hero is one of only five prophets in the Old Testament list who did not report on violence, or perhaps your hero is one of the seven who ate breakfast with Jesus the third time He appeared after His resurrection in the New Testament (but what was other third of the "twelve" doing that day?!). Here are two challenges, one you do not have to join with me in and one you could well use. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is my main line hero (more) I am liking to take a sometime ten weeks to pray a total of 40 hours (that is at least four hours per week) on going on to understand the Godhead, which some picture "oneness" but had traditionally been termed "the trinity," among maybe one or more other fringe theories. Eternally and historically, I know that God is one and does not change. That will start me, well. Would I have the time? May I have the time! The other challenge is a move I will take upon publishing this blog entry you are in, looking at (but I am still writing it in paradox of foresight). Would you join me in praying merely 40 minutes on what to do about using video games that are so violent they have initiated a social concern? Then see about how you fared and how video games frittered. What is sensitively permissible and where can we avoid causal harm?? This distinction is the certain difference between a "vio-lens" and a "vio-license" to be sure.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 9/29/2013 11:00 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: created worlds. all things. violence. plunder. scripture. vio-lens. vio-license.


08 / 11 - Super Mario And Mega Man-ia

The latest entry for this “bouts in video gaming without being about game reviews” topic Blog DEUX is going to be more laid back than most of the many of the rest of the articles found right here. Stay close by, reading, for a poem-type overview (but still not a game review, whew!) of the Mega Man style in video games of the same name, with an ultra-specific twist to a lemon of sorts, as when video game themes cross over into this our reality. Meanwhile, author “One-X-One” (mine me) will bring us up to par on what makes Mega Man maniacal (simply put, Mega Mania) and, at the same juncture in video gaming, why being super-tip-top like the Super Mario Bros. may be too strident a stretch. As a polite poet, I will leave you a poem on the Brothers Mario too, and but it is a little one.

Have you ever noticed how the best of the better video gaming heroes have helmets? Though the headgear for the Mario Bros. is, I suppose, plumber vocation caps, characters like Mega Man have a solid helmet, robot or no. I shall likely not forget, since I have not yet, the day I saw on another kid’s console (I didn’t have a Nintendo just then) the opening lead-up mini-movie in-game on Mega Man II for classic Nintendo Entertainment System. There, atop a skyscraper as the computer pixel animation scrolled up and up, as astute as ever stood the Mega hero, hair waving in the fabricated breeze on screen. Then Mega’s helmet materialized upon him and he teleported off to battle, or what not, since all I knew is that he was there one moment and then blipped off the next second. That scene grappled to draw me into video gaming as a hobby, which I had already tried so and some, and I have since played through all the Mega Man titles, excepting perhaps one or two, but I skipped keeping up on releases after the eighth installment or so. Maybe you can think of some helmeted adventurers like I can at the likes of Ryu Hayabusa, the protagonist from the Ninja Gaiden contributions to video gaming sequels on modern consoles (Ryu also got his start on Nintendo Entertainment System, longer ago). Also, Samus Aran wears a whole suit, that includes a helmet; she is from the Metroid games which I followed with a blog entry a few months ago, poem and all (look for it, easy to find). In a believing worldview, helmets equal salvation, are part of the whole New Testament armor for those standing for morality and God’s Kingdom before it arrives, and obviously protect one of the two most vital assets to a warrior, his head beyond his heart via a breastplate. Too, Mega Man’s legs look almost like widened roller blades, if you will, or if you have seen him in video games (likely not elsewhere, for Mega Man is not highly famous outside of the video gaming installments he has achieved). If one game would bode well with roller blades, or as I would prefer here in roller skates, it would have to be if Lollipop Chainsaw has a sequel and the in-game heroine Juliet Starling moved quicker in fast forward demolition like a hamburger stand drive-in restaurant waitress, with new moves, slides, and pivoting rubber-stopper-skate stops. You heard it here, and I say use it, if you are a developer from Grasshopper Manufacture or, more specifically, Kadokawa Games or Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (these are developer and publishers, to boot).


Super Mario Bros. fairly well-established side-scrolling entry-market video gaming. As such, it has redefined gaming trends, all else. This genre has equipped very many of a wide variety of ages with hours of trendy leisure and loads of fun thereby. How is it that we can be super-duper like Super Mario and Super Luigi? Going to show that video games do not typically produce world-wise counterpart violence in society is demonstrated in that while Mr. Mario busts bricks with his jump-set fist, kids, as far as I know or in my own case then at the time Mario games released, did not necessarily hit bricks. Nor did kiddos jump more, or prove me on this. Then again, bricks are typically not found elevated on a pedestal that is attached to the sky next to a sidewalk with dangerous pits to perhaps fall into if one does not perceive his surroundings speedily enough. If you did not catch it, I am alluding to the Super Mario Bros. video gaming world levels’ interactions and obstacles. Certainly, if it is this is the case, why would society label video gamers more prone to violently act out than household card deck players could gamble? In any other respect, should we as real plumbers or just amusement thrill-seekers be super like the Mario Bros.? Where did it start; where does it end? What is the extent; who is to be the one(s) to have-at-it, in all or in part?

One of my theories from a past blog entry this Blog DEUX, is that the influential aggression in patterns and flashes of bright and colored lights in the avenue of a type of violence (be it simply movement or violence outrightly so, though fantasy or truncated, in the sense that it only reaches our perceived reception and not unto our actual persons, a step or such removed) as video gaming pastimes are overly intricate. So much so, I call it rewiring your mind into a shoelace knot. Even though you try afterwards, you cannot get the impressed images off of your mind’s receiver and your mind’s eye is temporarily fixated on what movements it engaged. For instance, when I would close my eyes after upon playing some on even a brief-like round-by-round fighter video game, I could respectively in actuality see the characters and backgrounds in my head when I may close my eyes just afterwards and for more than a little while. Those images, though they move, and they often move quicker than people on the streets in life outside or even in most movie scenes, remain imbibed on your mind, in your head, accessible like I am describing. I am not a modern scientist, though I may well be a spiritual experimenter as scientist per se in a sense for this aspect, and then I more than tend to suspect that this mental residue is causal of harm, long-term within repeated, immoderate use. In suggesting that video games rewire your mind into a shoelace knot, I can also provide an easier framework of effectual remedy. Let us say you feel manic, like my “Mega Man-ia” title hints on. One cure is to be temperate in self-control (beyond video gaming controllers – hey!) and veritably better manage your life balance, rest or other habits, and good time use. Combined, that is sure to make up the difference. Let us figure you are acquiring depressed heaviness or too-careful anxiety. The respective cure is to enact praise of what is worthy (the Lord God of hosts, admirably) and then to re-enable practical presenting of requests up to the God of gods. These are, again respectively ordered, the cure to depression and / or anxiety, most naturally and proactively. This works, even financially affordably so, and if you have time to give towards video gaming you can go these avenues as well, and then you can read my next Blog DEUX entry about next month on prayer strategies (think of it as a mini-strategy guide, you video gamers you). Well what if there is worse and you are paranoid (basically fear-motivated, usually falsely driven) or precious thinking seems skewed? If you believe, have faith in God (yes!), perfect love (charity kind of love given about in essence in the New Testament writings of apostles – if you are saying what would those be, please find a free Bible site for that is God’s Book and rather short by comparison, by search engine, since you are already reading this online) removes fear by casting it elsewhere out. Once you consider the cost of disciplining your life with Jesus, who is called Christ, as a disciple as such, but beginning as a convert who is able to be taught like a little child, your thoughts can configure both imaginations that enter upon your mind and then high things that erode your mind. In this case, you learn from a Master named Jesus, and like a decent follower, you can be led by His Spirit. Would you rather be subject to stuff that stiffens you up or makes yourself orderly? Beyond this, strength and heart exercise (say jumping rope) plus keeping your blood healthy with honey instead of product sugars and then adding oils from fish consumption (canned tuna is affordable, for example) is a sure-fire means to extend your bodily and spirited make up. Then add what you may be lacking by examining your diet: you may need potassium from fruit like bananas (there are chips that last longer on the shelf) or raisins and then magnesium from green vegetables, preferably frozen at the grocers if you do not have your own garden. This is not exhaustive counsel, and even common bread strengthens the heart. Having always been an individual decision in the above senses given, revering the goodness that leads is plain respectable (if one would be wise to begin and know understanding). So these are cures; so become bettered and overcome, even video gaming, this traipse of a walk, or if it is to you a flying trapeze by this stage in “the game.”


Does a Mega Man game's boss chamber exist?
Can even one of these actually really in reality be?
In real life to find one, know that I have
Ask me and I will describe it to you perfectly
Here: once only one time in architecture clearly
To my amazement, it fit though laid down
Horizontal and not vertical as if so to not have to jump
Having either to mega-bust with blaster on hand
Mega Man genre in the “reals” of this our reality
Got me my bootcut jeans with running shoes like enlarged robot feet
Because for the reason that is my salvation may a helmet up too
Covered my head in the day of battle and leg ends legends ready set
Transitions jumps in mid-air pose a raised leg in ample rooming on screen
In the games, a “boss” conglomerate of eight in rooms
Eight transportable rooms contained in one main
To move to one, then transport, fight, beam back to return
Then at length when eight beat bosses state defeat
Mega Man can then claim victory on Dr. Wily himself
(That infamous mad scientist of gaming lore)
In a ninth or even tenth room where evil lurks
Listing many-a-sad-day for our enemy Wily
As belching missiles and sundry ray guns betray our Man
Only Wily is far gone enough to lure Mega Man there
Past eight bossing final confrontations
Again to best robots bent on destruction
One first time it was just six bots
Now it is always consistently more
Unto Wily's last chamber upon a machine of madness
Usually plural machines the doctor rides in
As one gets taken down then moving on to a second
Then to obliterate Mega Man into mega-munch
Or blow our tiny blue hero into smither-mega-renes
Just when Mega uses all his eight guns in colors
Various costume changes to show what weapons he uses
Based color per acquired talent taken from respective robots
Each's own strength to be used vice versa or newly
On over to the other creations' own weaknesses wrought
Wily has his own tricks up his doctor-coated sleeves
A white coat to Mega Man's robotic outfit mostly blue
Save a bursting mega-blast from his side arm cannon
Taking out almost anything except sometimes Wily himself
Now Wily's been defeated eight times too, maybe nine or more
For sure six times on classic or regular NES
NES for Nintendo Entertainment System, 8-bit at best
Nintendo birthed Mega Man via Capcom in the 80's
1980's and on was copyright though using 199X to 20XX
Was where MM played ball typically and in supposed real-time
Also in Mega Man Soccer and 20-year reunion remakes
With windows to mega-glory plus two melee subgames
Even one racer, all imported on combo re-do's from Japan
In time came X and Sigma his arch foe
Even Game Boy black and white Mega Mans
Those were five in a row set up really fine
With Terra, others, plus eight planetary bosses
Each named for a planet from Mercury on to Pluto
Enough enemies all going the very long ways
To make enemies of enemies fun as it seemed
When then Dr. Light, Roll as girlfriend, and others call
Not to mention Zero, Bass, and complement Proto Man foe then friend
Are all you can show for how hard you played
For comrades besides Rush dog, Mega's best friend
As even in these games, there are "The End"
With sequels come more blown skull ‘n’ bones over and out
Has Wily now given up seeing franchise is done?
Let Dr. Wily's sinister twitchy arching eyebrows
Be for now still as numbers too many our carts did fill
Shopping each holiday for more mega-titles
Forte in our minds, occupying our heads' clues
Even mega-addictions could not thwart Wily even once
Ever to halt mad scientists from world domination
Ever to button crunch Mega Man into fame and glory
No gore for these games, starred in our brains
Just puzzle-me-tender and blast me through to another level
Side-scrolling frenzy up all our alleys and days
Off of the shelves and into the deck or console
Never to give in though pulled out again and again
Keep a heads-up for real world arenas
And on to newly acquired Mega Man 10!


Mario smashes red
Luigi hashes green
Video games strains can
Be the so far clandestine machine to be seen.


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 10/26/2013 11:00 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Super Mario Bros. Mega Man. helmets. Ryu Hayabusa. Lollipop Chainsaw. influential aggression. intricate patterns.


09 / 11 - Pack, Man, And You May Pray

Video games are out and out a form of media that means to entertain, and that have proven round about rily to explain, as I have bid to more stridently appeal in the ability of this, Blog DEUX. This whole blog is at a wrap upon this final entry, all for those of you up to reading on the “whys” of video gaming, especially in to regard “why would you or why would you not” or even yet “where could we or, well, should we.” There should be, arriving shortly, one further entry to recap and overview each of the eight or so major inputs, up to and including the article you are beginning. Along the way, the “hows” escalated the advance as those interesting specks on the array of what made video games what they be, to me, and from a vantage of someone who has used to being using video games as a gradient genre. This has been a worthwhile glimpse, overall, for me in tracing the structure of what video games leave over and how they get there in the process.

In part, and while researching this project (that is coming to a close upon this finisher of a disquisition) I would study to the point of taking notes on video game magazines at local newsstands. In dealing with multiple articles, much was gleaned over the course of more than a few months. Now the official video gaming magazines have gone as far as to place the monthly issues in plastic, so they must be purchased to be perused. Supposing I got to this project just in time therefore, I suppose, too, that it is a fine thing that the finale is furnished within the same season parameters as the release of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One (latest generation consoles respectively for Sony and Microsoft family brand names). May this second last contribution procure good vibrations, of which this itself is an unspoken prayer, indeed on a blog entry that encompasses shifting to pray.


One such article I researched was entitled, “Hard Shifts, The hardware innovations that changed gaming,” However, I do not recall, and had failed to record, just what publication and edition it was found inside, though you have the title handy here. Meanwhile, please let me ask you all a supposition: If Pac-Man is the color of anointing oil does that make him anointed? Then as you may gaze up at my blog title again anew, I can tell you that, by the finish point of making well at all I have to bring, cling to the news that what you can pack before savory prayer drives to determine what the prayer becomes. As I touch on, and all around, praying, it does more than matter that the “Who” to pray to is the good God of heaven. There is where to bear a start.

The article I have mentioned cataloged 15 hardware innovations I can relist for us. Basically, hardware is the dutiful stuff that goes into having the video games enact, be video, and become games. What follows is what the article pointed to and what I have about each as my own additives.

            01 – CPUs (= Central Processing Units at the heart and as the brain of a computer at the same time in important processing of data and interpreting the instructions from software and hardware and controlling every device contained within a computer; so without this well-to-do component your computer would not know what to do or could otherwise be nothing more than a rather expensive paper weight)
            02 – ROM cartridges (= Read Only Memory that cannot be easily altered with published warnings, often in game, that advise against such)
            03 – battery backup (= self-explanatory but not exactly Energizer obviously)
            04 – onboard storage (= seems what it is, electronically, internal memory which is soldered to the motherboard as all computers need memory)
            05 – optical media (= storage media that hold content in digital form and that are written and read by a laser)
            06 – tiny screens (= descriptive enough to get the pixel points)
            07 – VGA & SVGA (= video graphic array in standing for something as a cable carries analog signals and supports resolutions up to and including 800 x 600, where the other is enhanced or ultra but the “S” is for “super” to support far higher display resolutions than the 800 x 600 standard and both usually have plugs with pins arranged in three staggered rows that the first and last rows have 5 pins and the middle row, with only 4 pins, appears to have a missing pin but does not; it is also impossible to tell the difference between these two cable types by appearance alone)
            08 – 3D acceleration (= basically a three-dimensional speed up by means of a video card)
            09 – rumble motors (= these mini-motors all rumble and may be known as dual vibration in use to enhance racing effects and improves visual contact with a touch sense dimension felt on the video game controller where the connect is made to enable character or vehicle movement)
            10 – touch control (= having to do with screens of systems like Nintendo DS that are similar to iPads and use one or more fingers or a stylus pen-shaped instrument to control or input commands)
            11 – motion sensors (= detect the tilting movements of players and translate them into interactive onscreen actions)
            12 – dual analogue sticks (= Sony’s first attempt at a handheld analog controller made for the PlayStation and which was the predecessor of the DualShock; these are also known as control sticks or thumbsticks for two-dimensional input for a video game controller that consists of a protrusion from these controllers where input is based on the position in relation to the default “center” of the stump stick)
            13 – analogue triggers (= pressure-sensitive buttons used for various actions that required or had the option to be conducted with different pressure for certain specified actions)
            14 – modems (= devices that modulate an analog carrier signal for the purpose of encoding digital information including demodulating such a carrier signal in order to decode the transmitted information, here especially for engaging online gaming experiences)
            15 – multi-ports (= allows for multiplayer gaming by fours not just twos)

These supply how video gaming adapted and updated, for us within aspect ratios and about the video games we may have tried in enjoyment, or maybe just put up with while waiting to determine if such-and-so would be worthwhile. The video gaming genre is stepping by these means I described (those fifteen just now) to be more and more realistic and in some sense virtual. What I have found is that video games are just that, games, and would never be as appropriate as the real around us because they borrow from what might not be otherwise borderline likely, however uncommon. There is no place like home for “Dorothys” from Kansas who journey haphazardly to “Oz” (a fiction account familiar to American television viewers) but there is no place like connecting with heaven as a home longed for from the vantage point of steady-ready prayer given to. Spirit is somewhat ignored, though not exempted entirely, when a player is busy at a video gaming flat-screen adventure (depthless though it appears to encompass depth by illusory animated artwork). In the real of life, we can catch glimpses of calculated, pinpointed celebrations of answers in the form of reaching out and looking inward while focusing upward in the advantage advance of “all” prayer. Appreciate with me, in a gratitude of an allotted dimension of understanding, what prayer begins and leaves with us even afterward, much instead better than bodily exercise (though profitable in perspective) and, here, the reverberation of video gaming. Prayer, as I have all about within only one article you are in, is the shift to collect cues to a real home (heaven) in the stead of collecting virtual coins (what-have-you go-betweens) or bragging rights (what-could-you likings) that the video games of video gaming provide in interim intermissions from what is the trusty mission of all our individual and collective lives. These are the real shifts from away out of just any-varied-things to the way of life and that should be easy and not so hard, even in mid-shift. It costs but only what you have anyway, as we go through life: let us see about this to pay a few minutes to read what holds potential to get your ride a new gear. Then it is up to you to wear your new gear, becoming part of you and your new approach (reading this rest lets you get up to what you may quite need to hear of!).


If you are reading here, you may own video games or like to discover new video games. Video games and movies and CD music only go so far and publish to point at us. Spiritual warfare is rather where we are more real. Sing our own grand songs. Live our own good dreams. Fight our very battles, wise by faith. Love our enemies and meet others’ needs. Have you ever noticed how you use your fingers to eat (using utensils mostly, my my) and not just your teeth. It is all part of digestion. The preview step to the intake chewing is with your hands. What is being “consumed” when handling a video gaming controller, and better yet, what can be accomplished in giving ourselves to prayer? This explains more by the finish through of this Blog DEUX entry, like a walk-through in video gaming, but instead less pixels and more symbol deciphering called reading, but you know. In consideration with anything in the world, know if you can handle it before you administer it. This knowing comes by counting “cost,” weighing and balancing and foreshadowing and anticipating and even planning. We spend time much more than we spend money. Time is not money but time happens to involve power to get wealth. We often ask, how have you spent your time? Whether taking something in (digestion or consumption) or giving something out (money or time), we will to choose what to take and what to give. How are you reading me; have I a-something to write that it better as written than not?

You know you are a video gaming enthusiast when about the first thing you think of when you see an “hp” symbol on a computer printer or office product is connotatively for to be for “hit points.” Though you know it means and stands for else, the connection still comes. This will not be a commercial for a brand, so turn the worry off switch before you overheat, please. Going at the title for this very blog entry, we will get, together, at what to do for results. Prayer results. The fulcrum is to “pack” in the sense of arrange, and what to arrange I will alight on sooner. As in constant preparation with items and weapons and maps while adventure video gaming, this type of arranging is more than playable as practical in the most lively aspects of life there are to live. To “pack” can also mean to sort stack a card deck for securing game fairness in the favor you really, really want. Too, “pack” has a connection with carrying firearms on one’s person. Since all things work together for good (with provisions coupled of love towards God and a calling purpose above all), even “pack” security and / or “pack” protection has to do with what I subject my manners upon for this latest spending of advice that goes beyond your choice to follow or to not (because it is plain and sensible, workable and built right). A game in one sense is an activity consisting by a set of rules and especially for a purpose of entertainment that is often competitive or in having an explicit goal. Video games are certainly equipment that enables such activity, as packaged particularly and under all so many countable titles. This “Pack, Man, And You May Pray” blog has a goal to formulate a basis of focus on prayer as the shift from video gaming’s primary goal to entertain to a goal to have a worthy adventure that utilizes more of the real world than video gaming is limited to and leaves us by. Prayer, or “all prayer” as I roundhouse it, is not only an adventure if done in a giving to it, but opens to better life experience in shaping the rest of your, my, and our fashion of sprouting things into existence in the asset of belief. The Lord gave the example of Himself in prayer, in example itself, and as the founder of a religion on discipline. Stick around for some joy in application to a profession that brings peace as well. How prayer that works works is perhaps one way of looking at what video gaming only hints at as a metaphor millions stay playing.


A point I drive straight at is to overcome this world instead of your favorite video gaming world. In helping others overcome when they are unaware, it is like liberating people rightly to be upright (up is heaven). The “Code Road” up is the report accounts of ancient scripture books collected in one library called the Bible. There, inside God’s Book, passages parallel what we find in the world the Lord Jesus Christ overcame. Some of these I used much of the other Blog DEUX entries before and up until this one you are in. Then in this final one, at least before I catalog them each as a last resort in a follow-up entry to come, I draw on video gaming parallels to transfer to this “all prayer.” Call it “shifting,” simply read what I brought. There is nothing to buy until you buy what I say and watch your life improve today.

Looking at this from a side angle, say perpendicular-like, try this sketch on for size. Since I tried on and liked enough to take home a new pair of boots, there was something I did not notice afterwards, or until later on. Maybe it was due to them being so big or tall or huge compared to shoes, but one day I saw a miniscule ketchup stain on one of the loops the laces tightened by (fallen from the height near my mouth). At a glance you, or here myself, would not notice much. So it is with getting saved, having a new view since washing your sins away. If you turned your life over to the care of God, who loved you while you were yet a sinner (those saved do not practice sin, so they are no longer sinners because they are now saved), you can claim “I once was blind but now I see.” What your seeing can see is that you have something to turn from that you likely did not notice before, sin if you have it. That is where prayer comes in; we could or could not have sin from doing evil or not doing good (I will keep at shallow terms to not go ocean deep), but we do not know until we let someOne who can see clearly check for us. That One is the Lord, God Who is only good and whose goodness leads us to repent the sin He shows so we can see to not have to live in repentance land the rest of our lives (if repentance is done and once light is “tried”). These are spiritual terms, and even better selling video games get into thematic renditions of such. To break one aspect of what the good Lord God explains to us in commandments is to break it at all, or in all. To steal is wrong, to murder is bad, but they equally result in dying ultimately for those who do. Stealing and murdering are once removed in interactive phasing of video gaming, that resemble the next closest thing to the actual commitment of such deeds. Novels comment on sins and death often enough, whereas video games reenact almost virtual process and procedure. The rest that I am about, the resisting what harms, opens up and heaven that is up is upon you, me, us. One idea is that the adventure and the fight ability of video gaming is a lead in, albeit perpendicular, to the good fight of faith in the endeavor adventure of the balance of living life, I know as prayer. Called here, prayer strategy is what opens life and where life opens.


There is an urgency to the spiritual, but some, well, do not get to it (half the battle is simple acknowledgment). Many attempt for a bit, whether it is a season or whiles, only to return to paths of darkness. The devil practices murder (sin) for causing people to die when tempting them to sin (if they do sin), in trying to control us. Who that devil was at first did not stay positioned in God and as the prince of this world was cast out by the Holy Ghost ministry of Jesus, who is called Christ. “Spiritual warfare” is a reality, but just as truly initiated and maintained by “spiritual standing.” While one old song says, “we are weak and He is strong” in reference to Christians and the Christ respectively, to “let the weak say he is strong” is what God’s report teaches as those “strong in the Lord” stand in having done all they could in order that God can do what He can (God, He gets in in all sorts of ways, but this, what I tell, in “standing” is a key to use).

A while back there was a Hollywood movie about surfers who went bank robbing. One of the bad guys, who were painted romantically intellectual, said surfing (I think) was better than sex (I was not sure in recall if he was married or not within the film). Another commenting said the first was not liking to do it right for it to be less than surfing. The same is likely with video games and spiritual standing: just when you think the worlds are better, it is that just that you are not “doing it right.” Listen to hear me on “all prayer” and this first for you to make a clear choice though it be a dire decision. God’s Book, known today as the Bible, tells of the garments of salvation and the armor of light. The first time you wear it, it may feel unused to. Go on to wear it well, with senses exercised by use, and know if lifestyles change all the time then do not be afraid to let your own lifestyle be a saved chance going up, and getting up as you go to the Kingdom of God.


We are almost at the “all prayer” I am on “in shift.” There may well be a time / space continuum, but all I know is that when it works it would work by prayer. Spiritual accessibility without being sanctimonious is remedied by a love that is in sincerity, shown to the Lord Jesus Christ, with an "our" facet focus of as part of His church Bride. There is a moral composite to “spiritual standing” that is personally beneficial as a dichotomy, distinct in two. For all the prayer “all prayer” is in spiritual warfare, morality balances it out to in “spiritual standing.” We can have a good day, each day, like Jesus’ ministry, confrontations or so or no. Known as the Master, Jesus of Nazareth had it on the up. Maybe His life was not a walk-through like a video game is made by its strategy guide, but He was written about before He was born.

There is a true grace and, for this reason, what is not grace. You may be able to choose your weapon in video gaming, but there is standard issue type in what heaven has. Video game developers make video gaming worlds. We can make our own religion if we are to save ourselves from this untoward generation that does not have room for the things of God. The Lord of life has difference of plan for your time here and even by little articles like the one you are in the midst of, your life can become into what God wills. Your will to be okay with knowing the Word that interprets us is to be trusted and is part of believing and this is how to interpret how God words it. The sword we get to use, in getting saved, so we would be saved, is the supernatural extension of use of God’s Word. Better than much of life, and certain to satisfy better than video gaming, overall and through.


There is a learning curve with instruction manuals for video games or in-game tutorials of the same. Just as with learning to type or with math little by little with patterns and practice, there is also a learning curve for the scriptures. In my case, and for others, there was a learning curve for the KJV (Authorized King James Version of the Holy Bible scriptures). To study ways to study the scriptures is like puzzling pieces into a picture or matching or building. Just when the world was well out of the Dark Ages, the KJV, along with the writings of Shakespeare, cemented Middle Ages English into a monument of language horizon proportions, maybe drawing us back in like a black hole. The New King James Version for English is important because it de-soaps the old English usages, reverting to plain spring water so to speak. Also, for another note, this NKJV places hell as “Hades” as a proper place reference instead of this “hell” term that has become a multiphase term thrown around until the real of it is like to be thrown out by being trite. If anyone is of the opinion that just no one can understand KJV English, begin to ask if those that handle it do not know its author; they may be handling it without tasting it. When you, you mind you, feed it, pay attention to how it breaks up inside and goes into and through you, like eating. So taste and see God is good, there is that link.

How many things is video gaming made up of? Finding items, taking items, using items, weapons switching and upgrades, jumping and acrobatics, puzzle-solving, memorizing of areas patterns, passages directions, and all these in combination prove what either holds our attention or probes our protocol. How many things in scripture searches take precedence, from attributes to benefits to principles on to enough for the all of the nations of the ages and generations? In Jeremy (Jeremiah) 51 alone, as designated after it was written in aid of use by numbering, I went questing for what was to be happened on. Finding caterpillars, bars, a golden cup, dragons and other beasts, and a perpetual sleep was part and parcel of something and somewhat more than a mere game (for, see a verse seven there). Exhaustive versus exasperating, it is a paradox of perception in an availability of advancement. Beyond attitudes to blessed goals, it is your turn around the block to place you yourself in by “you” when ancient scriptures speak of generalization; then put in about those placement specifications more depending on how many are being addressed about, to be clear. If this Word interprets us instead of vice versa it is not us going about to establish an understanding or lean to our own understanding, though these aspects are up and about. Look at every podium, every pulpit, every piece of literature through the lens of the standard of the Book of Testaments (the Bible, bi- for two, and as a –ble book) that allocates Christ’s cross account in exulting the now risen Lord. Sometimes to solve it, you need to psalm it, and there is poetry there in the Psalms as well. What works very well is when your work is directed in truth versus charts or devotionals, but these are there to help. Maybe the way needs to be straight before your face and when the plan reads to be in Mark, God says to go over to Numbers (these are two separate books in the Bible library of 66 total). Even the maps of the New / Old Testaments highlights with the verbatim (this is word-for-word) preaching much like my ideas to living for God in this writing drawn from video games, and that you are almost completed with for now. Gideon’s adventure as a whole lined lot is one other ability to convene on our own practice, and I am not hinting on another Bible version found in motels’ bedside drawers and what not. May I, quote for us? Hosea, a prophet, maybe says his whole book to say, nearing the finality, “Take words with you, And return to the Lord.” So can we, as we, again, taste and see.


You can read more, it is in Hosea, there at the end. Sometimes I like to listen to the last track on a CD before the entirety of the whole, and just when I get it. Too, it proves well and wise and wholly in believing for the better to take something somewhat with you when you go to prayer. Here comes “all prayer.”

Jesus Christ likens who we are individually to a house. Wise or foolish, depending on how you hear His sayings and if, in doing them, you do do them. Part is position to hear them at all. In life and in an evangelized world, in America, on the internet, at Blog DEUX, and where you are and where you go, the sayings of the Book that testifies of Jesus of Nazareth sows into your heart. How you respond is how the soil of your heart holds up in life with options. The best is to bring words, taken from the source that writes to you, interprets you, and helps you in a way you bring to it, and in how it delivers you when you use it aright. Like my title, pack not only what I say, man, but what of God, and you may pray.


Jesus Christ also says about a closet, not only a house. Prayer belongs in the religious building? Not so. Prayer belongs on the street corners? No go. In secret, at a shut door, inside this closet is where the Father for you, God, rewards openly. Not out in the open, or would you have me put it just as J.C. did so. One woman said “I know that Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). “When He comes, He will tell us all things.” So Jesus a Rabbi taught on a mountain, and touched on prayer – how to, fasting – a supplement to prayer, and alms-giving – the practice of discretion in belief instead of announcing charities disbursement.

Here is all prayer. Entering by thanks to give and praise to style matters when what is the matter? Major on meditation (asking or thinking), minor on address in supplication (speaking in requesting), present in thanksgiving, and sprinkle with joy, where intercession runs the gamut. Extracurriculars, contacts, networking, the asides are all manners. Listening to hear is to be incorporated. In acceptable times, at a set time or times (evening, morning, and at noon), crying aloud, and remaining in rule of your spirit are all vital, important, and enjoyable. Not limiting God by alternately letting eternity spotlight you (and yours) instead is part of knowing God’s will, made use by wisdom faith affords. Spend your time, but spend your faith. Grow your person, your character, but increase your faith in saying in yourself and speaking with your spirit in your heart. Bless the Lord o my soul, and all that is within me bless His holy name, in this from a Psalm, official and paramount. Make your own bible-based video game of high caliber, excellent quality, even expected. Put yourself in front of preachers that teach over the same, on prayer, praying, here “all prayer.” Love by obeying, childlike not childish, in retaining a teachable spirit. All this all prayer prepares you to gather and come together with others who do too, but in going out, come in, in place for leaving and departing in all knowing your left to your right, your spiritual from your carnal, upstairs or rooftop from the basement, and up north from down south, and especially the holy apart from the profane. Much is said, so you have very much to experiment with. God gets the glory, now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (the regard is the church that is God’s). Get at what God gets at to pack, man, or woman, in what I have shared already to get you all ready (the Lord Jesus on way).


You will be hooked…on Jesus the Master teacher and His apostle disciple fishers-of-men. It is possible to hide in video games, but it is also possible to hide in a lifestyle that includes church visits and less about the rest. It is possible to find a secret place under the wings of your Creator and Sustainer. This place is more adaptable, refining, and defining than entire video game libraries. Before I go, here is a poem I have got and like a lot on God’s prayers, titled “God’s Prayers” [poem] and so goes it:

        The Lord He watches over
        Humbles Himself to see us
        In our world of trouble

        As I watched TV bloopers
        Funniest home videos, American style
        I could not help noticing a close oversight involving care

        For a day with the good Lord
        Is as a thousand years for one
        He must plan something with all that

Not video gaming, but yet instant for rating. In time with God, He is not limited like we limit. Like video game characters have lots of time but we do not. They do not even stop for necessities or a burger and water (because grease without treatment is like video gaming worlds without prayer in this world). An entire possibility is to be addicted, in a devoted sense, to ministry. For one, I finished a blog, Blog DEUX, in the stead of gaming for longer and have started a writing ministry, here part in this blog about one hobby that did not have much fruit, as it were. Well, except this blog post space. Some believe, some do not. Violence should be split, but it is not. Wounds of a friend are faithful. Faithfully here I say good-bye, should you say either good-bye or farewell to video gaming for a while or for the various time bettered to chance the planting of prayer in your heart, overturned in lifestyle overture.


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.

*This entry publishing was scheduled a bit over one month before the actual post-date in December 2013 as an experiment in production and timing.

Posted by [ One-X-One ] at :11/23/2013 11:00 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: Pac-Man. hardware innovations. video gaming worlds. part of the real world. spiritual standing. interpretation mirror. house and closet.


10 / 11 - Do The Deux

This has been Blog DEUX! Unless guest bloggers are pulled in, in the future, the main recurring author here, “One-X-One” (in coded load), is at a stay, over with fastening beside video gaming extravaganza. What it is, is that this one author desired to type a few “bouts in video gaming without being about game reviews,” or as the subtitle up above says as much. This “Do The Deux” review is to be an able Blog DEUX Catalog of each of the original, interrelated, and now completed lineup of entries to keep up with hookups that seam video gaming genre galore. All that was covered will be rediscovered here, outlined with a recap line per each addition to lead-in in survey. These individual contributions are pieced from most current to oldest, but this overview will instead be catching them as they appeared, in order of date compiled.

Since my catalog is somewhat reversed, even as reverted as the “Recent Posts” sort by, me, I got to thinking what else might be cataloged about video gaming overall. First, I liken how the sixth gaming system generation PlayStation 2 resembles an upright building on a city landscape, or so. Then two steps later I made a link about how the “4” related to PlayStation 4 somewhat appears in shape similar to a modern Christian fish symbol (like revealing drivers often place behind on their vehicles – I have even seen little families of two standard “fishes” parents with several tiny more of the same as a school of children?!). At my last, the “Atari Flashback” is a rendition of an all-in-1 gaming system compatible with TV, encased in a wood grained updated console, approximately 2/3rd the size of the original 1977 release of the Atari 2600 (it plays classic favorites such as Pong and Breakout and Centipede). With that, we shall fast forward versus flash back to gain a gallant glimpse of all this blog aims and achieves.


The first part of each following below is the actual title of each given Blog DEUX entry, then comes the synopsis to help you seek to the right part for you, without scanning too deep or very far.

1 – “Kick-Start My Part”
The Forward, Intro Track, Opening Credits, and Previews all rolled into one rock-a-by.

2 – “Interactive Anime Vacation Station”
The definitive use for video gaming video games – take a vacation where you live.

3 – “’Of Metroid Fame’ Came”
The what’s up as far as Metriod’s Samus found around in more than a first poem this blog.

4 – “Video Gaming Pros And Cons: Two Equitable And Equal Listings”
At least more than the title in reasoning why to or why not to try video gaming, in control and in advance for 2014 as a list of fourteen each, ahead from in 2013.

5 – “One System Down, Four To Go”
Now that Xbox One has arrived, I may not be sure what to call my Xbox (original, before the 360), that here is thoroughly spent over but still functioning now though that I may be through.

6 – “Non-melodic Notes On The Game Boy Player For Nintendo GameCube And An Amazement To Size Up In Collocation”
Nintendo givings garnered in, especially the Game Boy Player, here along with a favorite “Interactive Prophecy Timeline” of mine I liken to video game nuance.

7 – “Accessory To Displaced Violence By Acquisition Of Fabricated Treasure Within Video Game Affinity”
What is going on in video games that you already seem to tell, here contained to be explained.

8 – “Super Mario And Mega Man-ia”
Double the poem preferences, taking a break to sup-it-up, super mega style miles.

9 – “Pack, Man, And You May Pray”
When I used to work (not play!) at video games, I would forget to eat at times; here do not stall to leave off to learn to pray if giving to video gaming in times spare or sparse, wholly a shift to the life better, wise for you.

To read them is to like them!; to use them in life is to "do the Deux."


This is much for you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing. Based on my last entry (11/23/2013) for this Blog DEUX, on shifting from a video gaming lifestyle overall to a prayer-infused lifestyle specifically, please like in your own way what I brought to you.

* This entry publishing was scheduled over a week before the actual post-date in very early January 2014 as a second experiment in production and timing.


Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 12/20/2013 11:00 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: do the Deux. author One-X-One. blog catalog. PlayStation. Atari Flashback. snug plug. please like.

11 / 11 - Bonus Splurge

In spent entries for Blog DEUX I lent how the piece in November 2013 was the “final lap” finisher for extended purposes, and until the “Blog Catalog” in December about a month later called Do The Deux showed sharp. Saying this blog was a wrap with this “Bonus” entry positioned since is kind of like coming out of retirement, but know this, this can be it (as in all through done).

A read through of this entire write-up may take longer than a scan of headlines, sublines, or headers in a glimpse of highlights. You may really enjoy depth-seeking into it for as long as the length of a typical movie, for the space of around two hours on the whole. While Hollywood may be wealthy in budgets and revenue, Hollywood is known for being cheap in standards, with morals overall shabby instead of stately. For the time it takes to endure the mindset of a movie, for similar duration you could read all this, Blog Deux. In one sitting? Many do it for a movie all the time. Pop some popcorn and shake the seasoning salt and scroll, baby, scroll! In the splurge deluge, “Do the Deux,” you.


Little did I know that video games (and this is a blog space on “bouts in video gaming without being about game reviews” and so) have further measure applications. Late last year 2013 I purchased a pair of tickets for The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses The Second Quest. Getting there with a date was half the battle, and a make-shift arrangement appeased what alluded an otherwise achievable allotment (finding someone who would appreciate video game themes). Nevertheless it was much anticipated, and if you would permit, I can review in overview for you.

This was the only show officially sanctioned by Nintendo, one of the major video gaming companies we have heard so much of and has been with us so long. Simply because in looking forward to how a symphony would apply to a video game chain industry standard it was easier to be let down in bits in person at the big event. The Legend of Zelda has encompassed 16 enstallments, the latest being A Link Between Worlds. Now as many, and myself too, have enjoyed the symphony adaptation of these video games, the best part of this experience was seeing the turn out for the actual show. It was a packed house, and so this would be expected from this successful video game title. The end was that there was no show, but evened out in the sense that the one large screen above the musical performers showed off clips from these Legend of Zelda subtitles. In a nutshell, it was enough to satisfy the concept, but less than a veritable ideal for players who had likely shuffled their thumbs through the likes of any of the video games in focal point for this development that was featured with intermission and involved a balcony crowd. Put in place, the spanned video gaming worlds of The Legend of Zelda overall were combined on one huge screen while a four-movement symphony graced enthusiasts or those wishing to be influenced by the brand and characters of the same. Reviews online were mixed with appreciation and disappointment, and at least one even brought it to YouTube, even though tickets printed “Photography/Recording Prohibited” in warning. Would I recommend it, or go back again? It is kind of like when I lost my Ninja Gaiden soundtrack that was included in an expanded package for one of those recent givings. Very simply, I never secured a new copy afterwards or since, and will be quite stable with or without it. While some attendees at the event at hand in description here rose to a standing ovation, I did not participate, because I save such responses for the rare and exceptionally outstanding. Feeling that the show was remedial in intention, it did not finally move me in suspension. If in fact it was to imbue children at the same time as being an inspiration to adults, then it fulfilled a measure of relatedness. It may not have left something to be desired, but it did end short on arrival. Then again, it is about video gaming one particular patch of success in video games. It was not shabby, but could have been a bit more snappy, although if I had never played any of these it would have been a gentle introduction to a fitting flow. Less a production parade and more a spectacle fair of in-game shots. It was good to hear these video games put to symphonic movements, albeit balanced by the video gaming visual clips. The redeeming quality was the aspect that the quantity of many of the individual Legend of Zelda video games could be respected in one sitting, along with original compositions above and beyond the in-game soundtracks, as typically likely not possible if players were to scrutinize these video games overtly on their own reflection. In a line, worthwhile but not worthy.


Within the pros and cons entry, below us quite a span by the time I post this latest (in all likelihood also very last) blog entry were a few lines on bumper stickers, which you may have read (the entry, but would not have happened to have seen the actual stickers, or no?!), or else if you would like to take me up on the enjoyable idea earlier here about reading Blog DEUX in whole as you might wait for in watching a two-hour movie (and then you will notice what I had way down over there). In this case, I’ll have a repeat for you – then somewhat further on it.

With a self-designed special-order, but regular rectangle label on the far right of my rear bumper (that’s where the stickers get read!) and then a Batman insignia quickly getting outdated (new versions arrive based on what the franchise produces, and symbols for it vary far away more, as in dozens of times, than for sports teams that may change once or twice) on the far left behind on my vehicle, there’s a balance and an aside. As a believer this balance refines from the last part of the last verse in the sixth chapter designation in the Song of Songs (by Solomon). If you have not heard any or much of these things, I will quote it for you and me, all whoevers who are here this farther in. The Holy Bible version I read supplement plans in states, “As it were the company of two armies.” Then in the Holy Bible I study from it says the same this way, “As it were, the dance of the two camps.” Both are about from what is “seen” in the affectionate subject of this Song of Songs, and is from God’s Book, which I have also said as is the Holy Bible, as we know of it today. Find your way on to more as, before this article winds to a close, I can tell of another part of this same Holy Bible contribution where I find the mini-worlds of video gaming. Meanwhile, and in the brief wait, of the two similar excerpts just now, I compare it to my two blogs, Blog EINS and Blog DEUX. You are in the second, and, oh, they stand for “one” and “two,” this is the second (but has been finalized first), and, again, corresponds to the verse I alighted over. Both are steady as far as faith affords, and how substantial you find them is up to…you and what you learn, if you receive in a teachable stack. Back to my bumper stickers, the Batman one is from a video game is my point (other than all that, a sideways Star of David symbol could look like bat ears in two top points), but is on the left, where the more important one is on the right to generalized liking. In my “Pack, Man…” entry this blog, I rolled out to show about positions of directions in what I find “all prayer.” Here the right can be “eternal” and that left “temporal” in that temporal comes from temporary. It is on the seen versus the unseen, and it is best to look on the unseen eternal that will ultimately outlast. So, my “38th Parallel” on my bumper (explained some more in the pro / con blog list I provided, near the end), cojoins two scripture verses from Acts (2:38 and 10:38, from those chapters and verses). The two 38’s are catchy enough, but did you gather that “10” and “2” are nondigital clock positions for “driver’s ed” hand positions on the steering wheel? Therefore this, indirectly some, makes for a worthy car sticker, in one more way. The main line parallel, besides the 38’s in the numbers, is from if the viewer later looks up those references that both mention the Holy Ghost (for us in Acts 2:38 and by Jesus of Nazareth (and those that notice to be similar) in Acts 10:38, looking back on His ministry mode). Are you industrious for a read, nearby to search engines that help you look up this pair? As you may know from past reads, I do not always copy out every sentence I use, unless I need it for context. It counts on you. For now my blogs are two camps, or two armies, and it does not say they necessarily oppose, so they may be allies already joined, although different in slight. Like my two blogs.


Writing of Acts (in the Bible Book’s New Testament), there is a trip to a castle later there in one of the upper chapters. It got me thinking about the castles in Super Mario Bros., a traditional Nintendo video game in one of the first few generations (we are almost on to double digits, but know PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are eighth generation, which places the Mario Bros. I mention as the third generation, but it may be tough keeping track). Nothing much to do in the video game castles Mario and Luigi bounce, but there is lots to mine there, in Acts. When I was young I used to play my GameBoy by its light or a flash light under my bed’s covers; for some time I have had a better addiction to wholesome and little-by-little night-by-night passages from the two Testaments of my pocket Bible, often too by flashlight for privacy, only not in bed. Kids grow up, and now I went far to this blog with it, by the way.

Writing of castles got me thinking of real-world alternatives to the video gaming adventures whole segments of the populace exert. There is a spiritual war raging, have you happened upon noticing? Save yourself to right up to the righteousness side. The way is in armor you can wear, and use, to maybe upgrade based on how well you would choose about “all prayer” I have covered in the November 2013 entry, this blog space. Some, much, of it comes by revelation and understanding, and any strong church will touch on teaching of what I only reveal to mention here. It is as a real-world enterprise, sometimes a little more like video gaming, but somewhat very vital and more rewarding because satisfying in the spiritual climate we climb and walk. Back in Song of Solomon 7, there is this other part that goes, “Come…let us go forth into the field; let us lodge in the villages.” The Lord Jesus masterfully showcased in parable form that “the field is the world” sandwiched in the Matthew 13 gospel account. There in Song of Songs, the poetic mention of the field, going forth into it, and more is also the world. As a whole, the same world we are in is there, where this world is that “field” mention by extension. Perhaps, too, the villages to lodge in are the mini-worlds within the field of the world, smaller worlds of video gaming levels, in one sense. There again, please understand more from my “Accessory To Displaced Violence By Acquisition Of Fabricated Treasure Within Video Game Affinity” entry at Blog DEUX. Scriptures are replete and intermingled, though I do not quote here and there and everywhere.


For you and your taste for more of my tune, temper, and timing.


Posted by [ One-X-One ] at : 1/30/2014 10:01 PM Origin,
Categories: uncategorized
Tags: splurge. The Legend of Zelda symphony. Batman symbol. Star of David symbol. bumper stickers. castles. villages.


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